Oceanic Realms Broken - Merged with US Battlegroup (Lag)

your 100% right if the outrage mob make blizz revert this change im gonna have to xfer off OCE and move to NA

See ya in wrath boys if they don’t revert this change.
At least then the lag might be a bit more manageable with charge working in combat and interrupts being off the gcd.
The way tbc class mechanics and pvp works it makes it impossible for player with 150-250ms to compete past 2k.


Pure brain dead decision. Very cool.

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Blizzard please revert this change, i will take longer queue times over 200ms

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we are committed to ensuring the game continues to provide Australian players with great entertainment value.

rly good prank blizzard nice 1


Maybe instead of needlessly merging these servers in this way you could, idk, put more effort in making the game good and smooth rather than ignoring complaints till people unsub.

You know, because lack of population is a problem created when a company ignores the issues with the game and decides that in-shop item purchases can cover the loss of subs.

You have robbed us of why we initially wanted oceanic servers to begin with. At least give us an option to que in a NA or oceanic, and let the player decide if they want to wait for a game.

You don’t seem to understand games with micro transactions if 800-1500 people quit because of a terrible change they’re not the type of person to spend $105 on a free game and if some of those people that did quit paid for the joke of a boost they already have their money and they’re the type of person to come back in 4-5 months time when they’re bored of what ever game they’re playing.

I’m already getting guild members quitting over this, if it goes ahead. I tried a battleground to see what the fuss was about, and i can say that playing with this lag feels completely sh!t. So many times , I couldnt fake cast or use my abilities like i normally could. Why even get rid of batching if they are gonna introduce lag back in?? So much corporate greed.


Did they just change it to day time on Oceanic for anyone else?

Terrible decision making here Blizzard. At least wait until its a problem before trying to look into your so called crystal ball and start making changes based off ill advised predictions. The classic OCE PvP scene is huge, and TBC will only serve to grow that population, unless this change goes through.


This decision reeks of systemic incompetence on so many levels.

You didn’t engage the oceanic player base in regards to whether or not they wanted this.

You didn’t even inform players that a change was being implemented…

Needless to say, players assumed this was a bug given they’re so plentiful in this piss weak excuse for a release. Never in all my 16 years of playing this game have I seen testing in prod to this degree.

Last year ATVI basically fired their entire QA team so that Bobby could get a $200m bonus to buy his fourth yacht and now we’re seeing the results of it in real-time.

It’s no wonder that anyone with even a modicum of talent has left blizzard for greener pastures… Now we’re left with a pile of Digested Caracoli run by a failed lawyer who used to run a WoW fansite.

Anybody working on the WoW Classic project should be ashamed of themselves.


PVP with 318ms world this morning. Unplayable


I for one love the qq’ing, i missed the friendly bants between us aussie calling americans fat and they rebute with you using a vpn bra. good times…

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welcome to the slope boys


Posting in support of Aussie bretheren. Blizz, undo this idiotic change.


Except when it’s an overall loss. And if half the comments are true in this post they’re going to be charging back those micro-transactions which is loss even according to your stunted logic.

I stopped auto top up my subscription immediately.

We going to get a response anytime soon? Or is this going to be another 2 day stand off like the honor change debacle…

I have NO IDEA why we all sheepishly pay to play this game at a large markup compared to the US exchange rate…
See it happening not only with subscription fee but also any store transaction. Look at the USD price then convert that to AUD and almost on every item in store there is a 10-15dollar markup. Key example is the recent TBC Deluxe pack. $70USD for US market but $105AUD, with the current exchange rate it should only be $90AUD… Please explain how they have come to this ridiculous markup of an additional $15aud.

I was going to boost a druid specifically for PVP.
At this point itd be a waste of time and money.
Glad I decided to wait till after TBC launch…