Odd WotLK Classic Hype?

Season 4 failure in my opinion boring completely remembered the dungeons and this is blizz’s new direction and the forums no matter what blizz does when they do add new stuff complaints all expansion long from all the dreaded systems for 3 expansions to all the AP to titanforging then we got azerite gear to torghast lol.
All I know the main annoyance in classic is going away in wrath and that’s the constant gotta mana up and the way my sham plays in wrath compared to retail means I’m gonna ditch retail in a heartbeat it’s not like they really been doing anything amazing for specs for how many expansions besides giving back stuff they took.
At the end of the day sure a few dungeons and raids same old thing again that evidently ain’t good enough to keep people subbed when the majority of people who buy new expacs quit in no time every expansion from boredom. I’m looking for new endgame I’m looking for a place like torghast like it was in beta I’m looking for new things like visions which they removed and gave nothing in return but a torghast everyone hated. I’d would of been more excited for 10 new bgs instead of flying I seen no one here asking for gw2 flying lol


I have never seen so many topics on just nonsense. And it’s so tough to read. Take some time and think about the message you want to put out there and make a statement. Then defend/support the statement in underlying paragraphs.

If I talked out loud with what you typed, I’d be met with confusion. It’s no different when written down.

Are you trying to say that you don’t understand why people are streaming this game? Because they enjoy it. And there’s a Classics forum.


Classic, TBC and now Wrath are all about atmosphere… “Current” Wow lacks any sort of atmosphere… you are in a hallow echo chamber of your own design and alone… mostly.

We are enjoying the Hype of the pre patch right now. I experienced it way back in 2008… it’s way more fun this time around!!!

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Rep Tabards giving ways to boost rep gains through dungeons

You didn’t have to attune or unlock heroic dungeons or raids allowing you to get in there with friends and family!

Introduction of Dungeon Finder

Professions are still relevant, unique, and i dare say fun!

Glyph system for more customization

Classes and specs are unique and have different playstyles. Not everyone can heal, tank damage, do burst dps, sustain, have mobility and so on. Strengths and weaknesses.

Barber Shop introduction.

One of the best pvp expansions with many specs and classes being viable

Justice and Valor token vendors as bad luck protection so you can get good gear from a vendor if you got bad luck in dungeons.

10-25 man were on seperate lock outs and seperate loots so you could raid more!

Leveling was perfectly tuned in my opinion on this one. BC and Vanilla were harsh and Cata was when it became to easy.

Introduction to world battle grounds like Wintergrasp.

Amazing expansion questing content that introduced the games first in game cutscenes like Wrath Gate. Followed up by an epic and memorable experience Battle for the Undercity.

Introduction of Heirlooms. It was insane to grind a full set let alone for multiple classes. You also had to mail them so not every toon could have them at the same time like retail.

The world didn’t get revamped and still felt magical.

Death Knights were really fun and cool to play, i like them currently better than retail.

Achievements were introduced.

Duel Talent system was introduced.

Memorable dungeon and raid content that was extremely fun.

PvP ques anywhere so you dont have to stand by the warmaster.

Strand of the Ancients was at its peak as well as isle of conquest!

More hairstyles

Mounts and pets now can be learned instead of being kept in your inventory allowing you actually to collect!

Professions had dailies too!

Argent tournament dailies were unique and different that many players enjoyed!

Map quest tracking introduction

Last expansion where talent tree’s were big and not steamlined from having 80 points down to like 21 or something to cata. So every level was a reward and it felt good!

Plus probably a lot more I can’t remember at this moment.

But yeah trashing or crapping on people for enjoying a game in the past because its “old content you already done” is just crappy. You guys wanna talk about how WOTLK was when things going down hill that stopped people from working together and talking yet here on the forums trolls are everywhere, no one can agree with anyone, everyones a bully and if you have a opinion you get reported. Why would anyone want to manually invite any of you guys to group content and deal with you the entire time?


There were most certainly attunements. You probably played after Wrath.

A couple of them were, yes.

Very Very Late and not in Classic, so far.

In hindsight, yes, great. Actually during Wrath? Not fun and not what we were promised at all.

This one really grinds my gears in Retail. I paid money for gold (token) to use to upgrade my heirlooms. And then the level squish did something funky or changed the way heirlooms worked. Tired of “Blizzard” doing this.

Because they were overpowered.

Dailies suck.

But yea, it was still good.

