[OCE] Shadowstrike community poll - 72% against merging with US due to high ping/ms reasons

wdym you didnt pay for it at the olive garden, its free LMAO

I dunno about NA but in OCE we pay subscription fees for wow.

for all of WoW, not just SoD. And also, the sub fees of AU for SOD is such a drop in the bucket compared to monetization in the game made elsewhere they COULD NOT care any less. I am sorry your value as a customer is so small and insignificant that its not worth hemorrhaging money to maintain an AU server over just shutting it down and migrating it all to CS and having some folks quit.

Look I understand your frustrations, but you dont understand business if you don’t realize the reality of the VERY COMMON and real situations of customers that lose you money.

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Except that’s not happening the servers staying up and there will be people who stay on it so it’ll be forced to stay open.

Same as when they tried to get people off classic era arugal im still 1 of the only people left on there and the servers still up.

Oceanic has a large enough playerbase for 1 oceanic server that’s viable blizzards incompetence is the reason why its being destroyed.

Imagine being so ignorant as to think there is any significant cost for Blizzard keeping the server up compared to the monthly revenue from the OCE players on it, and thinking OCE customers aren’t worth anything.

That’s what most of NA thinks of Oceanic and even better reason to not want to go there.

Why Elron so you can yell at me and call me a “insert derogatory name for a black man here”

your a peice of work.

P.S I did not in fact mean peice of work

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Do you actually read what you type elron. How is it possible to exist is your own personal echo chamber…


Hello oceanic players. Perhaps a different solution could be choosen.

Idea 1: Many games have introduced a matchmaking system that expands the “ring” of players you could be matched with. In other words, players are first seeked within 500 miles. After 10 seconds of queing, the ring would expand to 1000 miles, then 1500, and so forth.

Although I know vanilla isn’t a “que” version of world of warcraft, but perhaps someone with more intelligence on how servers worked could implement this in a way that helps everyone.

Idea 2. Perhaps OCE players could have an active choice at all times. Example. Npc added to major citys that allow you to actively transfer between OCE-only realms, and an option to join the US megaserver. Leaving the npc in major citiess would alleviate most griefing that could be done. With battlenet, you can still talk/invite/see friends online regardless of which server they are currently logged into.

This would help because all OCE players would still get the choice to play OCE only, but lets say, during off hours when most OCE players are offline, you could travel to a major city, and swap to US megaserver therefore being able to find groups again. To be honest, we could even leave the option for USA players to swap to OCE only, that way if a group of OCE-only players makes friends with a US player, the US player can safely play on the OCE only in order for the majority of the group to have decent ping.

With these ideas presented it leaves the power to the player without affecting much of anything (unless of course if every OCE player picks USA server permanently, then it would just self-destruct OCE and we are back to square one)

I would also recommend zero trading/AH use when on a different server that way bots could not abuse price differences between the servers.

Maybe OCE deserves group finder? Perhaps that could be a “lesser evil” than forcing OCE players onto the US megaserver. You could even implement idea 1 with the group finder therefore keeping it “mostly” oce and only adding US players to the mix when needed. Group finder would still be disabled on US, but US could get a OCE-only “group list” and can personally message the OCE player for an invite.

Personally, I’m not interested in so many different languages on one megaserver. It will most likely end up segregated anyways for doing so unless the majority of OCE players are english speaking(are they? unsure), similar to how hispanic-only guilds are already functioning on US servers

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We tried to provide them with as many solutions as possible even some of yours are good ideas.

The issue is everytime we tell them we are oceanic and we exist we are completely ignored they did this same thing to us in season of mastery so they know the issues we face and still choose to do nothing in future game iterations to help us.

It’s sad after being a paying customer for 20 years we are treated like we don’t exist as a region and given the worst possible solution to a problem they created and refuse to address.

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I am heavily against this, please free my brothers and sisters in Penance and also I am a shadowstrike prisoner. I was taken against my will to the stockades and the top parsing guilds laugh at my grey parses. I just want to find friends in a new world

Yeah haha I agree

craz we could be the OCE mega server.

They should open Xfers to CS and SS.

I dont want to sit in que on P5 release and peaktimes.

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Thank you for supporting the oceanic region now lets find a workable solution for everyone and demand more from blizzard.

Please give us OCE seeded instances and allow us to merge with Crusader Strike ! !

Stop posting this nonsense. They have already stated they are unable to do this due to tech limitations in classic. It’s the same reason they haven’t been able to do proper flex raiding.

The only viable options are to transfer to CS and put up with 200+ pings, or stay on SS with far better pings and a lower overall pop.

All the other solutions being posted would be good, BUT THEY ARE NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.


Which is not acceptable or viable to the oceanic community so its time they find a new way.

I would like to join the shadowstrike disc server but cannot find it anywhere online. I asked in-game earlier today and no one gave me a link, can you please provide link?

No because you aren’t on shadowstrike if you are post on your main and the votes already done so skewing results afterwards means nothing.

People have been trying all day the overwhelming majority are happy with this outcome and still want a better solution if they do want us to accept a merge its time we demand more.

320 people voted out of potentially thousands on the SS server - hardly representative of a majority.

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