[OCE] PLEASE allow OCE players to raid on OCE ping!

Option 1, please.

Free Penance.


Option 1 or 3 please.


Option 3 please.

Let us choose!!! Stop being belligerent and stubborn fools and let us choose. Our entire guild is quitting otherwise.


Open FCM for Penance first. Worry about SS later. Simples.
Make it so.

So yeah, option 3.


Option 3 please. Rarely PvP on the pvp server. Shadow strike + penance to usa
3 3

Battleground seeding 1+ sod


1 or 3 please.


If you read my post you’ll see I said the population was growing until a week or so ago, and there is reasonable expectation it will grow more in phase 5.

Option 3, give players the choice where they want to enjoy the game. Ideally lower ping with the technology in the future is what everyone wants but for now just let plays pick how they want to enjoy SOD.


Option 3, please! I moved months ago when Penance’s population died. I have found a new home on WG, made new friends and have a great guild, and I want to bring the rest of my characters across (my first main character). Not only that, but many of my Penance guild members stopped playing when the server population died. They want to come back and raid with us on WG. We were all set to raid last night but couldn’t because the server transfers didn’t open. We missed the opportunity to have our friends raid with us again. Isn’t that what this game is about, playing with like-minded people as a community?


Thank you for the update. Option 1 or 3 for Penance to Wildgrowth. The OCE playerbase is too small to carry into future phases. If given the choice between Shadowstrike and Wildgrowth, I choose Wildgrowth.


Thanks for responding and taking the time to see what actual representatives from OCE would like.

I can’t speak for Shadowstrike but from a Penance perspective certainly option 1 would be great. Option 3 includes us so that would be good too.

After how some individuals from Shadowstrike have been acting and arguing in bad faith, I would not want to merged into their server at all. I cannot see myself playing anymore if option 2 were selected.


as an NA player i speak for all of OCE when i say

theres no right answer. some people will want to transfer but if you allow transfers you kill the last place for OCE players to have good ping. i think the best answer is #2 convert shadowstrike into PVE and merge the two. plenty enough players for a good server, pvpers can enable pvp, good ping.

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Option 3 please. We are 10% of crusader strike and outside of a few days/hours a week the game is a ghost town. If games like league can be played on US ping for years with little to no issues, before oce servers existed - I am pretty sure sod players can cop 150-250 m/s and be completely fine?


Option 3 please


As a penance player, Option 1 or 3.

Option 2 would make more people upset than happy, and is really only kicking the problem down the line a phase or two.

I think the best thing would be Option 4 - Penance → Wild Growth + Shadowstrike → Crusader Strike & Wild Growth. Let the shadowstrikers who want off pvp come to wild growth if they want.



Option 1 is an absolute no-brainer. Penance players already don’t mind moving to US ping, we have made the decision that we would prefer population over ping.

Additionally, under no circumstances should option 2 occur. I agree that the behaviour of some Shadowstrike players in this discussion has been pretty awful and frankly I wouldn’t play on their server, I simply wouldn’t play at all.

Option 1, free Penance, and do it soon so we don’t lose even more players who are upset at the lack of communication and rug pulling.



Option 4: Open FCT from Pennance & Shadowstrike to both Crusader Strike & Wild Growth. Let the Aussie pop have the option to move together to the one server. Ping aside, raid times will still be the biggest hurdle for most oceanic raiders so the more OCE players on the one server, the better.

Maybe down the line they can work on the OCE seeded instanced that everyone seems to ask for.

Letting pennance merge to WG and shadowstrike remain without any support is just the slow death method. Hard pass on that.


If Option 2 was an option, it isn’t any more after this debacle.


If the population was growing then that means the server has been even worse than it is now. The game is completely dead. You can occasionally find groups during peak time but that is becoming even worse by the day. If we get option 3 you are more than welcome to stay on shadowstrike seeing as you believe the server is in such a healthy state. It shouldn’t matter to you if players want to leave. You do you, stay on a dying server, let us do what we want aswell.

Option 3 is the only long term viable solution to address most players concerns about the quality of their experience. Options 1 & 2 are band-aids at best and we can all see that.
You must deal with both Penance and Shadowstrike together and open up the optional transfers off both. Let the players choose and please look at the totality of comments from separate accounts by volume the “MOVE” camp far outnumber the “STAY” people.
Freedom to choose for Penance AND Shadowstrike