Odd WotLK Classic Hype?

Not mine, mind you. I played since Beta of the original game, back in '04. None of this is new or exciting, so the hype I see around WotLK classic is…off-putting.

Classic I understood, of the base game, and even Burning Crusade, and I will admit the same premise is existing for WotLK; players are doing things at level, for the challenge, and not a sort of, and pardon my paraphrasing, “Level locked stat-squish and gear restricted challenge” in Current WoW (I dislike referring it as retail; Classic / Current sounds more proper to me).

But a big odd thing, to me, is all this public image, which I do understand by a business hook standpoint; get players into the new release, but…all this Youtube coverage, the behind the mind/scenes, and interviews…Blizzcon back then got that fix, there isn’t anything ‘new’ here that there really requires all this repolish, I feel.

I believe I somewhat ranted here before on this same topic; not understanding why there’s such a “Lets go!” energy with Wrath classic when all people wanted in Vanilla was to be power leveled (Boo), forget how it -was- a “ok, pick a character, this is you” and then get Quality of Life’d to adhere, and then on the flip side have the mental and typing ‘verbal’ battle about the Boost…When no one was complaining about the Zul’Ferrak power leveling gimmick.

Off Topic Fun Fact/Side Note: I had a Death Knight made before Allied Races, but sitting in pre-first-log pergatory; logged onto them recently and it was still the old Wrath opening/questline, and not the updated one that gets you quicky to main faction. Interesting interaction/bug!


well if you played wow forever you could say the same about dragonflight whats the hype for it’s just wow with basically nothing new. it’s basically just constant removal of things just to bring old things back lol and we already know evokers are gonna be like dh’ in legion and dk’s in wrath. they never actually add nothing completely brand new trees back oh boy i’m so excited and after 3 expansions of keys i find it amusing you have heard nothing of some new exciting endgame or imagine a whole new set of bg’s lol. people are getting bored they literally never add anything new and exciting and when they do say something like torghast they make sure to ruin it from what it was in beta to make people hate it lol.

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Ok first of all… Awesome name lol @ Kissmytotems.

Off topic I know. But someone had to say it.

Poont also think odd that people hype for lich kings wrath. Poont family not survive last time lich king got angry.

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For a lot of people, Wrath was ‘the’ time for them. Classic was pretty tedious, in just about every aspect, while Wrath there was (in my opinion) a good balance of difficulty/tedium, and decent quality of life improvements. For many too, the pinnacle of the Warcraft 3 story, and the death of Arthas was originally and is still now a big draw.

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It’s funny that you say this while saying this:

That being said, I agree with this person (to a certain point):

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The Vanilla to Wrath era was extremely popular and nostalgic for a lot of people so just reliving their preferred expansion is a big deal. Arthas is a fan favorite and Wrath is the most successful WoW expansion insofar as sub count. The hype around it shouldn’t be surprising.

Wrath is when boss design get a lot more interesting so I could see the allure of it over Vanilla which is dog doody as far as complexity, and while TBC is better it’s still not quite there.

ngl im honestly not sure what you’re going on about srry

but the hype for me is that paladins in retail are such cucks in comparison to their gigachad wotlk/tbc counterparts.


To me there’s hype for Dragonflight because that is something new; new race to see how good it’s going to have later sticking value (As in "good enough to get other classes after a patch or expansion), new area, and appearently new mount mechanics for the dragon you have as your own, as well as the customizable parts of that.

Where-as when you have Wrath Classic…I’m not sure if they are really pandering to people who just want to play that content “At level”, like I initially said, without having to play pretend now (though a little harder with the level squish). I frankly only saw the appeal of initial WoW-Classic as it did bring back at least the memories of the old game (Which appearently people disliked enough to need power leveling, QOL services and complained that it was too slow).

I just feel the publicity/adverts for Wrath Classic, all the sudden media coverage (that, to me, just seems like a “I remember when we” segment of a documentary), and the excitement for this is misplaced.

That, and I swear if we have Cata-Classic I will become one with the cosmos.

