And another was farming transmog they can’t even use.
They can use shoulders and belts. That’s pretty good, right?
Yeah, but I mean … why would you when they literally COME with shoulders and belts direct from the character creator? That actually MATCH? And look much better on them than most existing models?
I’ve seen a few shoulders that actually look pretty good with the armor they come with, but that’s a different discussion for a different day.
This is important. People keep acting like its druids and hunters and shaman can use this because its a racial but Dracthyr and Evoker are the same thing. The Dracthyr racials are literally tied to evoker talents.
It isnt a “racial” its class identity
Again - we have stated this over and over again, no, it isn’t.
There is no grounds to nerf it. At this point, it’s just saying “well, no one else can fly at that speed so it makes sense to nerf it”, have we considered that they are going to be flying at half the speed of those around them in the most recent expansion as well?
Isn’t the point of a racial that is built around a new flying mechanic, supposed to be fun and competitive (when they already aren’t, because the devs have stated multiple times they only have Level 1 Dragon Riding out of a potential of 3.) with those around them on the Dragon Isles? Not to mention that we are discussing old content here, stuff that people literally only do for transmog and mounts. If you want a detailed analysis, look at my post that is linked at the top of the thread detailing why that doesn’t matter.
I still have yet to hear a legitimately good argument for nerfing Soar. These Blizzard shills are so bad at debating lol.
Still up for grabs for whoever wants to try to take a stab at it, it’s been over a week now.
I like the slower flying, the faster flying makes me nauseated. It would be great if they give players a choice to fly fast or slow.
I think that this makes sense, especially with those who suffer from motion sickness or otherwise, that they should definitely find some way to make that more accessible to players like yourself and I as well, as I suffer from motion sickness personally. Or add additional measures to prevent motion sickness altogether, which would be the best alternative so it doesn’t hinder any player interfacing with the feature.
It would make sense to have it as a toggleable ability to throttle your speed. This is the only legitimate argument that makes sense that is a compromise for everyone involved on both ends of the spectrum.
Exactly that “a toggle able ability to throttle your speed”. I personally don’t have motion sickness so much as a deep fear of heights. Its taken me this long to finally get use to Bastion, and there are still some world quests I cannot do in Bastion. I’m very leery of doing this “soar” thing.
Which is understandable - I think that it’s feasible as feedback continues to come through, especially as more players get access to the beta, it will be a reasonable piece of feedback given back to the team in hopes that they find some way to allow players like yourself, or myself, or someone else to be able to use the system without it causing any type of tertiary stress.
I still am a firm believer that the nerf was definitely unnecessary, however, with what you mentioned in mind, that’s a very valid concern and something that will hopefully be addressed. I’m not a game developer, I don’t pretend to be or know better than Blizzard’s dev team, but that isn’t something I considered much going into this. Especially considering the entire expansion is made with Dragon Riding in mind.
Soar doesn’t actually jump you up very high at all. The only way you gain any real altitude is to jump off something really high, like Nordrassil, or the giant sword in Silithus.
All of these talks about soar nerf is NOTHING compared to what is being done and focused on. And let me tell you people this the thing that would determine if dragonflight will succeed or fail is the talent tree, HUD UI, profession overhaul and how well feedback were listened to in terms of those that I’ve listed. Dragon riding and soar will not make or break this expansion due to it not being tied to player power or any of the big three and also it’s a side content that’s optional.
also it’s a side content that’s optional.
The Dragon Isles have extreme verticality, when questing through the zones for the last near month, it didn’t feel like Dragonriding was optional to me.
It’s not going to make or break the expansion if people like it or not, but it is absolutely an integral and necessary part of the experience, as unlocking, upgrading your Dragon is something you do as part of even the basic levelling up process.
Many areas would be too cumbersome to try to traverse without utilizing Dragonflying. I’m sure that you technically can get to most places on a regular ground mount, but I’d say 9 out of 10 people would rather get to where they are going five times faster than they would by hoofing it.
It’s a feature that is not going to determine whether the expansion is good or not, but it’s far from being optional, not in my experiences yet anyway.
Optional or it’s mandatory but dragon riding and soar won’t be the main factor that would be the determination of rather or not dragonflight will be a good or bad expansion. The only thing that people should focused on and be worried about is the talent tree and profession overhaul and what to improve on the HUD UI (in order to make some or few people to drop some addons to use the base UI)
but dragon riding and soar won’t be the main factor that would be the determination of rather or not dragonflight will be a good or bad expansion. The only thing that people should focused on and be worried about is the talent tree and profession overhaul and what to improve on the HUD UI (in order to make some or few people to drop some addons to use the base UI)
Dragonriding, the Soar racial ability and things of a similar ilk are a small sum of the entire whole of what makes an expansion good, flow and work properly. Plenty of feedback is being provided on talents, the UI, the profession overhaul, So you needn’t worry about those areas being neglected.
