[OCE] Shadowstrike - Keep two way transfers open + tailored solutions

Please keep the transfers open until a better solution can be found.

Seriously, what have they done in the last couple weeks that makes you think they are actually interested in a better solution, or have anything but contempt for OCE players?

I get the impression they aggressively hate OCE and want us all to stop playing. They not only deliberately destroyed SS, but they literally picked the server that would give OCE the worst ping possible for us to be forced on to.

They also ensured that OCE players had the least possible chance of retaining character names. Everything they have done has screamed ā€œOCE players are 2nd class wow citizens that donā€™t deserve nice thingsā€.

Despite all the arguing in this thread the core idea of just leaving 2way xfers open between realms permanently isnā€™t a terrible idea. OCE people can live on shadowstrike, if we want to do some dungies we xfer our character over, do the dungies on CS then xfer back. Same with AH. the economy would merge into essentially a single but layered realm. however instead of being able to just transfer layers, we would need to xfer our characters, as long as itā€™s happening in <5 minutes as it is now, I donā€™t see that as an issue, Iā€™d happily xfer to SS, Raid, then xfer back to CS for the rest of the week.

Ignore the Comments about GDKP, itā€™s terrible, we donā€™t want or need it, most of us have jobs, and donā€™t need the RMT income like Elron does to supplement his Centrelink payments.

TL;DR Please just leave xfers open indefinitely. That would solve all our issues Blizzard.


Stopped transfers

Added ony / rend repeats after suggestions in previous thread

Sent out surveys to targetted players

Opened 2 way transfers between ss and cs

New client update for coming phase (could have potential for a new method for oce)

All we can do is ask for a better solution.

Bumping for visibility.

Reminder that shadowstrike still exists.

Looking for an update on this.

The update is I am reporting these posts as spam because you are posting on multiple toons to necro your own thread, and deliberately circumnavigate the forum rule that prevents you from making multiple posts in a row.

Asking for an update on what they are planning to do with transfers in 4 days time.

You out here stalking peoples posts harassing them on alts lmao get a life.

I mean i love the idea of xfers staying open, long as its quick. already been coming back to ss more or less daily to have half a chance to get flowers as spam clicking at high ping seems to be pretty iffy on getting one.

If the xfers are perma could jsut turn off ss ah, i know eventually if would most or less even out to what cs has but with insta account mail i dont think its needed, can just duck over grab raid supplys and jump back, even holding consums on a cs bank alt insta mailing it over before jumping back taking no longer then 15min is the same as hearthing back and running to raid lol

I do love gdkpā€™s but i could take or leave them :slight_smile: i love alts so i used to make bank just being a carry but with 2 phases of bots farming sfk etc and incursions the economy is already cooked lol. I know it would bring ppl back and suppliment player base, bliz just needs to do a better job of managing rmt

Love the new buffs world buffs being redoable, love low cd on dmf gives me half a chance at trying to get it with 250 ping before getting swomped by bubbled pallys. Keep up the good work bliz,
Dont give up on trying to make ss playable id love to still raid there and remain compeditive with good ping

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No, you keep popping into my feed when you do your daily ritual of spam ā€œbumpingā€ multiple threads. Itā€™s tiresome, and you keep finding new toons I havenā€™t blocked yet to post on.

This might help you.

Looking for an update before the 2 week transfer window is up.

when will i be able to make a horde toon on shadowstrike ?