[OCE] PLEASE allow OCE players to raid on OCE ping!

To worry about penance and leave our server out of it then there’s no issue.

Otherwise carry on talking the same rubbish and ill continue to respond to it and point out why your wrong.

Yes please I too would like to hear from them

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Yeah duh that’s the point. They need to make their opinion heard on here, if you think they don’t want option 3.

Make it so. Go on. