Official Oceanic Fresh Request

Cry more Baby boy, just be better??

  1. Merge all Oceanic servers into Arugal
  2. Create a fresh Oceanic Server
  3. If it doesn’t work out merge the fresh server into Arugal

BAM problem solved


Bump! 2:23am here just woke up having to pee and checked to see! Please can we get OCE Fresh!!

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Here’s the problem. Blizzard initially was only going to have a single fresh realm. It was a PvP realm. Under intense pressure, blizzard caved and released a PVE realm dividing the fresh community into 2.

Now if they do as you request and add 1 OCE realm it will divide the fresh community into 3. But that wont even be the end because if Blizzard makes it a pvp server, OCE players will demand they also have a pve server. Blizzard will again cave and what you’ll get is a fresh community divided into 4.

With such a large split, it all but guarantees that no realm will have enough population to be sustainable. Calls will be made in a few months demanding Blizzard open up transfers and to consolidate the dead pop ones. They will be total failures.

It was bad enough blizzard caved in the first place and gave into the pve players. I really hope they dont cave again for the sake of the fresh community.

My OCE friend tested his lag on a west coast pvp server and he had an unnoticeable 170MS.

Even if we only get 1 fresh realm, its better then having to play on other servers with lag. Given the option between 1 server or none, i know which i would choose (even if unpreferred style, PvP/PvE.)(i prefer PvE personally) Besides it means more $$$ for when people have to transfer IF OCE fresh realms die.

+3 oce fresh!


A fresh server in oceania will keep me subbed. It will also get 2 friends of mine to re-sub.


Its the people that will resub that I dont think Blizz are considering. 10 of my friends will play IF we get a local server. If not they will stay on steam playing survival games.

Our RL friend group being split between WoW and say Conan3.0/Ark/Ark2 will lead to less time in WoW as we dabble over there.

Come on give us a fresh OCE


Oh and all those survival games have a store that is taking money that could have been dropped on a WoW sub instead.

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And if that 1 fresh realm happened to be pvp, OCE pve’ers would demand a PVE server or would threaten to unsub. You know they would.

As an NA player I played on Arugal for a time to test of the lag. It was unnoticeable.

Hopefully the fresh servers will be Westcoast to help mitigate OCE lag.

i am a PvE player. i dont want to play on a PvP realm, but i would easily play on that over a server with lag anyday. and you do realise that by us not getting fresh realms we will ahve to play on US servers (Edit: Which means you will have to deal with more of us lagging)
You are already getting 2 fresh servers and you want more when others get none…

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This is absolutely disgusting that they don’t even have the courage to respond with why they won’t give us a server- absolute cowards they all are


They need to announce an OCE server now so the news has time to circulate.

If they drop one without enough notice we will end up split across 3 servers…


You might have some luck going on twitter and @'ing the world of warcraft page and linking this thread

Way ahead of you! Already hit up that Brian bloke


You say that, but if Blizzard only made 1 pvp OCE server, you’d be right here demanding a PVE server else you’re quitting. Just like all the PVE’ers did in NA

Not even going to bother talking to you. Way too dense for me

You’re a bloody space cadet


Those saying the latency will be unnoticeable, realize Australia is more than its east coast, right?

Sydney to West US might be “ok” but thats best case scenario.


Arugal is overpopulated, merging remulos entirely into yojamba, and maybe skimming a thousand total active players from arugal back onto yojamba fixes both servers.

Too many players are mazed here, and seem to think a server with less than 5k active users is “dead”, when it was the size of a very large server in OG wrath/tbc.

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