Offline play

Should actually read everything before coming it and blindly swinging

^ This. It’s why borderlands games are as messed up as they are, but Destiny’s loot integrity is rock solid.

You are egregiously incorrect.

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What you’re suggesting isn’t possible. The data necessary to do what you suggest does not exist in the client, or on your computer at all.


I’m not asking for it to be a single player game, I’m asking for it to have a limited single player function so that we can play when the servers are down or when not connected. I don’t see a problem with this.

Why do you have to be offline to do any of that?

You can solo all thr content and there’s no other players?

What kind of private server do you use?

Nice troll comment. :roll_eyes:

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The “content” does not exist in the client. All of the content is server side. You don’t seem to understand how this game works. To play “offline” you would need a non-Blizzard local server. Without getting into discussions of that, let’s just say it’s not going to ever happen in an official capacity.

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As opposed to the “not troll” comment talking about single player games

Alright then

I don’t play with anyone. I solo all content unless it requires a LFR/Queue. I’m still queuing Solo and playing by myself.

If any company figured out how to stop all cheating they would make billions selling that software/tech to other devs.

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It includes your character, which is very much “current” content.

This would blow up with hacks.

I also think everything about the world is on the server side not client side anyway. All world, dungeons, raid, and PvP servers.

So you que for stuff, and play with other people?

That’s not a single player game

What I’m thinking instead is reenable a mission table type thing but only as a phone app. That way it’s still immune from the downtime the main game gets and allows some sort of activity that still affect the main game.

All of the maps, monster models, textures and everything else that makes the world what it is are already on our computers, that’s the gigs and gigs of data that comprise the install.
Do you think that you download the textures for armor pieces or the skins for monster models every single time you gain a new item or fight a new monster? No, you already have all of that on your device.

No. Money. Drops.

We are still wanting to farm the content for BOP Xmog and mounts that have a stupidly low drop chance.

Mate, the “Read everything” just became a troll response for “YOU DIDN’T AGREE WITH THEM!!!”… with fists shaking up in the air and such as of late.

What do you expect my response to change to by saying that? For all i know, you’re just upset because you subjectively hated what i’ve said and tried to control what i’m saying.

Nobody forced you to look at my comments. You choose to do so yourself. :roll_eyes:

The game files are on your computer but your character files are on Blizzards servers. You’d have to have a whole new offline only character and most likely nothing would transfter over. I’m not against being able to farm whenever I want for old mounts and mogs, but thats the reality of the situation.

Your current strength does not change by gaining xmogs or mounts from cata or wrath raids.