[Oceanic Region] - Stop intentionally killing our region (Shadowstrike AU)

Reminder aussie players do want this ignore the pleb

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Melee classes on 200 latency enjoy your reduced parses and response time in pvp :clown_face::clown_face::clown_face:

Most players don’t want this its just a few on pve penance that are scared of being merged onto pvp shadowstrike.

outside of that most don’t want this and think its a poor bandaid fix.

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PvEr’s thinking the latency change will only affect pvp are under some serious copium and in for a shock surprise

We already know because they did this to us in season of mastery on swamp of sorrows its exactly why most are against it a 2nd time like 90% of the oceanic community quit due to 1 of the following

1.Didn’t want to play NA at all
2.OCE server died because they opened transfers to NA intentionally killing our server
3.They got onto Jomgabbar NA were on 240-300 ping quit instantly
4.Played around 2 weeks on NA ping and then quit the game

90% of the entire oceanic community fell into 1 of these 4 outcomes the remaining 10% stuck on NA with awful ping and suffered.

I don’t think SoM is a great example for why the Oce servers died. SoM fell pretty hard on its face across all regions.

I’ve played a bit on US servers in Classic, SoM and HC. I honestly don’t think it’s as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Certainly not as unplayable as it was 20 years ago.

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Considering they opened server transfers and within 3 weeks our server was dead it 100% is a good example this is in phase 1 close to phase 2.

The ping impact is worse for melee than casters and 100% does impact gameplay is it unplayable no but nobody said its unplayable.

It’s also not as bad as 20 years ago i agree but why are we settling for medicore bandaid fixes what kind of solution is oh btw we are gonna kill your entire region go play on 200-300ms NA that isn’t a solution its a slap in the face to the oceanic community.

I’ve suggested a way that can resolve the issue without any drawbacks but SOD dev team are lazy and cbf putting in the work to provide a optimal solution.

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If you’re on OCE and they go ahead with NA merger level your casters as melee will be borderline unplayable

OCE servers are only justifiable in massive popular games, unfortunately WoW classic lose a lot of its player base overtime to justify a tiny server for OCE.

Two reasons for this problem with two easy fixes.

1.Revert GDKP ban which is what caused sod to lose over 300k players within a week of ban.

2.Merge Penance AU with Shadowstrike AU

Problem solved

Levelled a Warrior on Whitemane in Classic. Again, really wasn’t that bad.

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That’s subjective though i played a warrior in som when we had to go NA i quit som after 2 weeks on NA ping that was also using Exit lag to get down from 240ms to 200ish it was still terrible.

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Leveling a warrior and playing the game in raid setting in a competitive manner.

These two are very different things

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Oceanic is dead. Merg it.


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Oceanic is well alive and kicking see active guilds oceanic for proof.


I’m keen for the merge into NA. I’m sick of being on a dead server.

Elron doesn’t speak for the OCE community. His comments clearly show his own self interest / bias in the way he talks about Penace.

WoW is a community based game, not at FPS / MOBA. Community is more important to the game than getting that 100 parse or top end PvP. The state of PvP in SoD is a joke anyway. I’ve played on 200ms ping servers (and worse), it isn’t that bad.

I wish they would hurry up and start the process. Shadowstrike is grim as hell these days. The only time you can form groups is like 5pm-9pm server time.


Eh. It’s a 20 year old dad game, I’m pretty nonplussed about being 99th percentile DPS. I’m just glad to be having something fun to play, and am happy to play with more people in exchange for an insubstantial increase to my latency (which is still better than the connection I used to play on in 2005, anyway).

Fair enough if you enjoy competitive play. But all these old games eventually lose the critical mass of Oceanic players to justify continued existence. I can’t play Battlefield 2 online anymore, either, unless I join a US or cracked Russian server.


If you wanted to play NA why did you make a character on OCE ?

OCE has always been smaller nothings changed why should an entire region get wiped out because you made a choice to play on oceanic and now you wanna change ?

Go make a character on NA takes a few days at most to level that’s your problem not mine or any other oceanic players.

I made a character on shadowstrike to test at 8pm server time which would be peak times and between the levels 20-59 the server is dead…now go to wild growth and you’ll find atleast 10+ ppl at every level from 10-59.
Merg it.


Reminder that the 106 kiwis that play dont trump anything and if they wanna play get better internet or deal.