Feedback needs to be offered on all different aspects of content. People will give feedback and be vocal about particular features, abilities and things that impact their gameplay, no one can tell them not to provide that feedback because their experiences are what helps shape the direction of tweaks, adjustments, balancing, All of these things are an integral part of the testing process and nothing should be left undiscussed.
I respect your opinion to have much of the focal points be on those areas you are concerned about most, but the reality is that’s not going to happen and I disagree with you, but that’s OK, we don’t have to agree.
Thanks for the feedback.
This really cannot be stressed enough.
I feel a lot of people are looking at the videos that got made and are knee-jerk reacting to them without actually thinking it through fully. They see Dragonman/lady jump and go absurdly fast and immediately think it’s broken and so much faster then normal mounts.
But those videos all present Soar in Ideal circumstances. No video has been done showing both parties starting at a flat point on the ground, just out in the world like you might be while questing or gathering mats. Because in order for Soar to work well in the old world, a normal flying mount is needed to get up to that launching point in the first place, which by itself can take a decent amount of time depending on where you are an how far you want to go. It’s not like I can be toddling along the Barrens an suddenly swoosh into the air an be in Darkshore, I would have to actively find a mountain, get up onto it and THEN soar, which could very well take -more- time then just Flying and auto-running or simply using a flight point.
And all this is to say nothing of the fact that Soar/Dragonriding is an active method of travel, you have to remain present and work the system in order to obtain that insane speed, not just have the right environment to work with. OR the fact that ‘Racial’ is sort of a misnomer here because until further notice, Dracthyr and Evoker are the same thing. A ‘Racial’ to them may as well be a class ability until such time as Dracthyr are given more classes, and at such point Soar can be addressed in that light.
Overall, the videos give a somewhat misleading impression of the abilities practical applications because it’s all showing it in the most ideal circumstances because it was just people… you know. Making their own fun with virtual airplane noises as they swish around a self-imposed obstacle course.
Dragon riding and soar will not make or break this expansion due to it not being tied to player power or any of the big three and also it’s a side content that’s optional.
That’s fine.
I still want it unnerfed and its cooldown removed. Thanks.
Alright, use a mage portal to get to a raid faster while being within current content. Use a dark iron dwarf mole machine and get to the raid faster. Use your vulperas camp that you haven’t even setup to get to the raid faster. Use your worgens wild running to get to the raid faster, how about druid flight form?
630% faster movement speed of soar is 2.033 times faster than regular 310% flight speed and 6.3 times faster than ground mount speed. A dracthyr will get to that raid faster than the druid, worgen, vulpera, dark iron dwarf, and mage.
Have you seen classic wow? Have you seen the extreme demands people have made? If you want to have fun, play horde. If you want to have fun, play warrior, rogue and holy paladin. If dracthyr were allowed to retain that 940% movement speed they would be the current meta for any and all healers and ranged dps.
Edit: Not to mention dracthyr are NOT full dragons, they are hybrids with wings significantly smaller than dragons. Larger wing spans means longer gliding capability and stronger lift capabilities.
630% faster movement speed of soar is 2.033 times faster than regular 310% flight speed and 6.3 times faster than ground mount speed. A dracthyr will get to that raid faster than the druid, worgen, vulpera, dark iron dwarf, and mage.
No it won’t.
Not unless that raid is directly at the bottom of a mountain.
They’re not going anywhere if that raid is nowhere near a very high peak to jump from. Again, you seem to think Dracthyr can just zip a mile into the air from any point and go max speed at all times, but unless you have a jumping off point nearby, you’re NOT out-speeding anyone. The two modes of travel don’t compare.
Flight mounts have unlimited flight time, do not care about physics and have uninterrupted 3D movement. It is no-clipping through the sky. Soar needs specific terrain features to start at in order to build up to that full speed and it is continually losing altitude as it flies, it eventually HAS to land, whether it is at the destination or not, and Mt. Hyjal is not exactly your average jumping off point. Situationally, Soar is faster. Situationally Flight mounts blow it out of the water, you frequently NEED Flight mounts to get to a point for Soar to THEN jump from.
Edit: Not to mention dracthyr are NOT full dragons, they are hybrids with wings significantly smaller than dragons. Larger wing spans means longer gliding capability and stronger lift capabilities.
Man, this is a game where short Gnome Cyborgs, Space aliens and Space Demons on spaceships with actual teleporters and war mechas co-exist along side ye olde medieval kingdoms with blunderbusses and pointy hat wizards and dragons, to say nothing about the robot precursors with lasers an stuff. I think the Wingspan airspeed velocity thing might be the LEAST suspension of disbelief I am asked to endure.