[Oceanic Region] - Better Solutions (NO MERGE)

Myself, and a silent majority, are now replying to your posts with disagreement. I’m sorry that your opinion is being diluted so much by the rest of us but tough luck.

Proof please. Show your evidence.

No it has not - as is evidenced by the silent majority now coming in to refute your claims.

Not for the thousands of SS players who didn’t vote in your poll and are now coming into the forums to protest at not having FCM’s

It is YOU who are not being genuine by misrepresenting numbers and running a one-man campaign to speak for the thousands of others, most of whom do not agree with you.


These suggestions are words of an egotistical troll.

You are afraid of allowing paying customers to choose what to do with their characters, because you know that they will leave Shadowstrike. Your polls are meaningless. Your opinion is meaningless. Your wants, are meaningless.

Blizzard, give players the choice to do what they wish with the characters they pay for.

Allow players to decide if SS should live or die, not forum trolls.

Free Penance. Free Shadowstrike. Free OCE.


Deserve more than to have there servers / region killed off and forced onto 240ms ping that we had 20 years ago.

I am pushing for the entire oceanic region to be provided with a better solution.

That is your opinion. You are pushing only for what you want.

You do not speak for any of us.

Players deserve to speak for themselves.


Sure not sure if you can read the title but this one is for a better solution and no merge.

If your looking for the penance transfer thread you can find it here.



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Here, and every other thread, are also valid places to post our opinions. We will not be pushed off to a thread of your choice sorry.


This isn’t some ‘knee jerk’ decision. They have looked at the numbers; the cost of the servers vs the sub fees those players using said servers bring in.

And you all simply do not meet the Minimum Return on Investment.


That’s fine all your doing is bumping a post that i want to the top so people can read what i’ve suggested works in my favor.

Feel free to go through all the other oceanic threads and bump those for me as well.

You’re forgetting that most of them will also scroll past your post to see replies - many of which are against your suggestions. So the more I bump, the more people see your nonsense.


If that’s how you “think” it works knock yourself out lol.

Having been posting in different forums for over 30 years now I am confident I am correct.


Shame you didn’t do that when you wanted transfers might of got them.

As others have said, not all of us were aware there was a one-man campaign against FCM’s - we simply read the Blue posts and assumed we’d all be transferring.

Now we find out thats been thwarted by a dodgy poll and a one-man campaign with numerous different threads and the rest of us are now posting our dissenting opinions.

Sorry if this annoys you but tough.


Except it wasn’t there was numerous people posting against the transfers and only okay with them if oceanic seeded instances were provided.

It don’t annoy me your upset your grieving you’ll be okay few days and blizzard will open transfers for penance and everything will be okay.

You are afraid to allow players their own choice.

You know that Shadowstrike players want to leave.

You are selfish.

You can choose to stay. other players can chooce to leave. that is their prerogative.

When shadowstrike dies, that is natural selection.

Free OCE from trolls.


If what you say is true, and most SS players want to stay, then you should have no issue with FCM’s being opened on SS as nobody will transfer :slight_smile:

Simple logic.


They made a choice and voted and voiced and advocated for no merge and no transfers those who did want the merge came with the caveat of wanting oce seeded servers and then a small minority were okay with just anything.

Just like every server isn’t open 24/7 for free character transfers or even i believe paid transfers in sod.

Opening transfers while also locking character creation is forcing people to leave its not a choice and its harmful to any servers stability that is why blizzard did not go ahead with the transfers.

Sorry you disagree but its not going to change for now i do see penance getting transfers in a few days though so good luck with that.

Players have not made any choice.
When they do, they will decide if shadowstrike lives or dies.

Free OCE from trolls.

