Offline play

No, I really don’t care about a little downtime.
If anything, this would make it easier on the servers by offloading some of the work they do for players who are doing solo content that shouldn’t have to compete for server resources with the live realms.
It would also completely eliminate lag and disconnects while doing solo content.


But nothing transfer over to live servers.

Bruv, how often does this happen?

almost never and old content is so easy if you happen to DC, you go back in and one shot everything anyways.

Your solution has a lot more drawbacks than the actual problem you’re trying to fight.

If nothing transferred to live, there would be no point doing it at all.
I’m making a suggestion that would improve quality of life for many players, not fighting a problem.

If you want to play something offline, there is a bazillion other games for you to play.

This “improvement” has a lot more drawbacks and causes a slew of other issues.

It’s not worth the hassle


I don’t want to play “something offline”. I want to play parts of this game offline that don’t affect the live game in real time.

I wonder how much storage WoW would take up on our PC if we actually stored all of the zones, dungeons, and raids and our characters?

That’s your opinion. I happen to disagree, and that’s ok.

You’re technically affecting the live game once you transfer everything over lol…


Way to exclude a crucial part of their statement.

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I’m guessing you didn’t bother reading the “in real time” part, and that’s ok too.

It still affects the game in real time once the data has to be transferred over while the game is live…

wow guys, take a computer 101 course.

Read above.

Actually no. The “game files” are graphics and audio data. EVERYTHING else is server side, not just your character.

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“At a later time” is NOT “in real time”. Please pay attention.

You may want to take your own advice since you quite clearly don’t understand the concept of real-time.

I am,

Nobody is agreeing with you.

other than the sock puppet.

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So its fine if I have to wait for the servers to go back up to upload my edited save files with all the transmogs and mounts I want? lmao

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LOL it’s funny that you think I care whether or not anyone agrees with me.
It’s even more funny to me that most of you are fighting so hard against something that would make the game better for everyone.

I’m not against, in priciple, the idea of an “offline mode”. But the way this game is set up, it’s NOT possible. The client does not contain any of the data that makes the game work. You would have to have a local server. And while that is technically “possible”, without getting into legalities, let’s just say that it will NEVER EVER EVER happen in a quintillion years in any sort of official capacity.


Blizzard is not going to waste time with an offline mode anyways. So, it’s a complete waste of a suggestion. You’re better off doing anything else during your downtime.