I don’t think the issue is risk management. The worrisome part is that they legitimately believe that this hill is worth dying on.
It’s not THE issue. But this was such a stupid hill to die on, I can’t believe no one looked at it and said, “Guys, this just isn’t worth it. Even if we’re right, it’s just not a good look to do this right now. We need as little negative publicity for this expansion as possible. Period.”
And die on it they will, if they don’t get off it soon.
I am certain that someone did. I’m sure that many are, at the very least, thinking the same thing. They can’t possibly be that ignorant. But there’s some entity present that simply doesn’t care. An entity that “knows better” than the playerbase that is forcing these changes through.
An entity that has been wrong every single time, about every decision it has ever made, without exception, and somehow still refuses to learn.
That is Old-God level insanity.
Lets fix all the classes with this logic!
Demon Hunter - Double Jump and Glide now have 2 min CD’s and cause you to slip and fall for that “Banana peel” locomotion feel.
Mages - Teleports and Portals are now on weekly CD’s and Blink has had its range reduced to 1ft.
Warlocks - Summoning Portals now Require 26 members for activation.
Druids - Must complete a 20 part quest every time they wish to change forms. (Flight paths unviable if in a animal form)
Rogue - Grapple already has broken pathing. DO NOT FIX! Sprint now causes you to be exhausted and requires you sit down for 5-10 mins after each use.
Warrior - Heroic leap has aa 75% chance to become unstable and fall to the ground. Charge may only be used if the target is within 3ft.
Hunter - Aspect of Cheetah reverted to Classic version. If used during a pet battle damage to your pet causes you to be dazed and forced to forfeit.
Shaman - Ghost Wolf only useable in the Ghostlands. Frost shock applies the same slowing effect to you to maintain fairness.
Death Knight - Just slow them down by another 50%…Wraithwalk also teleports you to Moonglade for some reason now.
Monk - All monks are now required to spend atleast 50 years training in the way of Martial arts before leaving starting zone.
(I’m running out of ideas at this point but please tell me yours!)
I mean this hasn’t been the greatest expansion for them with some of the choices made, and lack of feedback on them. Most restricted race/class setup in the game, New race can’t preform all roles, Belf Male or Human Female visage. Then we move on things like this, odd choices in talent trees (which could still be fixed), Slime cat “clarification”. And outside of the talent trees it’s mostly crickets
Eh, this is permissible since that’s all simply a matter of taste and personal preference. There’s nothing inherently “wrong” with it. I absolutely hate Elves, but I completely understand why it’s only available to them. It’s just not for me, you know?
Talents will need refining, and we have seen a significant amount of that in the live testing environment. They’re sure to continue this across the coming years as well. Again, I can give them a pass on this one. After all, it usually took them a couple patches of interaction to get their gear-external power systems to a good state. This time, they’re not throwing out the baby with the bathwater.
But Soar and the Slime Cat? Those are decisions that make no sense to me. They’re treating their playerbase as an enemy. They’re trying to manipulate us through design, and don’t seem to understand what is inherently fun to their playerbase. And instead of talking to us about it, to either gain a better understand of our point of view or to better clarify their own… it’s just silence. That does not bode well, even considering how ultimately insignificant the mechanics of these changes are.
Paladins’ Divine Steed cooldown reduced to 10 seconds, but otherwise they cannot move at all.
Developer’s Note: Paladins being able to move freely does not fit with the immobile tank fantasy we have for the class, so we have nerfed them to better fit our idea of how a Paladin should be played.
Rogues’ stealth gives a massive efficiency advantage in many forms of content, so it now has a 30% chance to break at any time, for no reason. 10% of the time, when your stealth breaks, all nearby enemies will become stealthed, and this stealth cannot be broken. Also, pickpocket will sometimes cause stuff in your inventory to disappear and be added to the loot table of the NPC you’re pickpocketing. It will drop for the next person to kill the NPC, but only if they aren’t a Rogue.
Developer’s Note: In the next Alpha build, we will be removing Soar from Dracthyr and adding it instead as a special mount ability for Slime Cat. We heard your feedback that we should reduce the number of things we are currently doing to unnecessarily anger our players for no reason, so we decided to combine two of those things into one.
I was thinking about this earlier; what are your thoughts?
“Glyph of Soar: While in Dragonriding-enabled areas, Soar has no cooldown and benefits from dragonriding perks and talents.”
I would personally love this as a compromise.
Gonna come down to rarity, if it’s a glyph that’s a pita to get then i’ll pass not paying thousands of gold for something that should realistically already exist.
That should just be baked in functionality, honestly.
I agree, though considering how Blizzard likes to randomly put their foot down on certain issues and refuse to listen… Let’s just say that if Blizzard is going to stay adamant about their decision to nerf Soar, I’d gladly take this functionality as a glyph over nothing at all.
