Official: You die yet? Megathread

My character died before even getting created, no OCE servers, that’s too “HC” for me, one life with 300+ ms, yeh no thx not even gonna bother trying. HC was over for me before it even started. RIP.

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I think a lot of people who haven’t played classic before underestimate the amount of misses/resists you get, especially if the mob is even one level higher. In starting areas you can kill the 2 and 3 lvl mobs at lvl 1 no problem, but once you leave, it’s entirely different.


I died on purpose because I was bored out of my mind. Then I made another char and want to kill it off already.

I just want a normal fresh and HC makes me feel like fresh for a few levels until I realize it’s not.

We didn’t want cosmetic changes. Plus, they couldn’t because it wouldn’t work. It caused all kinds of bugs.

That quest is green for me and I’m still not going near it.

this is a problem, I know it is just a matter of time for me also , this game random dc’s more than all other games I play combined.

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Two lvl 14’s (Pally and Warrior) and a 12 (Rogue) and so far, no deaths! I really love this!

ALMOST bought it when I was fighting 3 gnolls and someone ran Hogger across me, somehow I entered his aggro table and he came back for me after the player he was chasing presumably died or went out of range? Either way I hit him with a hamstring, slammed a potion and defensive stance and barely got away. My heart was racing!!!

Died to a Son of Arugal. Did not notice him wandering… oof


So far still alive. 15. See if I can post with her

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


den mother is easy as long as you have a group

now, don’t get me started on that mushroom cave quest… :expressionless:


Westfall blues. The mobs are downright brutal

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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Why are you even here?

I thought hardcore would be silly myself… until I tried it. I lost my first character I didn’t want to lose yesterday (and transferred them to era) but I’ve leveled the next one 4 more levels already.

I was too cocky the first time. It’s making me enjoy the game more and be cautious about how much I take on. I’m actually enjoying this WAY more than I thought I would.

So I’d say don’t knock it till you try it. And the world right now is SUPER alive.


I’ve had some serious scary moments. One of those level 15 harvesters spawned and took me down to half.

I’ve watched people pull 5 murlocs at the lumber mill and I’m just :man_facepalming:

Princess took a few mages out

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


My closest call has been when doing a quest in a Furbolg camp - I went to collect the grains, which alerted the camp.

I was 16 - and ended up with a level 18 Furblog, four level 17 Furblogs, and a moonstalker and bear that got butt pulled chasing me.

Thankfully, I was in a party with a friend - and we both had the ability to heal - so we got far enough for them to rubberband >.< BUT HOLY MOLY - that was stressfull.

Went back at 18ish to do that quest and waited for the camp to be overpopulated by players <.< hehehe


Since this is “Caputotwo” I think you can tell my first character died. I am back and at the same level as my first toon now!


How many souls has the elevator boss in UC claimed?

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Don’t you hate it when the only green shroom spawn is at the bottom guarded by a caster and a couple of thugs.

Darkshore is the way … go west young man.


Oh that pig. I was able to solo at 10 on my paladin but it was a little dicey at the end. Had to use a pot too.

The worst I saw was this morning … the bodies around gnomeregan. Oh my. People gettin cut!

Last night in the fargodeep kobold cave… where my original paladin met her demise… lots of bodies strewn about. Fell by a mass of respawns no doubt.

I start gettin a little twitchy when I’m in an area of a cave and it’s empty. Like… get back to the exit, now.

It’s just fun to me. I don’t know why but this has been a blast. Not rushing to get to 15 to do deadmines. Not making a corpse run through wetlands either.

Some mobs appear and you have like 3 seconds or more to escape/go undetected.

Other mobs already are in attack mode just as they appear. This is what scares me like the Westwood harvesters.

Caves are a no go unless I outlevel. Even then, I have my escape route planned

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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I was struggling to get the medallion of a dead guard in elywynn forest because the Murlocs were re-spawning instantly.