Official Oceanic Fresh Request

No WOTLK for me sadly, if there is no fresh.

Blizzard could have least told people a couple of months ago that there would be no fresh on OCE and not let the excitement build. People could have leveled their characters and not waited until now to find out that there was no point in waiting. Thanks Blizzard, as always we appreciate your communication.


Spot on. What an absolute garbage fire.


100% agree. Feel completely blindsided by the fact there is no fresh OCE server. Months of building hype amongst myself and friends that were all returning to wow for the fresh OCE experience, has now completely fizzled. The cherry on top is there being absolutely no communication, in true blizz fashion


That’s true…guess I’ll be sticking to OCE for now lol

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This is my back up if the fresh US server is east coast.

Can anyone let me know what Australia time the Skyfury (PvP) will be available for us to test out? Is it tomorrow morning?

3pm PDT = 8am (if in Sydney)

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World of Lagcraft begiins 8am on the 31st AEST

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Arugal 23ms perfect, Whitemane 186 ms is close, Faerlina 218ms is bad experience, i really want a OCE server to play.

Well looks like it’s just about 6pm at Blizzard HQ in Cali so I would assume they’ve pretty much clocked off for the day and we aren’t getting a response from them.

What a bummer dudes… I hope you guys get a freshii.



This… You much have a much better connection to me West is up near 220ms. People will go play for free on pirate servers and get the lag and fresh experience every time Blizzard shuts them down.

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Hey Dirt! it’s cuteboy lol
Would have been cool to see you again on a fresh server :frowning:

RIP oceanic region


Unfortunate but not unexpected. It was worth a shot and if anything we proved that there is indeed an audience for OCE Fresh. It would’ve been nice to at least get an acknowledgment but again it’s not unexpected that we didn’t.

Oh well, I hope everyone is able to find a nice home for Wrath. There is a small OCE community forming on Skyfury looking to raid at OCE times, so anyone who chooses to go there will be able to find people to play with.

they care because the servers are so imbalanced due to noobs always stacking horde because horde have always been favoured by blizzard (better racials, transport etc.)

to further the example of them favouring horde, while horde completely destroyed playability for alliance on our servers, they started crying about the large BG queues that were entirely their fault. This then resulted in Blizzard chucking our region in to queue on to US servers, which ensures we’ve all got over 200 ping & can’t use instant cast skills/attacks anymore

So these people on pre-established servers selling gold & so on are scared that a huge amount of their population is going to jump ship for a better server

Anyone that wants to play alliance right now for example but doesn’t already have a character on the pre-established servers, they are going to quit really fast. Getting ganked over and over in an unplayable way isn’t going to have them stay excited to level

Can’t believe we have no comms on an OCE server like 20 hours out from release.

100s of comments, 1000s of customers waiting for a ‘yes or no’ and they can’t even manage that…

All OCE servers for WotLK are going to be screwed if OCE doesn’t get a fresh. Thousands of players will be off to US servers and likely will never come back, either finding a community on US or just quitting at max level because they can’t raid / find groups.

Literally zero downside to adding an OCE fresh - it’ll either fail in which just merge it with Arugal or Yojamba or it’ll be a great success and OCE will have another viable server for WotLK.


nah it’s not “ok”, you can’t play instant casts, so any pvp encounter you are highly disadvantaged
Anyone paying a sub to play on off-shore servers is nothing but a SUCKER, you are able to be walked on & treated like dirt & you’ll say sorry to the people who walked over you for dirtying their shoes


just say something like “there are only 2 genders”, the blues will be here ASAP


Shareholders won’t be happy when interest in WoW drops off a cliff after WotLK Classic has played out.

It’s almost like a decade of indifference to your customers will eventually come back to bite… oh well, at least Bobby got his 4th yacht.

I’d save my money & not re-sub
If I’m going to play on off-shore servers, why wouldn’t I just go play on the free WoTLK servers which are managed bettter? It’d be exactly the same except free

Don’t pay to play on an off-shore sub, surely you’re better than that.

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