[OCE] PLEASE allow OCE players to raid on OCE ping!

bot or not that is the question Elron…!
we are allready bleeading out or playerbase to Retail and cata…

10x the playerbase way more important than saveing 100ms ping

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Comments like this from non sod characters are what i hope pushes blizzard to annount something you aren’t expecting instead of what you think is going to happen which is them just killing our whole region and not providing anything better.

If they even remotely tried to make an effort they could do things to bring more players back to the game the most significant would be unbanning gdkp’s that in itself would have an enermous impact on playerbase numbers.

It’s also not 100ms ping most oce play between 5-30ms at highest (me personally 8-10ms) going to eastcoast crusader strike would be 200ms+ minimum for most (me personally 240ms+)

Very misleading.

I do hope penance gets there transfers.

I hope blizzard reads all of this and has a better solution that can make both sides happy.

I hate seeing oceanic realm split like this every single time its sad and they should do something to stop putting us in this position.

Option 3.

Let the players choose and when you see the majority of Penance players move, you will see what you should have done in the first place, what you said would happen. Maybe then you will rethink your business practices.

Blizzard seems to look at Classic/Cata/SoD as an addon for retail but here’s the thing; for people who prefer retail, it’s a nice little bonus to have access to those other games, but, for a lot of people it is the reverse. They simply wouldn’t pay for a sub if they didn’t have Classic/Cata/SoD and it is those people you risk alienating.



70 ping is normal ish for me not all of us live near the oce server
you have been one man defending this for 14 hrs now go to bed

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The voice of reason. Do not leave our WA/SEA players behind and put SS → WG on the table as ping is much better. If we are talking compromise this is it.


Talked to my raid tonight, got a bunch of WA & SEA players and we are pretty much in agreement, we need SS → WG. Not WA/SEA myself but I’m trying the best I can.


I’m just wondering, do the Penance trolls spam-posting in this thread not realise Blizzard can see your sock puppets “voting” ?

It’s so sad to see all of the Penance trolls so hurt and angry that their server died early on that they want to inflict pain on SS and ruin it for the majority there.

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Option 2.

Only really disadvantages open world pvpers, which at this point is DMF/songflower campers. and i don’t give a $%^#.

Allow Free xfers from U.S>oceanic. helping to stabilize the realms.

Option 3 will continue to be available if realm pop does continue dropping.
unfortunately a U.S central server is very high ping from aus., anything but that.

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Penance players want a healthy game. give them that. (allow both FCM to shadowstrike AND Wild growth) , this option isnt discussed much. and i feel it might be viable.

Shadowstrike just wants a few more people doing dungeons after 10pm.

Phase 5 content (zulgurub and pvp ranking) are very popular, and it is likely shadowstrike will be healthy for a decent time.
We welcome penance players. and i for one am happy to have a pve shadowstrike server. battlegrounds and ranking will hardly change. and raiding will continue happily.

Free xfers FROM america for the few aussies/friends etc playing on those servers will boost oceanic to above healthy and viable.

no special tech/coding necessary. just allow it please. cheap. and has VERY few and VERY low impact downsides.

which are mostly no world pvp in oceanic, and those who advocate moving to the U.S server will be forced to play on a medium sized mega server with low ping.

Option 2 with caveats is likely the best option for the majority for the longest amount of time.

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Option 1 or 3 asap thank you


You dont know what shadowstrike wants

I look forward to you calling out all random pro-gdkp nonsense that is ALL over the forum

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The shadowstrike server discord Polls as of 1 minute ago.

39% for moving, 61% against. with most voting against for reasons of ping.
and most voting for the move for reasons of larger playerbase.

Option 2 gives us a larger playerbase. and low ping. even better with transfers to shadowstrike from penance and other servers.present a better option yourself if you feel up to it. Solution 2 is low impact.

and no one person can know what a group really wants.
i have a hunch what u, binchicken want is to troll.

No one on Penance wants to go to Shadowstrike - It’s a dead option.
Going from dead to toxic - gtfo


open transfers let people decide and see what happens simple.

And you Allolria continue to post on your own “sock puppet” which is a character you hide behind to post and by your post count, you’ve been a troll in the forums for years and years.
Meanwhile genuine players concerned about their future in the game use (mostly) a current SOD character to voice an opinion or support a cause they care about.
Stop attempting to dehumanize others for your own ends sock puppet boy.
Go criticize Elron if you want to have a go at a spam poster, or go look in a mirror.


The discord poll does not reflect the majority of the player base so its flawed. Look how many want option 3 in this thread. The server is dead if you want to stay then stay. Stop holding other players hostage cause your brain carnt comprehend the server is dead


I am sorry to hear that you will not be joining shadowstrike.
With the absence of a massive playerbase and no gdkps. i have personally found
SS to be the nicest community i have ever been a part of since wow began.

Last week i pugged a scholo with a beastmastery hunter tank, had a blast. then pugged MC heat 1 on two alts. which was long and had many roadbumps, but no toxicity. both got to rag. and we all had fun.

Could you open up FCM from shadowstrike to wild growth as well, as wild growth is a US West server meaning we get significantly better ping.

From my own testing.
Crusader-Strike: 207ms
Wild Growth: 168ms

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Option 3.
Please open transfers asap so that we can prepare for phase 5. We want to be on the mega server so that it is easy to find groups any time of day.