Oceanic Realms Broken - Merged with US Battlegroup (Lag)

Really not a good change Blizz…

Its even worse than original TBC; at least that had spellbatching to compensate for some of the lag… What the I dont even understand how this is a thing…

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Wait this is for Arena as well?? Um, no thank you Blizzard I did not want this change thank you very much?

Please don’t do this, nobody asked for this, nobody wants this.

  1. Reduce spell batching to 10ms cause people can well handle it with their internet connections
  2. Merge OCE battlegroups with NA to give Oceanic players a good chance to high rank in Arena
  3. Not realising that this plus batching removal pretty much removes most chances of Oceanic players a good chance to compete.

I’m not a PVPer but in support of this being removed… Whoever thought this was a good idea should probably try play with high pings. Even on beta / PTR for PVE content its significantly worse to play. Mind has been blown.


Two Oceanic teams skirmishing in arena puts us in NA server with lag. What’s the point of that blizzard?

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This is an outrage!

i wonder if D$%mhaven want my sub =)

I just cannot believe the incompetence of this decision. The lag in unplayable, I cannot compete against American players on 30 ms with this change. I have unsubbed, Blizzard revert this change.

This has done none of the targeted changes - Queue times have not decreased for Horde players.

Competitiveness for Oce players in arena and bgs has just been deleted over night. We cannot compete for meaningful end of season rewards against American players.


I was so excited to play Arena in TBC as I never did it in original release as the latency was horrid as an OCE player. You have crushed my dreams for TBC and I am devastated at the time I spent preparing for Launch and organising time off for this.

I expect a full refund for the boosted char I made which I intended to play in TBC (PvP) but can no longer.

I only wish I could refund the insane hours I put into grinding PVP and levelling my professions in the weeks leading up to this.


My Favorite part of this change is i now get to vs Premades at 7am aswell


I think leaving this to the last minute to announce was really bad, waiting for everyone to buy there boosts etc then saying it’s to give us a fair shot at end of season rewards when 220ms is anything but a fair shot. Just spent so much time and effort rerolling Alliance to help with faction balance and surprise this is mentioned 5 days out from release…lol.

Wasnt even announced technically, they made the change and players discovered it and raised the issue


Horde must be scared of USA alliance and want an easymode so they think they’re good at pvp

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The change is so stupid, revert it!

Its so disrespectful to the playerbase to not even announce what they did…

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How can this help us compete when we wont win matches due to the massive lag.

Just unsubbed. everyone cancel subs to prove a point.

Having 200 - 300 ms every arena game isn’t fun and annoying for both OCE and NA Blizz should really make a separate battle group for OCE.

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I think you got it right

Are you seriously implying that Blizz is trying to uphold the prestige of owning a rank 1 title with this change? After they just put a unique mount onto the store, devaluing the other unique mounts obtained in game. Blizz have shown time and time again they do not care about devaluing in game achievements.

That said, you’re completely missing the point of this change. OCE and NA servers were already considered the same region. The top 0.5% of NA and OCE combined wouldve got titles. If that pool of players were all from NA, then OCE wouldn’t have got any titles.

The reason they implemented this change is because the top OCE players wouldn’t have had a chance to climb higher and reach that top 0.5% without being able to be put against NA players.


My favourite bit is that it was raised as a bug and not as a lovely and welcome surprise.