Official: You die yet? Megathread

Yeah it’s not like retail, where one can pull indescriminatly and just yawn through it!

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i moved a lot of add-ons to classic era folder, made a Hardcore character and the moment i attacked the first level 1 mob i saw, game freezes…into crash & When i logged back i was already dead xD

Dead by Level 1


I killed off my first character intentionally so I could get it out of the way. Surelydead May rest in piece now.

My next character, a dwarf rogue, is doing ok at level 7. I’ve bounced between dwarf and human zones and I’m about to embark on some wendigo slaying. Well, later tonight I will.

I intentionally stayed away from hunter for now. Maybe after my dwarf rogue is gone :slightly_smiling_face:

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Not yet, but HC is mostly formulaic at the early levels and always having an escape option or avoiding certain things will guarantee survival.

Attempting Echo Isles at level 5 instead of going to Deathknell is a common mistake I’ve seen that has turned that place into a graveyard.

Two minutes before logging out haha I was feeling invincible at level 6 - RIP, we go again!!

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I never really jump around to other starter zones to pad my level, I mainly just try to pick around the easier quests first. Sometimes even just grinding out one more level for a new ability is helpful too.

But I could see echo isles being scary. Undead crypts was also fairly difficult to finish solo, and I left it for last. Mob density in there is insane though, you almost have to have other players in there to get it done.

Still alive at level 10. :rofl:

I was in Mulgore, around level 8 or 9 when I first saw someone die… he had pushed in killing the gnolls on the hill, and aggroed too many.

Shortly after, I found an alchemy pattern. Something that gives 4 agil, so I typed in /1 “Anyone want [pattern]”. Someone replied, “how much?” I invited them to party, walked over to them and traded the pattern, then went about my business.

A couple levels later, I was near Thunderbluff and guess whose body I saw on the ground, among the mountain lions?

:headstone: R.I.P Polskamoomoo


Found one in a cereal box once. Bludgeoned him with my spoon and before my cocoa pebbles could get soggy, there were 5 more in the pantry.


I died at 13 to Murlocs.

Rerolled and got to 10 before calling it a night.

Stopped last night at level 8. Only one close call, got down to about 25% and had to run away from some gnolls. Mage doesn’t get real good until I get Nova and some chilling effects, so it’s slow and steady for now. Not looking forward to the Undead Crypt, will skip if I don’t have a group, because, that’s just nuts.

Got down to 2 HP at lvl 5 on a hunter with a level 6 beast that respawned in melee range…luckily I landed the last hit.


Almost, was doing zalazane trolls and one spawned and immediately hit me for 111? Luckily I was able to heal fast enough. Made to 10 last night before logging

The best part of this experience so far for me has been taking it super slow! Chilling out in towns working on Alchemy and Cooking has been rather enjoyable!


I’ve had four deaths so far, most around level 8. Live to win! lol

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15 and counting. that is kinda stressful lol


I was finally able to play at about 1am due to work. I killed mobs in Shadowglen until level 5 (about an hour with coffee break). Then did all starter quests. Made a bank toon. Came back when my hearthstone refreshed. Continued questing and realized I’m still weak vs Teldrassil mobs so decided to kill more mobs until 11.

Then sent all leather, herb and cash to my bank.

I did almost die at one point. Caught the aggro of a level 8 elemental while I was level 6. Luckily there were no other mobs around to chase me. Left me at 4% hp :sweat_smile:

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Just had my 1st one on my little alt gnome lock. Shoulda known better than to head straight into that cave at lvl 3 for class quest. Had my quest items then hello respawn. ouch! No mana! I was a stabbin and he was a whackin. Lost that race. was able to get the same name again though. Will try again on Teensybit #2 later.

Why in the world did they program the spirit healer to call you ‘champion’? Ugh :roll_eyes:


Did they really?

Double Ugh!


That actually wasn’t too bad. Grouped toward the end to kill Rageclaw as he was a hyper fast spawn. As in someone has to tank him while the rest use the spell on his other dead body.

Those mystics north of Teldrassil…nearly had me twice.

Being a rogue gives me a chance to breathe and hide.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: