Official Soar/Dragon Riding Mega Thread!

Definitely a big step in the right direction, but i still don’t understand their insistence that Soar should be different from dragonriding. I do not want to have to use a dragonriding mount or a flying mount on my Drakthyr. What’s the point of having wings if you can’t rely on them to get around? Druids don’t have a cooldown on flight form. Worgen don’t have a cooldown on Running Wild. Please don’t force drakthyr to have a cooldown on their own race/class ‘mount.’


Testing in beta and it feels great right now speed wise.

I don’t have the whole tree but I’m down to 1.3 cd and it’s still noticeable when just messing around in the dragon isles.

The cd seems to always be up after combat however which is nice.

I would like the cd to be gone or just let us get vigor to use as a recharge.

I am holding out hope currently that when dragon riding gets implemented in the rest of Azeroth, then the “only in dragon isles” restrictions get lifted.

Right now the 4 min cd and nerfed speed still holds all of the critism in the old world and it really is a bummer to wait 3 minutes to fly around sw again.


Can you still fly/sore in the old world zones? or with this new change did they restricted flying/sore to only in the dragon Isles?

Soar is the nerfed version outside dragon isles. All the buffs of the dragon riding system kick in at the dragon isles.


I was thinking the other day while this Soar change is going the right way…I feel like a lot of the NPC Dracthyr can fly around whenever they want. I’m sure there’s more reasons than that to not let Dracthyr fly on their own two wings but it feels off idkk. Gonna beat the dead horse more, it looks stupid to ride a dragon as a dragon. Yes there’s vIsAgE fOrM but the point is…I have wings…gotta let me fly.


ah okay thank you for the replay and letting me know. it sucks it still the nerfed version and that they didnt take it fully away from them.

The Soar changes effect how often we can hop, and how fast our hops are, but it’s still not great. It’s still worse than the base DR drake. On the Dragon Isles it still feels absolutely terrible to use because after those first abilities you can’t gain any altitude and just have to stand there and wait for it to recharge. You don’t realise how important things like ascent are to DR until you get a version of DR that just can’t do it. :frowning:


I agree and would love to trade the cd for some vigor


Aye. Even just a few. Less than even the base drake if they really insist on keeping it worse. If not that, just have the abilities go on cooldown and recharge from use instead of from landing.

They said they made these changes because people felt like there was no point in pressing Soar, but right now there is still no point in pressing Soar. Since they added the ability to use the airdrafts (this is a straight up win), you can maybe keep circling around the areas that have those, but for the most part Soar is still a crippled DR mount, and using it in the overworld feels worse than using even the very first drake.

We have to unlock all the upgrades to still be worse than the version of DR people get when they first start out. :frowning:


Oh no, I agree without the vigors and a cap on the two abilities Soar gives you is just meh.


Once again I stand by this. We’ve changed the team’s language around Soar, we got our speed back, and now we’re so close to how things should be. We stand our ground to make Soar = Dragonriding, zero reason it shouldn’t be the same on The Dragon Isles.

No cooldown.

All Dragon Riding perks.

Without these the button remains useless in comparison to dragon riding. If the concern is players swapping back and forth for early efficiency between dragon riding and soar then make them the same thing, have them share the vigor bar and timers.

I do not want to be a dragon who has to ride a dragon, in order to move as efficiently as a dragon. You don’t even get that much after all the upgrades are unlocked. From a race fantasy perspective it feels dumb, it looks dumb, and it is dumb.


I want to look at reasons for why they would want soar to not just be dragonflying. I am not getting these from anywhere, just what I’ve been thinking about since they said yesterday flat out they do not want them to be the same.

  • Rewards/Cosmetics

    We already know of two rewards for high level content that are different skins for your dragonriding companions. I could see an argument that just giving Dracthyr dragonriding by themselves will then lead to them not having any real rewards from this high level content. While I can clearly see where this comes from I think it is flawed. Giving Dracthyr default dragonriding is, at the end of the day, just giving an option. Dracthyr could still mount up and do dragonriding if that player wants to. Additionally, I feel like most of the complaints come from people who don’t like the feeling of riding on a dragon’s back to get around as a Dracthyr. I’m making a huge assumption, but I just feel like people who are concerned about this (myself included) care much more about the immersion of exploring the Dragon Isles as a Dracthyr than they do what rewards we get for high level content.

