[OCE] PLEASE allow OCE players to raid on OCE ping!

Option 3 - enough said.

Crawl back through the 900+ responses since GarnetHound’s post this morning. Do the math. Majority want FCMs off Shadowstrike. Stop blocking my door and let me go where I please. You don’t own me, you don’t speak for me. Stop blocking my exit like a creepy bloke at a uni party.

We KNOW there should be better alternatives for Oceanic players - but there bloody isn’t! Stop barking on about your wishes and how things “should be” and accept that Shadowstrike needs transfers to a populated server.

Myself and many others in the guild are only playing SOD, and have only been playing SOD since P1. We make a lot of our own content to stay entertained, but it is so hard to keep playing without an engaging social environment in the world. The dungeon groups are sparse, LFG is full of guild spam or MC teams looking for multiple fills because they can’t even fill a core group with the current raiding population. Now even the AH is suffering from inflation because we’ve got barely over 1000 listings for items.

It’s not even about winning or losing an argument, Elron… it’s about players having the choice and opportunity to move servers if that is what they want to do.



If you know there should be better alternatives and what they offer is garbage then stop accepting garbage because they’ve done it for years stand together and demand a better solution.

Only way things are ever gonna change is if people demand more.

I don’t care about winning or lose an arguement.

I care about getting a better option for all oceanic players after years of constantly getting shafted over and over and listening to blizzard rubbish talk about xyz not being possible because of code or engineering or insert other excuses here.

A multi billion dollar company is not being held responsbile for total incompetence and neglect of an entire region and we shouldn’t be okay with it.

I guarantee you that if all of the oceanic players said this is no longer acceptable and bombarded these forums for days or weeks blizzard would magically have a solution to our problem within a few weeks at most.

Killing characters is wrong.

Practically no one has asked you to implement sharding. Sharding affects the open world. OCE players being forced onto US servers are resigned to the open world having lousy latency. We already understand that the classic version of the game would not support sharding. We are only asking for all instances to be seeded to servers on the region of the party / raid leader when they open. You already do this now in Season of Discovery for BattleGround instances so telling us it’s not possible is a crock. Just do the same thing for dungeons that you already do for battlegrounds. You have not addressed this by talking about sharding.

Presenting these threee options as the only ones possible is really weaksauce, Blizzard. You’re giving only options that we all know will eventually lead to the death of Shadowstrike(AU). Either it’s dead today because you open transfers out or it’s dead tomorrow because a substantial portion of the player base feel trapped by you not opening transfers and become toxic toward the players who are keen to keep an OCE server alive. There is another option you are not raising - open Shadowstrike(AU) as a destination server for FCMs. Let PvE players migrate to Shadowstrike(AU) too so that any Penance(AU) player can choose whether they want to go to the US and stay PvE or stay in OCE and move to PvP. Let any OCE players who rolled in the US because they anticipated your antipathy toward OCE (this is far from the first time we’ve been treated as an inconvenient afterthought) see that for once you’re actually going to support OCE players by helping us build a healthy server population… Some of them might come home. Let any US players who dislike crowded mega servers and might be less concerned with latency make a home for their toons down under. You described our population earlier as “teetering on viable”. That implies it’s almost not enough but by corollary it also means it almost is. So we don’t need a huge number of extra players coming here and we’d reach comfortable viability(by whatever metrics you’re using - personally I find our population perfectly viable now).

Being real - you’re going to ignore this perfectly good solution because you seem to be stuck on the idea there must be only one PvE and one PvP destination server for this experiment you’re running and it’s got you blinkered.

At the very least, if you won’t help build Shadowstrike(AU)’s population and you won’t allow dungeons seeded to OCE servers by OCE party / raid leaders the way BattleGrounds already do, please - for pity’s sake - please allow players on Shadowstrike(AU) the choice to transfer to Wild Growth(US) instead of only Crusader Strike(US). From Western Australia to the east coast of the US on a PvP server players like me will just be gank bait. At a bare minimum allow us the option to go to the west coast server where our ping will be slightly less hellish and where we won’t be open world gank bait because it’s a PvE server instead of PvP. That small mercy might possibly be enough to keep me subbed. Maybe. Seriously though - everything about these migrations so far has been a textbook example of how to royally cheese your customers off and make people want to stop playing your game.


Maybe you need lessons Elron???

14 Hunter-Melee Inevitable - Nakor’s Blue Riders - [Penance (AU) (US) 475.9 Mar 28

84 Warrior-Fury Elronw - KataaR oF mAAr - Shadowstrike (AU) (US) 405.3 Mar 11

My condolences to the LATAM region if there’s any players here they will suffer so much damage gameplay wise when they are with any oceania realm or instance the lag is absolute terrible.

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Option 3 please


I’m not sure what your linking ?

My warrior is Elron - https ://sod.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/shadowstrike-au/elron

Inevitable has a best perf average in molten core heat level 2 of 13 grey parse.
Elron has a best perf average in mc heat 3 of 96.2 orange.

This essentially means he is not a competitive player nor is his guild based on there logs so when they make any comments about latency being irrelevent etc it holds little to no weight compared to people who perform at a higher level.

It’s like asking a kid that races go karts about something to do with formula one racing and ignoring the formula one race driver for the kid its ridiculous.

They can talk about penance needing transfers in which i agree talking about latency on NA for anyone but themselves is irrelevent because they aren’t playing at a level where it would impact there skill anyway.

I speak for everyone in the oceanic community when i say Option 3


Nah you don’t unfortunately.

Option 3 please


Notice how all these people are coming spamming but aren’t on sod or oceanic servers and in some cases have literally 1 post and its not even on a sod toon.


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I rarely if ever post on the forums. don’t really think it matters what I post on. Option 3 please.


Well since your on penance opting to kill shadowstrike your right.

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the clown elron has been so defensive like his life depends on it LOL

OPTION 3 pls do it asap


Ah another guy who isn’t on sod posting an irrelevent insult.


i bet we’re getting transfer annoucement in about 5-6 hrs



If there silly enough to listen to a vocal minority and kill an entire region for a 2nd time well that’s on them i did my best.

We stopped the transfers and we are pushing for a better solution for everyone.

It’s a win win for me friend.

you can start dooming again



Nothing to doom about friend we stopped the transfers.

If blizzard open them again they destroy the entire oceanic region.

That’ll be on them.

nothing to doom? a few days ago you were crying about your guildies are ready to transfer to CrusaderStrike and you were just gonna quit…

the transfer got paused for a few days. not stopped


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