We don’t want a bad pvp experience.
The community will solve the pool issue. Give us low ping.
I’ve cancelled my sub until this is resolved.
Change it back ya dewgs
Nah. They lured us in with false expectations. Gave us our own competitive OCE PVP community, servers, low ping, etc. Then reverted this to the retail system AFTER giving people time to buy boosts, deluxe edition, etc. The whole appeal of this xpac was to experience arena with low ping, something I struggled with in my original (and subsequent emulations) experience. I’ve played TBC on 200-400 ping countless times, there’s no point for someone like me to play again.
So much LAG here. I’ve noticed my latencyt doesnt update in real time either so another attempt to HIDE this AWFUL change.
Fix this lag.
Jumping on the bandwagon to say I also unsubbed. I genuinely do not care if the 200 ping NA hosting of yore (caused by merged battlegroups) has an upside, as someone who intended to play TBC for PVP content almost exclusively this is a dealbreaker.
Pull the NA ripcord.
Also, another thing, there are cultural differences between Aussies/Kiwis and North Americans. I have nothing against them, but I find it easier to communicate with people from my own corner of the world. America is a big place that has a lot of personalities, many toxic, i haven’t seen a single other Aussie player in AV since this merge.
And you OBVIOUSLY dont understand us Aussies and that we want to build a wall between your community and to safe guard ours for this reason. ill give you time to work it out champ. xoxo
Even the playing field. Put the servers on Mars.
If I lose to Asmongold in 2v2 i will be stepping off the west gate and unsubbing before i do so
I had a thought; back in TBC there was no Oceanic server. If you wanted to play TBC and you lived, say, where I do in Australia, you only option was to create a toon on a US based server. And that being the case, you lived with 200 ping or more for the entirety of your play, be it pvp or pve.
So saying that the main reason this is an issue for Oceanic players is the latency is a bit of a fallacy. It happened then, and if you believe in keeping things similar, it will happen now.
The opposite, of course, is that there was no latency for US based players because they were on their own servers. If however they get in a group based here, they suffer latency they may not have had back then.
It’s a bit of an interesting situation if you think about it. I assume that Oceanic players managed to cope ok with latency back then, or they wouldn’t have played at all.
Also there was batching.
Terrible change, that no one asked for, and we didn’t need. Par for the course.
please dont let this change, the lag will make it a different game in pvp, dont go through blizzard this makes me want to unsub
I think this is an awesome change, going to be great having short bg and arena queues once the first month of tbc classic is done and population drops off again
The supposed upside isn’t even there.
From what I’ve been reading; Queue times on horde aren’t changed at all. From personal experience queue times on Alliance are significantly worse. AV games used to be near instant, now waiting around 5 minutes.
Net effect is that queue times are made worse by this change.
It will actually be no different to what it was back in TBC…
I don’t really care about pvp, but my friends do and they are mad and they told me to post here so I am posting here.
Look what you’ve made me do, Blizzard. I had to log in to these weird forums. DAMN YOU.
why was it fine all of classic to have oce only honor ladder but not for tbc?
Stop trolling, no one wants to play in pvp with 200ms, get real.