[Oceanic Region] - Stop intentionally killing our region (Shadowstrike AU)

None of that is ever happening though. Not for SOD. Should Blizzard have only launched a single (PVP) OCE server? Yeah, probably. But it’s too late for that now.

Amaelia is 10000% right. You’re not being forced anywhere. Blizzard said origin realms would remain open for the remainder of SOD. You’re either comfortable with Shadowstrike as it is now, or you’re not and you can either merge or quit. Those are your options.

Penance is so insignificant and tiny at this point that they won’t have any substantial impact on Shadowstrike regardless of the outcome.

No thanks i’ll continue to advocate to protect Oceanic as a region.

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Keep gdkps banned thankyou


People need to be vocal against stopping blizzard doing this for a second time it will kill oceanic once again.

Push them to implement a working solution not a bandaid fix.

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Id say the whole dev team would have you on ignore by now big dog


Those people are transferring from PVE to PVE, not to PVP, why would they go to shadowstrike when they don’t want to wpvp?

You’re idea doesn’t fix anything, they would have just rolled on a US PVE realm right off the bat.

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Oceanic community does not want this bandaid fix.

Open crossrealm and give us the ability to seed servers in either oce/na when we need.



US ping in Oce isn’t that bad. And Oce players usually then congregate into Oce guilds and play/raid on Oce timezones.

In 2024, it’s not the end of the world - if we are indeed merging with US.

I get what you are saying, but you kind of contradicted yourself.
You are saying this forces AUS players to have to play on US servers. Yet your “solution” is to force Penance players (PVE) to play on a PVP server or play on a US PVE server anyway.
Penance players chose to play on a PVE server, just like oceanic players chose to play on AUS servers.

There are only 2 real solutions here

1.You merge penance into shadowstrike
2.You merge both penance and shadowstrike into 1 oceanic pvp server

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If they do what i said and allow us to keep our servers oceanic but open up crossrealm we can still group with na players.

If they allow us to seed instances or choose the region it eliminates any need for merging and oceanic realms survive.

Opening xfers to NA then also locking out new characters being created is a nail in coffin for oceanic they did this as i mentioned in som and it killed our server most of the players ended up quitting after that i played jom gabbar a few weeks and also quit because of latency.

The reason why penance should be merged into shadowstrike is because shadowstrike is 5 to 6 x the population of penance so it makes much more sense.

Either way whatever keeps oceanic region alive and our latency low is the better option than any kind of NA merge.

Do not make the same mistake with oceanic as you did in som.

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Daily reminder that the oceanic community does not want a bandaid fix.

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This 100%, best solution all around.

Unfortunately, there’s a post from blizz that leans away from this likely happening

Reminder that the oceanic community does not want a bandaid fix that results in our entire region being destroyed and forced to play on high ping.

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Blizzard still thinks Oceania is still in Afghanistan couldn’t be anymore disconnected from reality

What’s actually more sad is there are a small handful of players who actually think destroying the oceanic region is good want to be forced into NA with lag.

What i don’t understand is why they don’t just roll there toons on NA to begin with rather than trying to destroy an entire region.

Hopefully blizzard understand this and implement an alternative solution that does not involve forcing all of oceania onto NA servers.

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Reminder that the oceanic community does not want this and if you actually do read feedback you would see that the overwhelming majority are against it.

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Reminder we don’t want this.

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No one cares. Deal or uninstall.

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Not true deal or uninstall.