Basilisk Collar damage bonus per damage over time effect reduced to 2%/4% (was 5%/10%).
Kill Command damage increased by 18%.
All damage dealt increased by 8%.
All damage dealt by pets and summons increased by 8%.
Developers’ notes: We’ve corrected an issue with the Beast Mastery changes which previously excluded the baseline aura buff for both the Hunter and their pets. We’ve also adjusted the values for the baseline buff up, to better reach our target goals. Our intended tuning change for Beast Mastery is intended to be relatively neutral for single target, while increasing AoE performance, which was behind where it should be.
I try really hard to not be a doomer or to act like the sky is falling. However these bm chamges are pretty horrendous. We need more up front aoe for m+ this doesnt really solve that but it does make the one thing we are decent at(st) and also makes it trash. We were very propped up by PI and now were near the bottom of all specs for both ST and AoE.
On bright side, dark ranger St as MM like haste/crit so most BM wont have trouble swapping. but i feel for my brothers who got gutted, i only pray the 11.05 is very soon as it is a nice rework to both mm and bm.
Awful changes. HUGE single target nerf to BM which is the only thing it’s decent at right now. Pre-Mythic raid week BM was below Dev Evoker in single target sims yet dev evoker received buffs? Now this huge ST nerf to BM on top of that? Blizz you really have to stop going off of warcraft logs data if you don’t understand what you are looking at. Not every BM hunter in every raid has access to this problem you have created with PI. You made over corrections to multiple specs in Amirdrassil because of PI too and completely gutted some of those specs you made changes to. Stop.
Can only recommend to address BM ST - with a meaningful buff. While the Basilisk Collar nerf was to be expected, it created a meaningful gap for our single target that simply buffs to Pet Damage and Kill Command can’t address.
What would be a great middle point would be doubling the value of the Kill Command Buff but reducing some of the Beast Cleave / Kill Cleave conversion down from 90% to 85%. This would not only help Pack Leader a bit as a Hero Talent but wouldn’t hurt the ST Damage in such a significant way while our AoE still remains buffed. (Napkin Math)
Great, so now I won’t get to do CE prog, being the 2nd hunter in my raid group. They didn’t have to be so heavy with the ST nerf. The AOE buff doesn’t even make BM the better AOE/M+ spec. They could buff KC/pet dmg to bring the BM ST back up to where it was and still be fine on the AOE side. There’s no reason for this.