[OCE] PLEASE allow OCE players to raid on OCE ping!

You truly are delusional if you think the overwhelming Option 1 and 3 responses are a “vocal minority” lol.


Good and we will continue to push for a better option than killing shadowstrike.

Keep hiding behind alts.

same guy that has been pushing and whinning for GDKP for a few weeks now thinking its for the better. LMAO


If it’s just a minority, the transfer won’t kill the entire region, right?

Blizzard said that it will fragment the playerbase enough that it will kill the server.

Which means there is clearly enough people on Shadowstrike that want to transfer and that will make a big dent in the population - and you’re holding them hostage.


Based on what? They’re taking a decision based on a discord poll, not from they own data lmao

You think blizzard took a discord poll over there server data … come on man wake up.

They literally said themselves there leaning towards option 1 because they know what will happen otherwise.

And yes, Oce has a smaller active player base then US region, talking countries alone, usa pop 333mil vs australia pop 27.6mil. More then 12x our size, yet we still make up 10% of the sod population if the 40k to 4k figure is correct.

Going to screw over 10% of your players because you couldnt implement tech from other versions into this, was there even an attempt?

A week ago no one had even thought of moving servers, we were going on about our business filling raids, farming consumes and playing. Guilds broke up, arguments started and friction built cos there was no communications till the last minute from bliz just multipul bad options and when feedback was given nothing was heard from them till the 11th hour.

And for ppl saying they want community over playability clearly you dont raid or do dungeons that you claim to not be able to find groups for, going from 10ms to 280ms is the same as going from instant taunt to half a second taunt (assuming all the gates align and the connection is being generous). To give a rough idea we lost 2 fully buffed dps in a raid tonight in less then .4 second to a loose giant that got parry hasted. That giant got picked up nearly instantly after that, if you add another half second to that how much worse could it have gotten. Obviously not everyone plays perfectly but if you take away the ability to react to things as they happen, you’ll take away comp plays ability to play unless they are playing perfectly, and you’ll make it hella harder on the average joe that wants to do lbrs for his 0.5 quest and not get 1 tapped but raging ogres.

As much as ppl like the idea of more ppl realistically its just going to be the same aussies some boosters and farmers and some no lifers or ppl with night shift jobs but now we all play on 280 ping :slight_smile: Also there are americans on SS saying the pings fine, my gf from cali gets 140 to ss and i get 12-15, she gets 15-20 on cs and i get 280, NA just has better net then oce, australia has some of the worst net for a 1st world country in the world.

Inability to play the game is going to kill it faster then a slow declining population. Keep the content coming and the pop will stay higher.

I do feel for penance and i think fcm should be open for them but the option should be given to stay on low ping and move to ss or go to wg. Open xfers for ss just not free ones, see how many ppl thinks its orith the $34 to move for population over performance maybe even leave fcm open for them to come back after see what the numbers look like after a month.


Before opening transfers

“Oceanic servers are currently planned to be included in this FCM offering, but we are open to feedback on this. The Oceanic PvE realm no longer sustains actual group play, and the PvP realm is looking worse for ware, we feel that a higher ping but actual ability to find groups for content supersedes lower ping times but we are open to feedback and opinions on this.”

The day they opened the transfers:

“Lastly we have however held off on opening OCE to US transfers at this time as feedback was strongly mixed on this topic, trending more towards negative than positive.”

Correct because we pointed out they aren’t really giving us a choice its a you won’t have a choice if we open transfers which they admitted to.

So the entire its optional etc and its a choice was debunked completely they said it will kill your server if we do this.

This is a problem that was in som they did nothing we need to start demanding they do something more than close down oceanic each time.

Are you ok Elron? you are so fixated on this. We get it, you are on a top parsing guild, you want to compete at the top for world rankings, or certainly for server rankings. The entire game for you personally is parsing, you have to play on low ping, or there is no point for you to play personally at all. You are kicking and screaming because you will be left all alone on SS or you will quit. Your bias is unbearable. You are disingenuous, you do not care about the health of the OCE server, you only care about being able to play on a low ping server with the bare basics to support your capacity to raid for speed runs.

Because of this bias, and your unhinged spamming your opinions really need to be struck from this thread.


And that’s because the number of people who wants to transfer isn’t a minority. otherwise you wouldn’t care. Anyway, the server will keep losing players , it’s just a question of time.

I heard I’m limited to 3 messages because it’s the first time I post on the forum. Enjoy spending your day replying to other people.


This is completely false because everything i’ve said is to push for a better option for all of us so we don’t have to be forced onto NA every season with lag.

I’m also not in any speed run.

And we made suggestions for oceanic seeded instances with a compromise of world ping being NA.

We’ve made numerous suggestions and tried to look for a better alternative blizzard hasn’t done/said or given us anything.

They aren’t even making an effort for our region and i want that to change.

You need to stop saying We, you are speaking for yourself. The word to use is “I”


We made suggestions on what could be done read the other threads.

Option 3. The server is dead. If the people want to stay, they have the option to stay. Don’t make everyone have to stay on a dead server.


correct, many players from OCE have made recommendations and some of these recommendations are good. But you are responsible for your posts, not just the one I reply to. Are you aware of how you have represented your arguments in this thread? you consistently misrepresent your arguments with grouped statements such as “we” “everyone” “all of us” prior to statements which are your personal opinion.

Please, it is clear that everyone here and any blizzard employee reading this understands your position. Continuing to spam this thread does nothing but devalue your arguments at this time. Continuing to spam is simply to dilute the quality and access to responses for blizzard which is outright malicious.

Please, just make a final comment clearly re-iterating your argument and step away from the keyboard.


I will continue to discuss and reply to people who are also spamming the post that want to see our server destroyed.

I do not want to see shadowstrike killed off and i do not want to see oceanic community continue to be treated like this.

I’m sorry you don’t like that but that’s the way it goes because blizzard is ultimately at fault for this they did this to us years ago and im sick of seeing it happen.

“WE” yes “WE” want better solutions than killing oceanic and forcing an entire region onto NA ping.

Sit down and grab some popcorn buddy. You’ve got a front row seat.