  • Dragonriding is a main feature of the expansion and should be taking a spotlight

    By giving Dracthyr dragonriding, there will be a sizable amount of people just flat out not interacting with a large headlining feature. I take huge issue to this though because Dracthyr are also a large headlining feature. I know alot of people like to frame it as we just want this new class to be stupid OP, but I honestly just want to explore the Dragon Isles as a Dragon-Lite class. If I could make a deal with the devil so that Evoker is always a very mid class, but got full dragonriding I would make it 10 out of 10 times.

  • Having dragonriding as a Dracthyr would be unfair to the other classes

    I just don’t see how this is true. Everyone gets a dragonriding mount very quickly through the main story. Everyone else is a visitor to the islands and the dragonriding mounts act as kind of a guide. Also as mentioned above you unlock different cosmetics for them that the Dracthyr wouldn’t get if they are choosing to fly around as themselves. At best it is neutral and at worst it would always be a less complete version of dragonriding (which as mentioned above, I do not care as long as I don’t have to ride on the back of another dragon). I do think Druids on this point do have a more compelling case with their flight form, but still not as good as Dracthyr since this is literally our home.

In conclusion, I don’t like the amount of negativity placed on the Devs especially when people say they don’t think about what they are doing. Even if I disagree with all of them, I think the above three points are conversations worth having. I’m also 100% sure there are reasons I haven’t thought about. Dracthyr being announced is definitely what brought me back to the game, and I remember watching the dragonriding announcement and thinking, “Man, wouldn’t it be so awesome if the Dracthyr could shapeshift into a mount-sized dragon as an out-of-combat flight form. I hope they can, but at the end of the day I’m sure at the very least they can fly around themselves and I can’t wait for it.” :smiling_face_with_tear:



If they’re worried that the hunt for dragonriding customizations will feel less impactful for Drakthyr, should they also be worried about givign out more ground mounts when Worgen may not use them, or flying mounts when druids may not use them? No, they put those cosmetic rewards in for everyone, and those that want them can go after them regardless of if their race/class has some other option. On top of that, most people have their fancy and/or rare mounts that they love, yet they do the grind for more mounts anyways simply for completion and achievement points. I don’t understand why Dragonriding has to be the exception.

Secondly, Dragonriding is a main feature of DF, but if Soar -is- dragonriding, the only thing Drakthyr are missing out on (which would be by choice, mind you), would be that customization. And again, Drakthyr can participate if they so choose, just like how I have flight form, yet sometimes I choose to ride around on my TLPD or my Vial of the Sands.

And lastly, Soar being DR is only unfair in the old zones if no one else has access to DR there, and a vast number of drakthyr enthusiasts are willing to compromise on this. I’ve seen tons of people saying that they dont mind leaving soar as the nerfed version in old world, others saying that they’d be fine with Soar being air-swimming in old zones, like our current flying mounts are (bonus points if they let us have both!)

C’mon blizz, this is an easy win. Just let Soar be dragonriding. I’m thankful you’ve let it move at the same speed in the Dragon Isles, but in order for it to truly feel good to use, it needs to have the other perks of DR as well. Let it share the same vigor charges and talents. Give us something else for old zones until you’re ready to unlock DR there for everyone, but whatever you give us, let it have no cooldown there too.

As I’ve said before, what’s the point of having wings if you can’t rely on them for travel?


I would be happy with both of those nerfs in old zones. I would be happy if the trade off was Dracthyr couldn’t fly at all in old zones.

Eh, I’m sated. It’ll be fine for the next two years.

If we want more? Best to ride the wave of popular discontent when everyone gets “nerfed” again in the next expansion when we leave the Dragon Isles. And who knows? Maybe by then, the decision will have been made to carry the system over to the rest of the world and this will de facto no longer be an issue at all.

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Pull the rip cord, Blizz!!!


And do what? Normal flying is going to be enabled eventually. Soar is going to be just as fast as it was prior. You’re demanding they pull the ripcord while you’re already dangling from the parachute.

  • Make Soar 800% fast anywhere.
  • Make Soar work exactly like Dragonriding
  • Get rid of Soar’s CD

Pay attention to what is being requested!



I’ve made the same request. But I also know when to take a win when it’s handed to me.

I swear, some of the people around these parts would actually enjoy the act of looking a gift horse in the mouth more than they would actually riding it. To the point that I wonder if they ride at all.

Don’t get confused. This ain’t no “gift”, this is a product we’re spending money on and paying a subscription for on a monthly basis no less, and as loyal customers we are entitled to request the changes we feel are necessary for a better experience. Business 101