Official Soar/Dragon Riding Mega Thread!

Is this really the best you’ve got? Comparing Soar to other classes that have already been disproven, then, of all things, to use Classic WoW to support your evidence? Lmao

Here, let me explain to you a few reasons why this is still wrong;

1.) If your concern about this racial being “OP” is getting to raid a little faster, then you really need to re-analyze what’s OP versus what isn’t. Overpowered is a phrase referred to a disproportionate amount of power given to one party versus the rest that affects the game in some competitive way. There is no reward for making it to raid that much faster. You don’t get extra loot by making it to raid that much faster, and even if you are referring to transmog or mount farming, that still doesn’t matter because if anything, going to those areas faster helps the game, because not only do you obtain more loot and potentially BOEs that you can sell on the AH, that will help remove gold from the economy that is already drowning in WoW Token Gold. So already, the crux of your argument is a nonpoint.

2.) Once again, you have this weird idea that casting a five to ten second teleport is slower than 630% or even in the absolute worst case, 940% movement speed, when that is just observably incorrect. I don’t even need to explain why this is incorrect because arguing that any form of travel that involves manual movement from one place to another is somehow slower than an instant teleport would be a waste of my time, because at that point it’s just bad trolling, but for the sake of assuming I’m incorrect, I’ll do it one last time to entertain this weird notion; in order for your argument to be correct about Soar you would need to beat an appropriate cast timer, let’s use Vulpera’s Camp as an example again, within that window, you would need to be at that raid before the Vulpera from your starting point, where all the Vulpera does is need to cast their ability, it finishes, and they are there, so once again - another nonpoint that is just objectively false.

3.) Classic WoW isn’t the best argument you can make here. It is a much older version of the game that has nothing to do with the current discussion. Not only that, but no new content has been added to Classic, outside of very minor QoL changes that helped make the game more accessible and less frustrating to play. Plus - on top of all that, Classic is a solved game with years of history between illegally run servers that have been min-maxed far more than any current WoW expansion to date. So there really is no comparison here because we’re talking about a race and racial in a more current version of the game that has no ties to Classic outside of it just being an older version of the game.

4.) They aren’t full Dragons, well done, you are correct, they still had the racial. What is your point with this? If we want to use the realistic argument, then some shields, shoulderpads, weapons, helmets, belts and boots are way too big to have most of the races equipped because they would weigh too much. It’s a fantasy game with so many things that are so unrealistic that bringing this up literally makes no sense lmao.


I’ve said it in another thread but it does bear repeating, the two biggest complaints about soar are the nerf and the cooldown. I don’t think we can hope to get both 940% and a much lower cooldown. We are likely to either see the cooldown reduced but the fly speed stay lower, or the nerf unnerfed and the cooldown still be high.

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That’s why my perfect end goal is dragon flying everywhere flying is allowed and that Dracthyr get a capstone skill for maxing out dragon flying to receive all the dragon flying upgrades and just have soar be an ability like running wild (unnerf the 30% speed and just have it there until dragon flying is maxed… call it the Evoker green fire quest)

This solves fairness everywhere and it also creates a world where Dracthyr still need to do the DF content that everyone else has to do to get these perks.

Making it a mount also restricts it to only situations where flying is permitted…

It’s a win win all the way around.


Ironic, in a post just prior to me responding, you agreed that you were comparing soar to other abilities. The point is, with every other ability, it is slower or it directly takes you to a SET destination, the other abilities CANNOT get you to other areas in the world dynamically.

With mages, you can teleport to a major city, from there you can mount up on your 310% flight mount then travel to where you need to go.
With Druids, lets face it, you can’t instantly get anywhere, you’re stuck traveling at either 100% mounted speed or 310%.
With Dark Iron Dwarves, you have to physically go to any mole machine that you do not have access to, meaning you need to do a LOT of initial prep work and it works in the same way as mage teleports, it is SET destinations to where you can then mount up on your 310% flight mount.
With Vulpera, you have to PHYSICALLY head to the location you want to go to first THEN put down your camp, but wait YOU’RE ALREADY AT THE LOCATION YOU WISH BE AT.
Worgens are stuck with an ability that grants them 100% movement speed, its the same as druids.

Dracthyr will be the new meta race and class for ranged dps or spell casters if soar was given 940% speed. You can farm 9.4 times faster than those using ground mounts, you can farm 3.013 times faster than those stuck to regular flight mounts.

It is a statistically stronger ability to get around faster and farm faster. If you want a 940% soar, lets remove 99.99% of the gold from every single player in the game, drop the gold cap down good ol vanilla standards while dropping prices of vendor items exceeding the cap.

You cannot go that far, but it isn’t a flight form, and it has a fifteen minute cooldown, so what is your point here? Plus - on top of that, how is it overpowered that you can move from one place to another that much faster? You still have yet to make a valid point. No other mount has a “cooldown”, so what exactly are you trying to say here? Your points fundamentally don’t make sense.

Yes, you’re correct about the Teleports, but once again - what if they aren’t in the same continent as the raid? Not to mention, overall, the aforementioned classes and races will be faster due to the fifteen minute cooldown.

Plus, let me remind you, that all of this logic is coming from the same person who unironically thinks;

When that was in no way the argument, or suggestion. Travelling from one place to another has to be one of the most silly suggestions as to why a class is “meta” or not.

The fact you think you have a leg to stand on with this, because you are only thinking in single instances, and not overall gameplay, when this nerf doesn’t affect single instances, but overall gameplay, so your points of bringing up how you have to setup Vulpera Camp, or set destinations with the Mole Machine doesn’t matter.

