Playing classic WOTLK rn and it feels so much better than retail

How are we defining peak? If you do a search for class design you’ll find me repeatedly stating that MoP was the best :person_shrugging: Only thing trash about MoP is the shattering happened in Cata.

Wrath is great because it is a Pre-Shattering, Pre-CRZ, Pre-Scaling, Pre-Pruning, Pre-Flying War world.
Cata is great because it is a Pre-CRZ, Pre-Scaling, Pre-Pruning, Pre-Flying War world.
MoP is great because it is a Pre-Scaling, Pre-Pruning, Pre-Flying War world.
WoD is great because it is a Pre-Scaling world.

With Legion came scaling so no expansion after WoD will ever be better than any of the ones from WoD and earlier IN MY OPINION. I don’t care how many subscribers they have, an expac could bring Wow to 100m subscribers and it still wouldn’t be good as WoD and earlier gameplay.