Oct 9 Hunter changes, UPDATE - Aoe buffed more, still losing some ST

They won’t do this, they don’t care about hunters.


These changes are just pointless and just going to make BM hunter the least sought after spec when it is already a single class raid spot and looked past often in keys. They should really consider pulling these changes.


Another idiot move by blizz. Now what i guess i unsub since i will no longer be able to pug anything since bm will no longer be accepted into groups.

Why not just delete and say we made such a terible mess of it and its such hot garbage we will re-release it when its actually functional with all the changes.

Blizz best skill shouldnt be accommodating 2% of the game and ruining classes mid patch.


and apparently they continue to turn deaf because they do not know how to act, seeing and considering their mathematics to correct the skills, the offices must be on fire


Now you know the pain of MM and SV during the Borrowed Power years. If I would laugh, I would laugh in the MM-doesn’t-do-BFA-pugs dialect of Failboat.

I must cry, because I must not laugh…

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Time to gear my evoker

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I consider myself lucky because I love the entire class, and when something like this happens I will just move on to the best performing spec of the class. If they are all three not doing great I’ll still pick the best performing and make do. I feel sorry in this instance for people that specifically like BM and don’t want to make a switch. I don’t get what the devs are thinking.

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That’s the thing though, we have to switch to MM and MM isn’t great at ST. It’s just middle of the road if played at the highest possible level, given some anecdotal outliers.


Over dramatic a bit. You realize you don’t lose all the damage from collar. It means you can put the points elsewhere. Something other than basilisk that isn’t a ramp up. Others have already posted what the tree will be. Sure it is a ST nerf. And yeah, Hunter is going to be toward the back again. But, at least they gave a bit more to kill command for aoe and… you are not forced in to basilisk collar. And… Lower geared builds won’t suffer as bad with the kill command change.

Ignorant a bit.

Go watch the Azor video explaining how BM is dead. I’ll take his analysis over yours any day.


Now Survival’s tier set can add maybe 4% total dps instead of 2%?

Wouldn’t we just be better off using gear that has BIS secondary stats instead?

It’s a 9% single target nerf without counting losing PI please don’t post if you can’t take 5 seconds to look at the new sims or check the bm faq


Oh wow we got a 9% buff to aoe which will take us ahead of tanks and still bottom tier spec for M+ but not only that we will now be bottom tier ST where BM only thing it had going for it. Clearly you don’t know anything about this class or how this tuning works.


Thanks bliz for killing the “MOST POPULAR” spec in the game. whoever did this need to be fired!! The only thing BM had was ST and you killed it! I want my money back!!!


ok guys, its my fault if this is happening, i main hunter and warrior so blizzard keeps nerfing these 2 classes, atm im lvling my mage and paladin so the next nerfs are gonna be for them :cowboy_hat_face:


Oh and I absolutely will. Gonna knock out KSM real fast while the 20th anniversary event goes on cuz there’s 0% chance I’m missing the tier 2 “remasters” and then I’ll probably take a few months off and check back to see if they’re still making zero sense which is almost a certainty.

I have skipped entire expansions for similar reasons and I will follow through.

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Remove collar.
Buff base scaling.
Sim it internally before just rolling out sweeping nerfs that GUT our BM boi.


You really just don’t get it. This is bigger than a 9% nerf to our ST, because we are also no longer the power infusion target. For most players who are playing heroic aotc, this is whatever. They don’t optimize things or care if they get PI.

Yes, we can go MM or Surv. There’s some issues that are here though.

  1. There are better aoe specs, so a lot of hunters that were playing BM for mythic prog are gearing haste and having an off set for mm/surv because haste is mm/surv’s worst stat, but it was BM’s best stat. I took a mythic sacbrood and then bloodbound horror ring because they were bis for BM. Those items are now worthless to me so it’s two whole vaults I’ve lost. That’s a massive DPS loss.

  2. BM’s aoe in keys is buns, but other specs aoe is so good (frost dk, etc) that in 10s or more, I could actually play BM because I’d do insane boss damage to the tyrannical bosses (sometimes a huge 500k difference). My overall would of course be less but the aoe wasn’t so bad that it was less than tanks, especially in CotW windows where I had complete uncapped aoe. It ain’t breath of Sindragosa but it was more than sufficient.

  3. Justifying a raid spot. A lot of guilds are going to go down to 1 hunter. MM simmed higher than BM however because of movement, it was incredibly hard to get to those numbers. This is even pushed more with silken court not even needing a hunter buff. This has nothing to do with aotc guilds or low-end mythic guilds but hunter has no niche now and why would you play a 2nd hunter when you could play another frost dk. For one of the most popular classes, going from 1-2 to maybe just 1 is a huge crunch.

  4. The nerf to basilisk collar is perfectly wanted. People are upset because we told them this all through beta when the tree rework went live. The aoe would suffer because basilisk collar is a tuning nightmare. You can’t stack 3-5 dots on an aoe pack. It just doesn’t happen. Then, week after week, we got no adjustments. Now, after 3 weeks, soon to be 4 into the tier, they want to just pull the rug up from under us after we’ve made crafting decisions, gearing decisions, vaults picked, items upgraded. A 10% nerf to ST while not fixing the aoe shows the people making that decision are just willy nilly changing things. If I knew that the tuning was happening this fast, I wouldn’t have picked items from my vault.

Blizzard needs to move the basilisk collar changes to the 11.0.5 patch. It’s completely unfair to people that made decisions for their character and have all of those changes invalidated with tuning.


They were pretty close to equal but bm gains way more than mm with pi which made it not even close when you compare top percentile logs. Nothing to do with movement as mm is incredibly mobile. After the nerf tho you just play mm and pi gets moved to unholy/ww cuz it’d be troll to play bm.

What Blizzard don’t understand is Hunter (Especially BM) is the entry level class for World of Warcraft.

You get cool pets, Explore to get the rare pets and have a rotation that you can easily complete without needing to spending hours on a dummy.

I have no choice but to end my sub or go Surv, But i play hunter. Getting invites is impossible as Surv or BM as it is.

Blizzard is killing a spec that gains it new players.

Whos going to take a Surv hunter over a Assassin Rogue, Frost DK or Enhance Shaman?

This change kills the class, Let alone the spec.

I play BM because my ADHD riddled hands love jumping, running, shooting rinse repeat.

I was so hopeful returning my hunter from the depths for War Within, Spent 3 weeks gearing him for BM and now i get a change that has destroyed my most loved spec, Respeccing is impossible for the raid Saturday, So i will likely lose my spot.

Cheers Blizz. Entire expansion is ruined for this horrendous decision.

No mythics, No raids. But atleast i get 4 coffes keys a week to really flex my pet power.