I’ve mentioned it elsewhere but I still firmly believe that the “scenic route” sorts of players who actually did want a more genuine Classic experience ended up getting chased out of Classic. It’s hard to thrive as that type of player when LFG/Trade is full of boosting ads and you’re made to feel like an oddball by a significant chunk of the players you encounter. Stuff like at the utter flustercluck that was Phase 2 on PvP servers also drives more chill type players away.

Classic needs a realm or two where the focus is explicitly not endgame, and instead on leveling, working on professions, screwing around doing silly things in the world (underleveled “raid” on Crossroads anybody?), etc. The sweaty types and those who are looking to beat the raids they didn’t last time have had more than their share of time in the sun… the remaining crowd should be able to get a bit of sunlight too.

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I’ve loved Classic vanilla and loved TBC classic and I’m beyond hyped for WOTLK. Retail has been dead to me since post WOD.

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I joined like in the last patch of WOTLK, so dungeon finder and quest tracker were a thing by the time i started. But I remember Massively enjoying the game for the first time. TBH I even remembered enjoying Cataclysm a lot too. The biggest problem with retail is the constant extreme grind, alt unfriendlyness, neglected professions, a huge gap between meta specs and worst specs that it makes the worst specs unplayable in pvp. The game constantly tries to keep you subbed by prolonging everything as much as possible.

Like if we just remove all that then retail would be a good place. I shouldn’t have to drop 50-100k for legendaries per character (back in 9.0), grind reputations at the slowest snail pace, and pray to RNGesus that a conduit would drop after the 20th time or a legendary perk of a boss in a dungeon, while grinding reknown out super slowfully and painfully… all just to actually not be dead weight… in random battle ground ques… you know the casual pvp.

Like in WOTLK Classic Prepatch while leveling I feel like any commitment i make, it rewards me and helps me on my way to cap level. Leveling professions, killing NPC’s out of my way for bonus exp, traveling and seeing new people and zones. On top of that making alts to level different professions to just well equip every character on my server on our way to level 80.

“Current” Wow feels like a car that has been stripped of all its parts and rebuilt with newer better parts! But some of the old parts are still there they just don’t work anymore…. And every two years you need to save up and buy a new engine…

speaking of i went to wintergrasp the other day, and the world battleground (not instance que) is super buggy as hell. And can no longer be soloed on offense, so if you can’t get anyone to join you so you can unlock the raid in wintergrasp you’re out of luck! I bring this up because your post about old parts not working anymore is what made me remember.

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I hadn’t noticed that much hype but then again I don’t follow classic streamers so I guess it depends on where you look? Idk. As others have mentioned if you’re inclined to enjoy classic then you probably have the fondest memories of this one specifically so it makes sense. Not too much mystery.

Classic has like 1/10th if even that then players for wrath so… makes sense no one really cares. I am looking forward to trying out Dragon Flight and hated everything about Shadowlands…

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You’re describing Wrath more than you’re describing Retail. LOL

Idk about PvE but for PvP not at all. You battleground whenever you want or at 80 grind out honor currency / tokens get your pvp gear, then hit the arena’s for rated pvp and thats it. Its like 3-5 battlegrounds a gear piece and i love battlegrounds. Plus with rep tabards and fun world content in my personal opinion as well as vendor and justice vendors for catch up grinding for normal raids wouldn’t even be that hard either.

Because it was a better game compared to retail. Retail has one QoL feature I miss and that’s the collections tab. Otherwise I am having more fun retreading old content I already did than I am in Shadowlands. I have almost no hype for Dragonflight. It’s also nice to play in the old world with current experience and knowledge. I actually play my class a lot better than I did when it was relevant and I’m having a good time with that.

Im playing classic just for retail mount lol

Collections tab, toggle new models on and off, transmog (could only work on you and no one else can see your mog) and maaaaaaybe world flying (hard maybe) on classic wotlk then i would never want to touch retail again. at least this is what i would prefer from retail.

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Oh, forgot AOE loot.

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I wouldn’t say I’m hype, but I played a death knight for the mount and ended up staying longer than I intended. It was fun to play Blood DPS and remember those days where all three of the specializations could be tank/DPS to varying degrees of success.

Wrath is the best expac to be a DK.

everything forward is just downhill for DKs, especially blood. They were OP in cata till vengeancy was taken out, then the whole spec was gutted and never to be played in pvp again in any expac after. Because they were just not good