Oceanic Realms can now Queue with Americas Realms for PvP

and literally no one can complain, the vocal minority went up in arms in vanilla classic, and forced the change for TBC – and Oce TBC pvp for the entire season (bar the first 2 weeks) was a complete unplayable ghost town – and even in WOTLK 2 weeks ago i had 60+ minute BG queues. Ever since the change ping is hardly an issue, just like it wasnt back in 2009 and is exponentially more enjoyable, you can cry all you want but yeah we are not going back to unplayable ghost town again.


No it’s quite literally a coin flip which is what it feels like atm on classic, like you are going to vs Oce once in a blue moon and maybe lose the coin flip every so often on who hosts the BG / arena, like stop being such a baby.

No one said you can’t get good latency from Syd->LA / US West as in Australia that is your best route. But the latency you mention there is not possible from Aus to US Wow servers.

The latency you are reporting is from your location to the ExitLag POP or “exit point”, it isn’t your true latency to the wow server.

If you’re in sydney the best possible latency you can get to LA wow servers is 157/160ms which is certainly playable, but you ain’t hitting 140ms, you could get close to (high 140’s) it if you were the only person on the internet… but unfortunately we have to share it.

It certainly is possible to to hit 300ms from Australia if you don’t live on the east coast of Australia, remember that Australia is VERY large - much larger than it looks on maps. Look up the distance from Syd->Perth and the distance from LA->NY. Australia is literally the size of the US, which compounds the problem due to 93% of people living on the coast.

EDIT: Just want to point out that 160ms is only possible if you are on fibre with <1ms to your first hop after leaving your LAN for the WAN. A LOT of people in Aus are still on FTTN which can have up to 20ms on the first hop depending on the quality of the connection (distance) to the node. That’s why you see some people in Syd playing with 180-200ms. And even higher for other areas of Australia.

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Didn’t ask, add RDF. PvP is dead

Yanks be mad they have to queue with AU when they only have the huge playerbase they have because AU/NZ / JP/Asia / NA/SA / EU players all play on their realms and they’ve always had the advantage :rofl:

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Disconnect OCE, the lag is unbearable and just means everyone has a horrible PVP experience.

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Nice try Dekel, what a cope… .14 of a second is not unbearable

OCE isn’t worth the revenue. Drop the whole community for the benefit of the rest

I’ve given this a week on considerable play testing and i’ve tried to be optimistic about this change, and it’s really not working for me. I enjoy being able to honor farm any time of the day, that is fantastic, thank you for that. However, the latency is unplayable for me. I chose to play WOTLK and TBC classic on a rogue to have that amazing low latency all the time, to finally experience the game ‘properly’ with modern PC’s and fast internet. I had that experience for like 2 years, every time i logged in I’ve had the same experience, and it’s been great, it’s been perfect. In my playtesting i’m joining US hosted games over 90 percent of the time, most of the time it seems to Chicago based, literally on the opposite side of the planet… Very rarely do i get an Australian hosted game. My problem is like why are you changing this now, you’ve delivered a product for 2+ years, and now you’re deliberately making it considerably worse experience for us. With little to no communication with the community… Why invest in infrastructure in Sydney when 90%+ of pvp instances are hosted in the US now anyway.

I know that people threaten to quit on the forums every day, but this is a dealbreaker for a lot of players. You’ve given us such a great experience throughout classic and now you are taking that away from us. This will crush the oceanic player base.

There is an opportunity to make this a positive however. I know it’s probably really hard to implement on the backend but please make this OPTIONAL. Win/win for everyone. Common sense here please.

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This is legitimately the best change they’ve made in classic for pvp. I can actually play the game now. I’m not even a high rated player but queues were long, boring and instead of a player pool we had a player puddle. Not to mention the deflated ratings, points income and difficulty of achieving rating milestones.

To give some context - I played some 3s on an alt week 1 of season 6 (pre-change) and at 1070~ rating, we were in the top 50 of the 3s bracket. Top 50. lol.

Once the change went through, we were top 4000. That’s an astronomical difference in player pool.

