Official: You die yet? Megathread

Is it working as intended yet? I died and resurrected at level 5.

the caves will claim thousands of lives/… their souls will wander those caves forever RIP in peace


Decided to give it a try, level 9 paladin(because of course) and only had one fairly close call with some murlocs but a nice priest peeled one off and I was able to kill the other two.

Thinking about making a druid also because I’ve never played one on classic/wrath servers. Will need to l2p for sure on something I’ve never tried before.

Imagine dying in WoW.

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Died at 8 (RIP whitewizardi)
Now back to 9 with whitewizardz
Being a little more careful and wishing mana wasn’t gone so freaking fast.

19 rogue

Some guy runs past me with 3 mobs on him, they switch aggro to me.
2 were ranged and casted frostbolts. No way to escape.

I thought it was too easy, never felt in danger, then this happens.


Don’t forget Hogger I’ve even seen hunters going solo and dying lol.


Hit level 10 haven’t died yet did see a dwarf hunter die to Hogger he was kiting him around and sent in his boar pet well the boar got butchered and he started chasing the hunter to the point I couldn’t see them both yet someone on general chat put in Caps Run Forrest Run Aunt Ruth is comin fer ya lol. I bout died laughing.


A level 9 died to wife and teen agro. wife/son conflict resolution was longer than respawns. I’ll own that one. I violated eve rule 2…log off anytime anyway. Crap like this happens otherwise.

Went to a paladin, they died at 5. I saw the other dude run away in a cave and didn’t think much on it. the mobs cameback…I own that one too. “Caves are bad” HC rule was violated.

3rd paladin made it to 7 then bed. She will log off when away. And caves are bad has been re-learned. She even found some nodes, so she has smithed up basic armour. 3rd time may be a charm.


Level 9, piled on by hyperspawning leper gnomes.

I’ll cut you! - Leper Gnome, 2023.

I was indeed cut.


Died on my level 12 druid thanks to disconnecting while riding the Thunderbluff elevator.

Was too broke from training to take the flightpath out.

Kind of wish that Blizz had considered adding an NPC next to elevators in the game, similar to the Zeppelin master where you can just talk to them and they port you down.

Feels bad to instantly die with zero recourse through no real fault of your own. It doesn’t feel the same as dying to your own stupidity or by overpulling.

Even DC’ing when fighting mobs gives you a better chance of living than the damn elevator. Was able to log back in in five seconds, but just log in to find yourself falling to your death.


Still alive at lvl 18.


About to log in for a solid 3 hour session. Level 9 mage let’s gooooooooooooo


Nope. Rogue is 9, warlock 6.
I send my cloth to my lock so I can lvl tailor at the same time.
I will start my priest soon

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Once they hit level 10, I am only sending thrm off on dangerous missions when they have handed thier supplies off to another character.

I just have to hope that they don’t die on safe missions.

City dwellers the lot of them.:rofl:

Nope. Level 21 rogue so far.

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Only deliberately to check out the transfer options. Those boars in Orc zone are wet noodles :wink:
I normally bite the grass at 20ish :wink:

I finally was able to change forum character to my hc toon. Here’s my 21 rogue.


Besides the Son of Arugal scare at lvl 13 in Silverpine its been pretty steady on my tauren shammy, lvl 14 so far.

Mage, level 12, still kicking.

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