I’m also trying to show to the white knights that to me (and i believe many others), this whole argument isn’t so much about ‘I wanna go fast,’ but more about not being left behind in areas where all players can travel at the 900% speed. I don’t care too much about the actual speed Soar is in old-world content as long as it still feels fun and fast enough to warrant using. But I detest the idea that my Drak’thyr is going to have to ride a bigger dragon through the entire expansion because this supposedly ‘elite soldier created by Neltharion’ is slow and tires easily if he has to use his wings too much.
Blizzard replying about random bugs on the alpha in the Dragon Riding thread but still ignoring community feedback on Soar. Feels bad.
(edit: sorry about the formatting, I’m a total forum n00b)
It has been 3 weeks since the devs announced the change to Soar. It has been 3 weeks of multiple members of the community going back and forth on whether this change is warranted or not. It has been 3 weeks of pure silence from the devs in regard to this change. What happened to the idea of being communicative and transparent with the community?
Various class communities seem to be getting semi-regular communication from the devs with plans for future builds, thought processes behind decisions, and changes being made as a direct result of community feedback. Why can’t the dracthyr/evoker get the same kind of treatment from the development team?
One thing that I think we all agree on is that, whether we agree that the reduction to the max speed of Soar is warranted or not, the reasons given for this reduction do not stand up to scrutiny.
Then end of this paragraph is where a lot of community discussion has been focused. The idea that…
Which dracthyr cannot do unless using Party Sync, in which case they are likely playing with a friend and not a random stranger. In this situation the difference in speed is negated by the fact that the dracthyr player will likely wait for their friend to catch up to them before moving ahead in any quest content.
I believe this would only be a problem if creating a dracthyr was limited in some capacity that made it impossible for an average player to make one. If everyone can make a dracthyr they all can have an efficient means of farming all of the old mail sets that they may want.
This is also only an issue if dracthyr creation was limited to certain players in an unfair way. Since everyone can create a dracthyr (provided their account is flagged for Dragonflight) then everyone has the advantage, thus no one has an advantage.
Moving on, in the same opening paragraph, the devs have conceded that their exists/existed a situation in which dracthyr did not have a “drastic efficiency advantage”.
So, as long as everyone can use their Dragon Isles Drakes, there exists no drastic efficiency advantage with Soar as it functioned before the speed reduction. The solution to this so-called “problem”, as I see it, is to allow Dragon Riding outside of the Dragon Isles.
To be clear, I’m not saying that Dragon Riding should replace traditional flying. What I am suggesting is that the devs allow all players that have Dragon Riding unlocked to use this fun, engaging, and well received form of transportation in legacy content. The devs have created something that truly looks to be a revolutionary form of transportation in WoW. One in which players actually become engaged in getting from point A to point B, instead of pushing their mount button, pointing their character in the direction of their objective, pressing Auto-Run, and going AFK. Light forbid we enjoy our time in all aspects of the game we love. With this proposed system of multiple mounting styles/options, those who do need to get up and step away for a minute can still do the mount, point, auto-run method if they so choose. But those of us who want to engage with the game have that option as well.
There has been some speculation that the reason the devs had to slow down Soar was because it was triggering the systems used to detect cheaters. If this is the case I, for one, would understand and be more willing to accept that as a reason for the change as opposed to an “unfair advantage in Chromie Time”.
Devs, you have made something that I am truly excited to play. Regardless of how this plays out I am buying Dragonflight and I will be playing a dracthyr evoker. The idea of being able to use my character’s own wings as an alternative means to Dragon Riding was one of the key things that sold me on the race way back in April when it was announced that they would be their own flying mount or that they would have some form of Dragon Riding as a built in skill. At this point the change to Soar itself is not what is upsetting me as a WoW fan and community member, it’s the lack of communication.
It has been 3 weeks since the devs announced the plan to reduce the speed of the dracthyr racial ability Soar. In those 3 weeks we have seen numerous messages from the dev team providing insights and explanations for changes being made to all different parts of the game except in this particular instance. Please, devs, could you please provide some additional context or reasoning behind the change to Soar. It is a change that has dampened my excitement for this game and your lack of response to the community has exacerbated that dampening.
Ion gave an answer to a question about developer communication and responsiveness to community feedback regarding classes during the interview with Maximum. While this answer doesn’t really address anything regarding Soar, it gives me hope, yet again, that maybe things will improve soon™.
I guess I’m strapping in for one more round of “we promise we’ll do better at communicating” by the Warcraft developers.
end update
with the 4 major factions in Dragonflight being considered “reputations”, can we expect a nerf to the human racial, Diplomacy?
the way i see it, humans have a “dRaStIc EfFiCiEnCy AdVaNtAgE” over all other races when it comes to gaining renown and unlocking renown rewards in what will be CURRENT content.
I’m still surprised we’ve heard NO communication at all with this.
I’m not. They just want it to die out and people to forget about it.
I question these threads potential to change anything.
Blizzard in their arrogance doesn’t care about feedback.
The worgen tail thread and the dracthyr joke “response” to that thread is telling.
They literally wrote and then hired voice actors to make fun of one of the biggest threads on gendis that has never gotten a blue response or otherwise been acknowledged by blizzard before.
Maybe they replace the female dwarf jokes with “haha dragon people can barely fly”
We did it!!!