People love Wrath. Many consider it the best expansion ever. They’re wrong, but that’s nostalgia for you. So I’m fine with them hyping this one. Although I do think it should be the last one. Hyping up Cataclysm Classic would just come across as silly since most of the nostalgia blind who care about the Classic games think that’s when the game started going downhill.

Many people regard wotlk as the pinnacle of wow, even though it was actually the start of its problems

It doesn’t have to be new to be exciting to me or others.

Depends on how you define “best”. “Best” can be subjective and they can just feel like it’s the best xpac. As long as they aren’t claiming anything that can be factually proven false like “it brought the most subs” then they can’t be wrong.


Wrath is the last xpac with an original and intact game.


Yeah, but story wise WoTLK was the pinnacle of WoW. I think that’s a huge part of its appeal.

Even for those with no idea of who the Lich King was at the start, the game did a great job of building his character and giving you a reason to want to fight him.

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Yeah I know. I just like to say it with such certainty to stir people up, because it’s the same kind of certainty with which people have derided the game since Cata launched. While I have only ever had more and more fun. Well, except SL. And WoD. But at least WoD had a cool world.

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Not that odd once you consider that WotLK was the most played expansion in all of WoW. It would then make sense that it is the most hyped of the Classic releases.

Add to that, retail is in a boring place currently and we are many months away from a new expansion.

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Because at least each new expansion it is NEW content, NEW story, NEW raids, NEW dungeons, NEW things like how we had Torghast, Warfronts, Scenarios, those corruption instances from BfA, Mage Tower, IEs, etc. For me, I don’t need to re-do everything I spent hours into doing when it was current. If I needed to do old content then I would just solo Ulduar, ICC, etc. and you can level in Wrath in retail as nothing has changed except skills but the leveling story is all the same.

I am not saying there is anything good or bad about people hyping for Wrath. Everyone has different tastes and it is good for WoW. I was just commenting on what I quoted you about which you are completely false on saying “basically nothing new” when there is a ton of new stuff. I guess though with your logic FFXIV, SWTOR, all mmos that have expansions have nothing new then also for each expansion they launch.

I certainly never power leveled. I like the classic games because I genuinely love the adventure of leveling through the world. For me that IS the game, and that sense of epic fantasy adventure is just missing in retail. Everything in retail is not only quick (I like the slower pace of both leveling and play-style) but so out-there and disconnected from a more grounded fantasy adventure. For example, going to the afterlife to save it from an ancient machine is just too much for me. I like just going and warring with a tiny gnoll tribe who is giving westfall trouble, thats the kind of hero I like to be.

Granted, wrath and tbc have MUCH higher stakes than vanilla, but that’s why I have always like vanilla the most. The gameplay is still very much slower in those games, which is nice.

I think the people who get boosted are completely missing the point of the game and might as well just be playing retail.


Dragonflight- “Hey we took goblin gliders and added extra steps! Did you hear we gave goblin gliders? Hey do you like goblin gliders? Yeah Dragonflight has you covered! Content? who needs that, you can glide on a dragon every so often!”

WOTLK-C- “Hey remember when the game didn’t suck and all your friends were playing? Wanna try the game that brought 12 million players in?”

Hmm… I wonder…


Sorry I would never play dragonflgiht. Im just here waiting for wrath release date, LEETTTSS GOOOOOOOOO!!!

To me, vanilla was fun (on private servers, where it wasnt layered), but I REALLY enjoyed the class mechanics and everything else more on wrath private servers. Now we are finally getting wrath servers, I AM VERY VERY HYPED!!

You wanna know why Wrath is better than retail? You’ll never know. Because you ruined the game for us, and this is why we left it. We never wanted pandas, foxes, or dragon furries. We like being able to put our talents in whatever we want. And we sure as hell love wrath a lot more than any expansion onwards. At least I do, so that is why I play it. If there was no wrath, I will guarantee blizz profits will be dead right now and their sub count the smallest they’ve ever been. We are keeping them afloat.

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