Offline play

And if they allowed it locally people wouldn’t have to farm it they would edit the files and just give themselves the item Blizzard already learned this lesson with open back in the old D2 days.


Come into thread, try to insult someone talking about hacking

Then talk about a single player game when wow is an MMO

Have a good one with your misplaced outrages

lol why are you all so hard against people getting more gold?

Personally, i would want an offline version of WoW that has no connection to the multiplayer game. A Single-player version of WoW per say.

Blizzard would be against you generating infinite gold since you can buy wow tokens when you reconnect to online

If that did happen, all your gold/items you’d unlock would not carry over to online play.

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They make a LOT more money managing the problem than solving it…

Being able to edit your character, as your character would have to be stored on your computer rather than on Blizzards servers, is a dangerous game. As someone else pointed out, it happened a lot in old D2 days people would edit their characters and go online in multiplayer with them.

Next thing you know there are full mythic geared players who have never seen the inside of a mythic raid or a +20, or fully geared conquest players who aren’t even rated or have any rated experience. It causes a massive headache more than just “Oh I’m able to farm gold offline now!”


You really underestimate the value an anti-cheat client with 100% success rate would have. Every online game would want it every single one.

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I think offline play is a thing of the past. Maybe after live service completely falls out of favor. I’ll probably be on my death bed by then, lol.

They’d want it so they can shelve it and keep making millions per year managing the problem.
It’s the same with medicine.
If they made cures, they’d have no more patients.

Being sarcastic isn’t insulting somebody, especially since the comment wasn’t that insulting to begin with. Let alone harsh.

And as i’ve noted, i know what Op has says. Yet you’re upset with my response and expecting it to be changed because you subjectively disagree with it.

Single-player games are Solo and Offline.

The only person who i seen being outrage is you mate. You seem to think sarcasm is insulting. That’s a you problem bro.

I don’t think it would necessarily be a bad idea, but it would have to be implemented in a way it couldn’t be abused and I just don’t think thats possible. I’d love to farm old mogs or mounts during downtime (still going after Arthas’ horse) but they would have to be very specific about how its done and frankly I don’t think anyone could do that easily.

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I never suggested that it would be easy, only that it would be good.

Oh jeesh,I see no difference in this when you get the same stuff on the trading post. :dracthyr_shrug:

This is one of this “But they maintenance is too long” topics, isn’t it.

At least it’s a change from the usually “gimmee refund” topics.


Wow isnt a single player game, it never was

Not sure why you keep trying to bring them up when OP never asked for that

Why you keep lying and implying that i’ve said that?..

What i’ve said was…

That is graphics data. Not the game. The game does not exist on your computer. The client does NOT contain ANY of the data that makes the game work.

The game is a collection of several giant SQL databases. I guarantee you don’t have the software on your computer necessary to run any of that.


Yea I get it, you like to just take part of posts and ignore the rest that instantly ruins your nonsense