They did this for CAD, too. It used to be CAD $15.00, and it went up to CAD $18.00. We don’t need an economic debate, as
provides exchange rates that conclude that.
My point was that exchange rates do not tell the full story so therefore exchange rates do not conclude anything definitively… I will stop replying to this though as I do not think banging one’s head against a proverbial brick wall achieves much.
A few buddies and I were hyped for the even playingfield with our return for WOTLK. For us it was the expansion we all started in and loved. Ready to sink our lives into it once more many years down the track - and all of a sudden the hype is quickly deflating with no oce server announcement…
What if I just didn’t like TBC as an expansion? Or that I don’t appreciate the amount of rampart RMT on the server?
Use your brain
And you think that there won’t be rampant RMT on fresh servers? Use your brain.
In fact there will be more RMT on fresh compared to old servers because humans in nature are competitive and want to be the best, Just because they make fresh servers the Indo’s wont go - Jeez guess i cant make a living here since people will all be fresh and want that equal playing field !
There are OCE realms already. Check the Oceanic TBC realms Arugal (PVP) and Remulos (PVE). These will become WoTLK realm with the pre-patch.
this thread is for an OCE fresh server like the other regions
hahaha insult me all you want at the end of the day Arugal is your home buddy, youre not getting fresh, Blizzard are not foolish
people like me are not playing on servers now… not interested in doing so.
adding a fresh will bring in more players not just steal from existing.
If the playerbase that stayed till the end of TBC are struggling to fill existing servers, merge em.
Get a fresh server running and as pops die off in a year or so merge again…
Making a decision to NOT have fresh is a decision to NOT bring back players to OCE classic. Any that do come back will go NA and OCE classic realms may lose some people to NA fresh
People like you… Oh no, anyway.
Do you even have enough fresh wanters to event start a new realm?
Just wondering where you bought your crystal ball to make the assessment that fresh servers will be dead, was it from Wish by any chance?
+1 for oceanic fresh
Fresh oceanic is pointless especially if they plan to open xfers after 90 days defeats the purpose completely and also splits the oceanic population even more there should be 1 oceanic wrath server or 2 at the most pvp/pve that’s it
Xfers will only open if required, likely if its healthy they said they may never open xfers
OCE has more than enough of a playerbase, just everyones idea of ‘healthy pop’ is so skewed because of these 20k+ pop megaservers on US and EU
Australia’s internet is trash, playing on servers in other regions isn’t fun for us
Only way i can see Fresh being viable is if there’s cross realm stuff because fresh will potentially interest players who would otherwise not play the game and even if it splits the oce pop it won’t matter cause we will all be cross realmed anyway
If no cross realm then terrible idea imo
Fresh will bring new players to the game in OCE, which means battlegroup queues for arena and BGs will become more active which seems to be an issue currently.
Arugal already has 8k players and yojamba 5k more than enough to not need cross realm for raids, Remulos also has a healthy alliance population
People spouting this xfer after 90 days thing as if its some sort of inevitability when theyve explicity said its AT LEAST 90 days if AT ALL. So theres an entire likelihood that it may not happen whatsoever yet people seem to be focusing on this as though after the 90 days its set in stone that xfers will be allowed when its actually probably unlikely to be the case.
I don’t think they should talk about xfers to the server at all for fresh that ruins the entire point of it they should of said if there isn’t enough population on fresh then they will allow xfers off fresh to the normal servers 1 way
I agree with what myror said in regards to bringing more new players to the game and can 100% see the appeal to fresh for some people in that sense 1 oce realm makes sense but i feel like its a double edge sword
You will potentially lose pop from normal going to fresh this isn’t such an issue for bgs and arena it will help it in the long run like he mentioned however it hurts other content like guilds/dungeons and server pop
I think a good middle ground would be
1 oceanic fresh server and bringing the RDF tool in that allows all OCE realms to be linked for RDF this bringings all our population together but also gives people the ability to choose how they prefer to play the game ?