PSA Reminder: How To Ignore People That Hide Their Profile

There are a few folks on here that are just evergreen trolls that swap characters, gunk up posts with nonsense, etc, but hide their profile so you can’t ignore/mute them by clicking on their activity.

Fear not! You can still mute/ignore them!

How to Ignore a Hidden Profile

  1. Click on your own portrait in the top right, where you see notifications and whatnot
  2. Click on the bottom right button that looks like a person, called Profile
  3. Your list of notifications should change to a list of menu options
  4. Click the menu option called Preferences, icon looks like a gear
  5. A new window pops up with multiple tab options across the top
  6. Find and click on Users to select that tab
  7. A list of users you have currently Ignored and Muted (if any) will be shown, along with a button to add more, simply labeled as “+Add”
  8. When you click “+Add”, a popup will appear allowing you to search for a name and set a duration
  9. Begin typing the name of the offending person and the Forums will do the rest, just be sure of the spelling, and select that person
  10. Time frame for ignoring can be set for a few hours up to forever
  11. The “forever” setting is at the bottom of the time frame drop down menu and some screen resolutions may clip it off even if you scroll down, no worries, you can search within the drop down and simply type “forever” to get it
  12. All done!

Bonus: This method also works quite well when you notice a person is just swapping alts to spam up a thread with multiple characters. When you go to Profile Preferences, you can Ctrl-Click to open the window in a new tab, go to the User section, and quickly add all of the names in one go without having to select individual profiles one at a time.


the only problem with this advice, is that this forum has soo many smooth brained victims of foetal alcohol syndrome, and soo many deranged, junkie refugees from retail, with all the mental illness and baggage that entails, that i usually can’t tell a serious post from a troll, poe’s law is often in action in this forum.

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Bookmarked, thank you for your service!


This is absolutely the best post made on the forum this year.

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This is useful for Elronald Mcdonald.

I honestly wish that people would aggressively flag and down vote the obvious trolls so that they become irrelevant.

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