Oceanic War Mode is BROKEN

You have a point here. Blizz should never have given talents to war mode players. I mean our base classes are an empty husk of their former selves as it is so what does blizz do? They cut yet more out of them and gate it behind war mode. SMH.

I agree with you in this regard 100%.


We play in eternal darkness here.

We don’t need the horde to be edgy.

Never seeing the sun…changes a person. Alliance can be emo edgy too in the OCE. So…there is why the high numbers.

I only get to see the sun of azeroth on the weekends. When I can play at 0700 local time or stay up till 0100.


Aye it’s funny, I have a good old chuckle when I think about it. Not only are the horde outnumbered on oceanic but they get the lesser leveling bonus to boot.


Fixing the day-night cycle needs to be done at the same time if this is attended to. :confused:

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Blizzard needs to create more reasons to play Alliance not less in any region. They need more Alliance overall.

Frostmourne is one of the few remaining large alliance servers in the Americas and OCE is the only region where alliance outnumber Horde. Let us enjoy our small and mostly irrelevant advantage here while Horde enjoy it everywhere else.

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Yeah nah you guys should get 10% only see how many of you actually turn it in then.


Alliance races are lame… you deserve a 30% bonus for playing them.

fat human
short fat human
short fat dark edgelord human
shorter skinny human
shorter skinny half human half robot
Tall human with pointy ears
Emo Tall human with pointy ears
Human that turns into a Furry


I am pretty sure in NA, very few alliance are turning it on to level with 30% bonus right now.

If alliance only got 10%, they wouldn’t bother turning it on at all and all your warmode bonuses would disappear because horde would have no reason to have it.

The easiest long term fix to all your problems is just to remove your ability to group with NA in world content. Go back to how it was in MoP. Well it would be worse for you than in MoP since you would not only not be able to group with NA, you also would have your population split into warmode and non warmode.

Short term, if sharding is as aggressive as it appears to be based on the threads - group up. If only 5-10 people are being put in a shard then you force a faction balance.

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I have to agree - I was never a warmode person until I came back and decided to try it and then noticed how many awesome abilities or good passives were attached to warmode—some which make the class you play sooooo much better. Which is very bad on Blizzard for sure.

I agree with OP that Oceanic should have their own server and not be connected to the NA servers.

Heck - I think Canada needs their own server separate from the US - As a Canadian I would seriously love that as those realms everyone would be saying hello, waving at each other and saying sorry haha. Anyways :slight_smile:

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They have their own servers. They have the ability to group with NA though which is what is causing problems.

As a Canadian I don’t want Canadian servers as the game is now.


The fact the company has known of this for so long tells me they do not give a flying **** about fair gameplay! I can’t see how this issue has been so ignored for so long. If I could I would just transfer all my characters off the OCE servers due to the rather poor CS they receive on a daily basis. but the price would be so steep and not worth the cost and I live in the US. But play Oce cause all my friends are located there and I love playing with them even if I still get 237 world and 230 home latency all the time. and that is even on my new Computer even.

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Poor Oceanians :tired_face:

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How about you come play Horde on the OCE server and run around in WM and see how you would like it? I mean the company gave into the whining and crying and gave the buff when they never should have when they KNEW it was going to be broken on the OCE servers. Maybe you need to understand the issue better before making stupid comments.


His point is that the 30% buff encourages even more alliance to turn war mode on, which makes the imbalance even worse. Which is the opposite of what WM is supposed to achieve.


He can run around as alliance in NA. Why would he need to go to an oceanic server to experience faction imbalance.

I doubt it does that in NA. The reason it is that high is because alliance wasn’t turning it on. And before that extra bonus, the same thing happened horde side in NA, more horde turned it on for the 10% even though they weren’t interested in PvP because they outnumbered alliance so much in shards so that they got a free bonus.

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We also got a 30% increase in sub fees. So I guess that means we’re good enough to be our own region, we’re good enough to have working warmode balance, day/night cycles etc etc


I would love to see that. Means your own forum too. I vote yes for all that.

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I’m trying to feel sorry for you. I really am.

But considering how hard alliance get screwed on US and EU, I just can’t.

While they should fix it, I’m just out of sympathy.


Sorry - but how dare you not want Canadian servers!! In all seriousness you are probably right as of now. XD

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Just turn warmode off mate or swap faction

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