Oceanic Realms Broken - Merged with US Battlegroup (Lag)

Please Blizzard, revert this change.

No oceanic players wanted this. the Arugal server alone has a huge population, enough for BGs and arena, we dont need the US servers.


This is an exceptionally bad idea and it will be in your (Blizzard-Activision) best interest to revert it as soon as practical. I could maybe see validity in merging for battlegrounds only, but for arena… yeah, nah.


you would think 15 years later, they could build a server capable of running a 15yr old game with no issues.

It’s not actually about the servers. It’s about how far we are from the servers, isn’t it?

You should all educate yourself on Klinda and his ability to push glad in a 220+ms setting and re-evaluate your comments.

Do you really want 40 min BG que times but 20ms?
At 1500 ques will be fine but at even 1800 do you really want 15 min arena que times at midnight on a weekday only to que into a counter and get stomped?

didnt think so

Just let my wallet do the talking and cancelled my subscription and filled out the reasons why as playing at 200ms in BG’s makes me noncompetitive. Will subscribe again if/when they revert the changes. GL all.


Merging the battlegroups will reduce queue times and allow more players to compete against each other, but OCE vs USE or OCE vs USW will always produce a latency disadvantage for the OCE community.

Please provide some information on how you intend to handle this latency issue.

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On top of all of the complaints about unpair ping in an environment where split-second decisions matter, I want to outline that this would have been the first time in history that OCE could finally compete against each other in isolation as a region, and thus breed its own unique community. In Classic, we already banded together and formed friendships and rivalries amongst ourselves during the ranking days, and this spawned the community that were excited to test these relationships in arena.

Yes, it’s true that our distribution curve may not reach the higher tail-end as much as NA or EU, and thus arena rewards will be harder for us to achieve, but for the higher end players, that doesn’t matter. With this change, rewards are still hard to obtain due to the ping difference.

Please at least let us try the game with an OCE-only pool first. If the population dwindles and it gets bad, you’ll hear the complaints from us, and then a change can be made.


I completely disagree with this. As an Aussie player, one of the main reasons I stopped retail was due to the lag. When the US servers could be hosted by OCE, it only lasted one week with the amount of US players claiming the game is unplayable. Please reconsider this decision. The OCE player base is high enough for dedicated OCE servers.


So why haven’t we been playing classic on 200ms US realms for the last 2 years as well, for the sake of authenticity? Such a silly argument. Separate to this debacle they’ve even come out and said in BC they are welcoming change compared to how they approached classic.

Pretty disingenuous on their part to have OCE pvp’ing on proper latency for 2 years, make $$ from cash shops in BC prepatch then pull the rug out from under everyone who wants to do instanced PvP.

Anyone also arguing with the point of 0.01% of OCE players who have hit r1 in history really are clutching at thin air.

There is no batching now, it is a very different experience

I’ll quit - this is why I quit originally and the main reason I came back to wow was the steady low ping. Like a real video game in 2021.

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This change is unhealthy for the long-term competitiveness and enjoyment of Oceanic PvP. 200-300ms is almost unplayable for high-tier PvP and this change doesn’t even properly resolve the issue of players being able to reach the upper echelons, since they’ll be facing a permanent handicap on US servers. Oceanic players never got to experience a low ping environment for TBC arena, and this change just robs us of that chance and diminishes the entire point of TBC classic for Oceanic players. Please revert this change.


If this stays in I will 100% be requesting a full refund of my sub/boost as the only reason I purchased was for the arena. There would be no point even playing with the lag, I would rather wait longer in queue for better latency…


love waking up to you guys absolutely raw dogging my plumpkin
Once again thinking you know your player base
literal monkeys would do a better job





Surely this doesn’t last!!!

Again!! It’s blizzard thinking about their own pockets instead of the community!

Not all of us want to push 2200, some of us just want a responsive game at the lower ranks

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Please we only have 5 days until launch PLEASE REVERT

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