[Oceanic Region] - Better Solutions (NO MERGE)

You might of missed it but they did and that’s why transfers stopped.

Sorry you weren’t aware.

You can choose to remain on Shadowstrike.
Other players can choose to leave.

Players have not spoken, only trolls.


A few did, without the majority knowing there was even a discussion on it. Now we are here to refute your claims. I know this throws a spanner in the works for you but tough luck.


Actually we are all staying on shadowstrike for the foreseeable future and the server is better off for it.

What your saying is factually incorrect.

You do not speak for anybody but yourself.

The players will decide what they want to do when transfers open, and you can’t do anything about it.

We will see what happens to your server.


Well the players already did something about it that’s why your here crying about not being able to transfer.

It’s okay mate take a few breathes try to stop being a bitter little man put a coherent sentence together ask nicely for penance transfers to open and drop the rubbish about trying to kill shadowstrike and sit tight for a few days and i am sure they will open penance for you.

Having a meltdown here and trying to kill oce region and shadowstrike because your mad invalidates your entire request.

We will see what the players decide will happen with shadowstrike.

They will decide its fate. not forum trolls.


They did yesterday at 11 am.

Transfers were stopped for oceanic.

There is no “they”. Blizzard listened to trolls.

They are listening to real players now.

We’ll see if shadowstrike deserves to live or die.


Just because you don’t like that we asked to stop transfers and save our server/region does not make us trolls.

Sorry you are upset perhaps after a goodnight sleep you’ll be able to speak normally tomorrow if your lucky you may even have transfers open for penance.

Let the players who want to transfer to go. I play on WG and Penance , and penance is dead compared to WG. i want to move.


I agree with you penance should be allowed to move.

ur the worst

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Penance is a dead server… Having played various Alts to level 50 we switched to WG when the server population dropped. It would be nice to recover those Alts.
Ping of 140 from NZ / US is quite playable.
Open free transfers and let those who want to stay do so but the majority have already moved on.


You didnt save anything log in right now type 10-55 - Only 7 People online

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Looking over these other posts it seems that despite claiming to otherwise, people have indeed pulled Penance into their beef with server transfers without checking with the Penance server discord, claiming OCE rather than shadow strike specifically, then back tracking when Penance exploded after getting blindsided with complete OCE hold off on transfers.

There was about an average 90% approval rating for transfers to wild growth across various Penance guild servers measured before the blue post essentially set the server on fire.

A middle ground regarding shadow strike transfers could be a reduced price transfer instead, that way people could move off if they really wanted without it breaking the bank.

Also 17 people as of now between 10 and 59 on shadow strike.

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Option 3 - Let Elron, Big Chad and the other neck beard harem stay if they want to and play there 20man role play - the point of a PVP Server is for it to be active.

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The majority of Shadowstrike AU told Blizzard what they want and that is to be left on Shadowstrike AU

Let Penance transfer this is a weak move by Blizz to cater to a toxic minority #FREEPENANCE


You are not only a troll you’re also a braindead one if you don’t realise it.

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