We’re such a tiny drop in the ocean that is the NA player pool that for the few times players will be paired against us, the complaint about some slight ping discomfort pales in comparison to many players being deprived of playing the game. There were so many changes that resulted in pvp participation being extremely low in TBC Classic compared to the original TBC. Combine the long queues with all the problems that tbc classic brought (0 rating starts, etc) casual players just didn’t queue. At all. So you had a shrunken, deflated player base. Was a miserable experience, honestly. And then Wrath was even worse! So thankful for this change.

The one thing I would say is that the servers should try to prioritize pairing OCE with US west over east, and if it does pair us against US East players, then we should play on US West, not an OCE or US East server. That’s a bit too far.

But playing US West is fine. For years thousands of us OCE players played on US West just fine. I don’t care about the debate over 140 v 160. I barely notice in a lot of games and when I do, I can take solace in the fact that I’m in an arena match, not growing a beard while waiting to queue into one of the 2 other 3s teams queueing at peak time.

Also, to anyone complaining about not playing Australian teams…

If you want more Australian hosted games, I’ve found just playing in the evening/night Australian Eastern time is best. If I’m playing after 10pm, it’s like 3-6AM in the US. Not as many americans on at that time! If you queue during the day/early afternoon, you’ll get more americans It’s how time zones work. I queued with some friends after 10pm last night and only got paired against 1 american team in our whole session.

How is this not reverted? Is Blizzard even paying attention? This has no place in arenas.

Horrid change, coin flips every arena game based on whos server it rolls on.


I have played 3 OCE teams so far and the Arena server shut down twice, and the third there was a 15 second delay on my abilities activating. We died before we could counter anything because of the server registry.

Fix your dam game, this change is ruining the integrity of the NA ladder further.

Totally unplayable. Games are laggy as hell. 1 in 2 games we face non-OCE servers. Cant cast anything, sometimes cant even load into games.

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Why can we not que cross realm for raids considering you guys have messed up servers and populations to a point where people are quitting on casual servers because they got stranded from their friends during que times when you guys did nothing to help the clients. You just chose what was easiest for you.

People always say “complain enough and people will listen” just like the ret paladins did. But I see so many forums posts daily about people stuck on realms that are dying and therefore quitting the game and essentially making your company lose business.

At the end of the day, Blizzard is an empty shell of what it once was and I for one will be cutting my subs as a result.

I would say best of luck but you guys have screwed players so bad you don’t even deserve it…

Can you stop being so wildly incompetent Blizzard and fix this? Winning coin flip games is trash.

Awful change, every match I’ve had vs. OCE the latency has been unplayable (ie. 3 second delay on instant cast abilities). East Coast NA servers shouldn’t even be able to match to this, doesn’t make any sense. I’ve also never played an OCE team on a NA server? Please consider reversing this change.

Thank you

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.14 second delay bud
let’s not exaggerate here
that’s not why youre performing bad, believe me

Please make this optional / toggable!

Over the last few weeks nearly 95% of my games have been American hosted. May as well just remove the servers in Sydney i reckon.

Tfusundays is about the only person who likes this change on the forums…

Also to the few that actually like this change, its most likely because they now have access to higher rating and better gear because the rating is inflated. Our player pool was much lower than the US so we had lower overall ratings. Instead of artificially inflating Oceanic players so rewards were available to players of similar skill level world wide, giving lower rated players more access to the best gear.

I dunno man. I love this game at 20ms. I really dont like it 200ms. I hate the Yo-Yo latency between each game. Its an insane advantage having 20ms > 200ms. Really don’t see why a toggable option isn’t possible here. Common sense.

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Remember Xaryu doing double blink spellsteal counterspells in like 0.1 sec on retail vs holy paladins to win games etc?

It was possible because he has good 20-30ms latency. Oceanic at 200ms that combo of moves with server latency wasn’t possible.

It’s the same in Wotlk. If another rogues opens me i wanna trinket, evasion, blind, vanish all within the space of 0.1 sec. If i have a 20ms game that combination of abilities feels like smooth like butter, and it all works. At 200+ms with so much communication between server and player checking range, positioning, GCD… whatever else… it just feels so clunky. It takes a significantly longer time to pull off that sequence of abilities… There’s no arguing against that its night and day for experienced PvPers.

Optional please

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