Official: You die yet? Megathread

Hey there! I’ve only clocked in about an hour so far, and I’m taking it sloooowwww. My mage is a mere level 9 pleb. When I logged last night, we had about 6 or 7 guild deaths already lol.

Curious to see how everyone else is faring?


Mage is 24, and I’m playing carefully at this point :joy:

Current deaths:

Mage1: 16 due to dc
Rogue: 18 due to a troll pulling
Pally: 19 died at gnolls in RR hyperspawn


Yep I’ve died. was almost 17. now almost 11 again >_<


I haven’t died, but I played for a few hours last night and in-game I witnessed at least a dozen deaths. In our guild there were dozens more.

Stay out of those caves guys, and only fight Murlocs in a group.


Don’t stop trying! We learn from our mistakes :heart:

I warned a guildie about the hyper spawns with the Kobolds, he ended up going agane :laughing: Also watched someone autowalk into murloc island, but not autowalk out


I put out a warning in our guild chat last night that the mines in Elwynn are dangerous. Another guy was all “Don’t listen to him, I just did Fargodeep, theres enough people there that it won’t matter”



I’m playing mage, and even I’m not doing that until 10 when I get frost nova lmao.

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Haven’t died yet but the Deathlog announcements provided much more entertainment than anticipated.

Predictions were generous: most deaths last night were 7-10 from what I saw.


I was one of the very first to die as a level 1 in Northshire to wolves I’m internet famous


At least the rest of your guild learned from that valiant sacrifice. Don’t go into caves.

Me, still alive. But will see how long that luck lasts.

If you think I came into Hardcore to skip cave quests, you’re crazy. I’m diving head first into that hell-hole Furblog labyrinth in the center of Teldrassil.

And whatever happens, happens.


I have a work toon and an at-home toon. The work toon has stealth, and defensives so that I can carefully play even when interrupted by someone coming into my office. My at home toon it when I can play uninterrupted. My “Work toon” is now my higher level :worried::cold_sweat:


so far, i havent died. i’m currently 12. the guild i’m in has nearly 1000 members. the huge amount of deaths seem to be related to princess entourage, kobold mine and murlocs

I lost my leveling buddy at level 4 to a duel. He came back strong!


Twice, I tried to do the Death March at level 1 for fun. Now, I’m trying to level.

I died to a yellow owl as a druid at level 6. Im not making it very far


I took an invite to a mega-guild.

It was amusing watching the deaths, but I eventually had to turn the notifications off, I couldn’t see the top of my screen half the time.

No deaths yet, but I’m only level nine, taking things real slow.


Alas, my bank alt (first order of business HC, level to 10 - she was 7) was doing the crystal frond quest in Elwynn “Wow, it’s hard to find murlocs to kill with all these people doing it”, when I went to killed the single one on the island… and two more spawned on top of me. Dead.

That was the first. She’s back up to 7 now. Gonna grind real careful-like.

No I have not died yet. Though I haven’t played much yet. I’ll report back when I reach level 25+ with my chars.


Nope, I’ll be hitting level 30 soon enough.

yeah i skip that, the mines, princess and hogger