Official: You die yet? Megathread

tip: use fp to avoid stitches in duskwood


I’m at 10 - about to get my pet. Though, when I die I’m pretty sure it is going to be due to herbalism. Apparently, according to my party, me wandering off far away on my own to pick herbs was “reckless” and “scary”.

Gotta have some hardcore action Herb Picking!


down 2 pots of glue and a voidwalker resisted zalazanes skull but nobody died on our journey into skull rock.

live by the herb die by the herb


Especially when having healing pots, mana pots, troll blood (health reg), minor defense, etc pots early on are too legit to quit. Especially when I can supply them to my buddies too.

Like almost felt like I was pre-buffing for a raid as I was making my way down a road riddled with harpies!

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only level 7 but still alive. Honestly better than I thought I would do. Only previous HC was a bit on a couple practice toons the last few days on Bloodsail. Could be farther along but I like to fish.


I found your problem.

Island murlocs are vicious.


The respawn rates are great, I’ve been enjoying that. But I feel like they’re downright brutal when it comes to the murlocs. They’re in the camp, they’re behind you, they’re beside you, they’re running through you, they’re hiding under your desk to get you when you’ve logged off… it’s insane.


As it should be, comrade.


Yup, my level 6 mage died. Got too ballsy and tried to solo a level 11 rare spawn lol…almost had him till he started resisting all my spells. Rerolled another mage that is up to level 6 again.

hahaha, so true. hiding under a lilypad, patrolling the shoreline. wouldnt be surprised if they dropped down outta trees, like some fishy nelf. hehe

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Nope not yer and I never will.

omygosh your guild name is awesome lol


14 and a half , just did the skull rock quests and on my way to the barrens on my shaman

Not yet. I have three toons: a Paladin, Warrior and Rogue and am just taking my time with each. No rush, I believe the nature of one-die means a paradigm shift in how to play. I’m finding it VERY fun so far!

I have yet to die.

I haven’t died yet, got a talent point. My mega guild has lots of people dying around level nine. Guess I’m doing okay.


No, but I only got to level 7 last night so really haven’t touched much dangerous content yet.

I’ve played very meticulously in non official HC so I don’t expect much issues, but we will see how it goes. Next ~10 levels are the most dangerous.

I’m level 17 currently. My absolute delight is seeing some of the people trying to speedrun the game get punished for it. Maybe it’s a bit mean of me but nothing is quite like seeing some of the most confident speedrunners get sent back to elwynn because they didn’t respect the content.