Oct 9 Hunter changes, UPDATE - Aoe buffed more, still losing some ST

We were ST boss killers, but these changes nuke our ST damage and make our terrible AoE slightly less terrible, but still bad.


How does a 9% ST nerf equate to being moved to boss killer


I am trying to figure out what role they are adjusting us for.

They’re trying to fix our AoE, but the BC nerf was moved up from the 11.0.5 patch and without everything else in that patch, they’ve just made BM bad in AoE still and now bad in ST as well. It takes away the only niche role we had.


So we are in limbo until the patch.
When is it due?

If I wanted to play a caster class, I would play Warlock or Mage. But I don’t like those classes. The whole point of BM, at least for me, is being able to do your rotation while moving.

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They cared when a bunch of people left the game during Shadowlands. It’s logical they would also care if people who only main BM leaves the game. Specially considering it’s one of the most, if not the most, played classes.

I couldn’t agree more. If millions leave. Yes.

If two or three, or 10 leaves. I doubt they care.

So unless we can get ALOT of BM Hunters to leave the game. I don’t see how it’ll impact their revenue.

I’m at 613. I only get accepted into +2s. Highest I’ve done so far is a +3.

People aware of the BM issues don’t invite you.
People unaware, leave during the run because they think I’m not using the class properly. At least, they would shut up after the first boss, but now we won’t even have that.

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Whoever is working on BM must really really hate the playerbase that plays it. And to think their fix is making it even worse i mean were practically paying to play Beta now. The differences between speccs is insane. And BM just gets completely shat on for some reason even though a huge portion of the playerbase plays Hunter with alot of them prefering BM. Its afaik only “bested” by Paladins in terms of playernumbers. Why arent playervoices heard? How is this allowed to reach live even? I honestly feel like if your playing BM at this point you should request a refund for this expansion and wait until they fixed it.


How does this happen? How easy is it to pass balance changes? Can anyone make a change willy-nilly? Or do they need to go through multiple people?

I thought it was the latter, but it is baffling that everyone in this supposed chain of okays somehow missed the glaring issues with these BM changes.



  • Beast Mastery
    • Basilisk Collar damage bonus per damage over time effect reduced to 2%/4% (was 5%/10%).

    • Kill Command damage increased by 18%.

    • All damage dealt increased by 8%.

    • All damage dealt by pets and summons increased by 8%.

      • Developers’ notes: We’ve corrected an issue with the Beast Mastery changes which previously excluded the baseline aura buff for both the Hunter and their pets. We’ve also adjusted the values for the baseline buff up, to better reach our target goals. Our intended tuning change for Beast Mastery is intended to be relatively neutral for single target, while increasing AoE performance, which was behind where it should be.

BM is saved, 2-3% dps gain!


AYO WE DID IT. Lets goooo! lol


I mean you should be the highest or one of the highest for every boss fight in Mythic+ before the changes go through.

This is what class consciousness and solidarity looks like (in World of Warcraft)! Great job everyone. Thanks for speaking up.


they put numbers down wrong possibly it 8% only not double dip. So we might have ST lost and smaller AOE

Yea, turns out this is a 5% nerf to ST still. Please go make your voices heard (in a respectful manner) over in the main post.


I very highly doubt we get them to change it again.

It can’t hurt to try. They did say in the dev note their goal was for it to be neutral for ST. This isn’t neutral.

We keep getting BAITED.

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