Oceanic Realms Broken - Merged with US Battlegroup (Lag)

AAAHHHH! the lag is real…

I would rather queue for an extra 10 minutes and enjoy the game.
The quickly be disappointed and pissed off.

Unacceptable, fix it


Can’t speak for anyone else but if BGs & Arena are going to stay ruined I’ll just run Kara a few times with my close mates and be done with it.


spent the last months prepping for TBC arena and this happens a few days before launch?? rip fun. rip sub.


Another completely out of touch change by Activision.

Squeeze the users bloat the wallet huh


terrible change! revert asap


Awful change.
Completely ruined the excitement of arenas with one of the dumbest changes imaginable.
Unsubbed 2 accounts.

Already seen reports of OCE vs OCE arena games being hosted in NA as well.
What a joke.


Perhaps in that case they could create an Oceanic Arena season? I mean, there is presumably a Chinese arena season, and a Korean arena season. Would it be that difficult to have a board for those on the Oceanic server?

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You’re referencing one player years ago maining a warrior in a not nearly as min-Max environment as we have today. I would love to see klinda achieve glad on a class that requires complete precision to land a kill. Let’s say a rogue for example.

You should all educate yourself on Klinda and his ability to push glad in a 220+ms setting and re-evaluate your comments.

Do you really want 40 min BG que times but 20ms?
At 1500 ques will be fine but at even 1800 do you really want 15 min arena que times at midnight on a weekday only to que into a counter and get stomped?

didnt think so


Thread is only 6 hours old and already in the top 20 most commented threads, the OCE community is speaking very loudly right now, please revert the “fix”.


Well I guess there is no reason to continue playing if Blizzard is going to make PvP completely unplayable for Oceanic.
They were able to do it for Classic Vanilla but not TBC? Why? Because they don’t care about the player base and just want to save a few dollars on server hosting. This is the only reason.

If this goes live, I’ll unsub.

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HAS ZERO to do with skill here bud.

No one wants to play with 220 pings… NO ONE, not even Klinda wanted to play like that, but back in vanilla that was literally the only option.

I mean if you’re gonna post on two characters I suppose ill bite…

You realize the Horde Q’s suck in OCE because there are too many horde? This is a problem for BG’s not Arena.

There are PLENTY of great players in OCE, there will be Q’s poppin but after this change why would anyone play when they are at a 180+ ms disadvantage?


Isn’t the only reason oce and us servers are linked on retail cause all the servers are dead to make it seem like people play, pretty sure arugals player base size alone is enough without the other 3 oce servers


That would require some sort of effort.
If it can’t be solved by slapping on a retail buff on the classic server, it’s too much work for Blizzard.

They are a small indie company after all.

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It’s already live sadly

could you make it an option for players to queue in the NA or OCE pools instead?

There’s gonna be OCE servers in Endwalker xD

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It’s live, they just didn’t announce it until after people noticed it.

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Who the hell is queuing at midnight during a weekday? Your comment is so irrelevant to this discussion because the argument focuses on the problems of a fringe part of the OCE community… The majority (from all the posts here) don’t want to be merged with NA Arena’s/BG’s. If you personally don’t want long queue times then play during peak times. The overwhelming majority of us don’t want to be playing competitive Arenas with 200+ms