[Oceanic Region] - Better Solutions (NO MERGE)

Neither are you, despite how much you try to claim so.

Thanks for the bump and bringing the important topics like preventing merge and getting a better solution to the forums hopefully it works out.

Here’s another bump to reiterate that Elron and the vocal minority on Shadowstrike DO NOT speak for the majority of the rest of us on both SS and Penance.

I’ll happily keep bumping and reiterating that point.

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Appreciate it :slight_smile:

Another bump to point people to this thread where a vocal majority are now calling for FCM’s to be re-enabled:

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Keeping this at the top in hopes blizzard can work on a more suitable solution in the coming weeks.

Thank you again.

Blizzard need to re-enable FCM’s for both Penance and Shadowstrike and let the players themselves decide if they want to move - and stop listening to the vocal minority who claim to speak for all.

If, as Elron claims, most Shadowstrike players dont want to transfer then they won’t and Shadowtrike will be just fine.


No thank you we can consider that when they provide an acceptable and workable solution.

Until then transfers should stay closed that is the correct decision for shadowstrike.

If penance wants to transfer to shadowstrike or wildgrowth that’s fine.

The only workable solution is that Blizzard listen to ALL the oceanic players, not just a vocal minority.

The only solution you have put forward that will work is Penance merging into Wild Growth. All your other suggestions are either incorrect or not possible (Blizz said very clearly they dont have the technology to implement instanced servers or other solutions) and it will be a cold day in hell before Pen transfers into SS to put up with your crap.


Perhaps making a suggestion that works for all oceanic players would be good so far all you’ve done is complain.

We are already in agreement that penance should be allowed to merge to either shadowstrike or wild growth.

That’s all we need to agree on because that’s the only thing relevent to you as a penance player.

Everything else is you being bitter cause you didn’t get what you want we don’t want our server killed shadowstrike has 4 to 5 times the population of penance our situation is nothing like yours and you don’t play here so your input is absolutely irrelevent.

What the oceanic majority do want is a workable solution that allows lower ping play and higher pop on server whether thats shadowstrike or crusaderstrike but if they aren’t going to find a solution then we aren’t going to accept our server being killed intentionally.

Simple nothing you say is going to change that stance.

We have - that both servers have FCM re-enabled. We’re just not giving in to a vocal minority who twist numbers to suit their arguments.


Please allow Penance plays to transfer to Wild Growth.


Minorties don’t get to comment on servers they don’t play on sorry.

Then stop claiming that the “majority of oceanic players want to stay” as it is simply not true. If you’re going to claim that the “majority” of OCE agree with you then of course us Oceanic players who disagree are going to speak up. Sorry if this is an inconvenience to your lies.

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It’s not i get your upset you wanna leave penance and that oce pve always dies first and i hope you get transfers.

Shadowstrike however shouldn’t and we are very happy they didn’t do it.

Hopefully there’s a better solution in the coming weeks.

Stop claiming that the “majority of OCE players” have spoken and dont want FCM’s then and I’ll stop calling you out on that lie.


You aren’t calling out anything just because your rambling on the forums spamming my posts means nothing.

I’ve had many people today thank me for stopping the transfers and are very happy with the outcome some even apologizing for abusing me in the past and changing there minds about the solution blizzard offered.

It’s been an overwhelmingly great day for oceanic especially for shadowstrike not so much for penance and all of us are in agreement that penance should be able to transfer which is why we are voicing support.

Unfortunately you are not genuine and are malicious you want to see a server be killed directly and an entire region destroyed because you are a bitter little man.

As soon as this was added into the post all credibility was lost :poop:

That’s just a difference of opinion like it or not its the truth.

100% agree that what you are replying to is in fact the truth - like it or not. tips hat