So saying this is just incorrect at every verifiable level by just analyzing what the ability does, and how it impacts the game, when it really doesn’t. So even implying that somehow this race will be meta on the basis of Soar is just laughable at this point.

You still have yet to honestly compare this or acknowledge it with standard Dragon Riding, where most players will be spending their time, in the most recent expansion. Dracthyr only have a Level 1 Dragon Riding, and one that is a reduced movement speed at that, whereas compared to the standard Dragon Riding that everyone has access to is the standard 940% Movement Speed that can level up and be more efficient to just hop on your dragon than using your racial in every conceivable way outside of flavor on the Dragon Isles and the only places it actually matters is the old world content, which I’ve covered does not affect the game in any relevant capacity.

That’s all I have left to say, all I’m left with is the fact you’re just a bad troll who is trying to stir the pot on this topic. You have several people telling you that you are wrong, and presenting verifiable data that proves it, and your only leg to stand on is bad anecdotes that have nothing to do with the conversation or actively work against your arguments.

Any further response will be left on read. Appreciate your time to help further prove that the nerfs are unjustified. :slight_smile:


Counterpoint: Dragonriding and soar WILL make or break the expansion for many players whose primary interest is world content. And the fact that it is not tied in any way to player power or the big three, as you mentioned, means there’s no reason whatsoever to nerf the FUN world content players will get from these features in the name of “balance” and “fairness.”

That’s the issue. It’s World of Warcraft. World. Of. Warcraft. Some people fell in love with this game because of the world, not because they like GO GO GO ESPORTS EXTRAVAGANZA INSTANCE LOBBY!!!

Yes, the talent trees and UI are the most important things. But the Soar nerf and it’s (lack of) justification reveals significant problems with their underlying design philosophy and prioritization.

If the talent trees and UI are what will make or break this game, why are they wasting any time at all “fixing” Dragonriding and Soar when the feedback to the initial iterations was almost universally positive and has only gone downhill sense? They are currently in the process of breaking these features in order to fix problems no one has, and that is a huge monumental design problem that needs to be called out NOW, in alpha, while there’s still time to change it.

Need I remind you that “solving” problems no one had is how we got Azerite reforging, Covenant restrictions, conduit energy, and the AoE cap. Soar is merely the latest canary in the coalmine that somehow, for some reason, someone in the dev team is still thinking with the kind of thought process that got us the features that compromised the fun of BFA and Shadowlands and ultimately sabotaged those expansions.


But that hurts my fairness!! Nerf it!!! NERF IT!!!

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Within current content, everyone will be able to dragonride, and dragonriding is 30% faster than Soar now. You have no idea what you’re talking about and should stop.


I appreciate all of the feedback this week so far.

If you have time, please hop on the alpha thread and comment on their posts by linking them here, as well as, throwing them some up do’s if you agree with their feedback!


Well looks like some cooldown reduction 4 minutes and down to 3 on fully explored continents.


**Racial Abilities

** * Soar – Cooldown reduced to 4 minutes (was 5 minutes).**
** * Familiar Skies now reduces Soar’s cooldown by 1 minute on continents that you have fully explored."**


If they’re adamant about keeping the speed nerf, the cooldown reduction is a compromise I’m sure I can cope with.


Right I honeslty would rather the lower speed but being able to use it more often

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Hey Blizzard, make Soar the same as dragonriding and everyone will be happy :slight_smile:


Do not take this as an olive branch, do not pat them on the back. Continue to push for exactly what we’ve been asking for. ZERO cooldown, no nerfs, copy paste dragon riding ability as the racial. Encourage the team to veto whoever is grandstanding with this set of decisions they’ve made as if it’s something worth keeping in any form.


This is a good solution. I’ll take it. :+1:


This 1 min thing is a slap in the face that they think will shut us up so they can ignore us.


Well, I’d like to thank Blizz for reducing the cooldown. I guess I can wait 3 minutes (with the racial), it’s better than 5 mins definitely. I’d still like to insist to reduce it to 2 mins with the racial.

And the speed nerf to be undone of course, but I’m starting to realize they’re not going to do it, at least not in a near future.

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A current raid? Why should any one care? you still need the rest of your group to be there to run it! Being there first is not an advantage when it requires the full group to be there to actually do the activity. In fact, it probably helps the non-evokers more since evokers can get there a bit quicker and start summoning using the meeting stone.

A legacy raid for mount/mog farming? Why should anyone care? No one is in that raid with you, it doesn’t allow you to complete the raid itself any faster, and you are limited to one lockout per week for each raid! Getting there faster than another player is not going to offer you any real advantage, unless you’re making the argument that “If two players suddenly decide they want to farm mogs/mounts 2 hourse before a server reset, the Evoker -might- make it to one extra raid than the non-evoker.”

…And again, as plenty of others have said, the max speed requires setup. The time it takes to find a leaping-off point for optimal soaring plus the actual travel to your destination, in most cases, will likely be -slower- than simply hopping on your 310% mount and just heading straight there.


I have decided to not buy Dragonflight unless this change is reverted. I honestly don’t care about the speed or usability of the skill. At most its gonna be a alt character I rarely play. But I can’t agree at all with the reasons they gave. The person who is in the position of power to make the change has zero clue about the game. They messed this up 100% so what are they gonna see as a problem later down the line? I was excited for the expansion because it appeared they were coming back to form so to speak but this change ripped away the little bit of goodwill that was rebuilt.


Blizzard, I’ve been trying to get your attention on Twitter to no avail. I guess in addition to tweeting the same thing every day I will now be posting here.

Please revert the reduction to the speed of the dracthyr racial ability Soar in Dragonflight.

Please comment on the community’s feedback/reaction to the reduction to the speed of the dracthyr racial ability Soar in Dragonflight.

Thank you.