[OCE] Shadowstrike community poll - 72% against merging with US due to high ping/ms reasons

Good luck OCE people. If they don’t shut the server down, don’t transfer.

I’ve been playing on Chaos Bolt since I recently came back (after their dumb choice to kill it) and have been enjoying the game with friendly guild on the server.


We can’t merge into a PvE realm though, so this is kind of an irrelevant point.
Those players also chose to play on wild growth. No ones arguing against players freely being able to make a new character on a server & play it in a different region if they wish too.

get a JOB, legit during night time the game is popping and im able to find groups,

during the day its hard, but thats expected as its DAYTIME on an OCE Server.

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they aren’t closing the server down. If shadowstrike can maintain a healthy pop, more power to you guys.


blocking Character creation, THEN allowing Free Xfers off to a higher PING realm.

is Gaslighting us to move, making it look like the world is falling down around you.

the reason people are annoyed is they are forcing the issue.

its going to tear guilds apart, as some will move some wont, then those who didnt will have to just give up and move.

where is the choice in that?

they will kill off Shadowstrike if they do this, there will be no more identity no more OCE this NA that.

it will just be immigrants on a US server, as we had no where else to go.


bumping because oceanic deserves better.

Are 77% of those players that are against merging also okay with NA realms being against sharing bg instances with them? If so I am fully on board.

Because then AU doesn’t affect me , at all. And I fully support them having their own realm.


If they open transfers to shadowstrike and provide solutions if there is any issues with population for bg’s id be fine with no NA bg’s i was the 1 who petitioned against it in tbc as well.

Welcome aboard the OCE support train freind :slight_smile:

We are now at less than 24 hours until the proposed opening of FCM for Shadowstrike → Crusaderstrike.

Hopefully the fella at Blizz that requested this feedback will read and react to it.


He forgets the US relies on australia to function

we are a paying playerbase as well,

the SOD developers are literally screwing us over.

he wont read the feedback

Waiting for an update.

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I wonder why they haven’t responded to any of this feedback? It will just be the same ‘open transfer, oh look everyone transferred, oh LOOK your server is dead now, damn, looks like nobody wanted an OCE server after all’.


It’s very frustrating.

Based on the blue response of ‘hey we might change this based on feedback’, then feedback being overwhelmingly in favour of NOT moving, guild leadership is feeling confused and frustrated right now.

They’ve only had 4 days to even discuss it before FCM opens. FCM = server death, with the only transfer open being a huge downgrade to player experience. Horrible customer mind from Blizzard. If I did something like this to one of my customers at my company, they would be irate, and likely leave us.


And it wouldn’t matter. Because the cost to maintain that customer exceeds the revenue that customer will generate. This. This is all the company (any company) cares about. Profit.

PS: This is not a decision the devs make. This is coming down from the C Suite level.

They don’t care about the oceanic community if its not obvious by now literally did exactly what they asked and they don’t even have the curtiousy to give a response before directly killing the server.

Absolute joke of a company.

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idk AU complaining about blizzard customer service is like the table of karens at the olive gardern abusing soup and breadsticks wondering why they dont get the 5 star treatment.

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No idea why we’d be running around a garden full of olives demanding soup and breadsticks? Is that some sort of American thing like self-entitlement and ignorance of the world outside their own orbit?

What it is like is if served you a gourmet meal, charged you the same as everyone else but after you were halfway through having the waiter pee on it, setting the table on fire then starving you until you eat it anyway THEN telling you “see you like burnt food with pee on it, you ate it, why are you complaining”.


spot on :smiley: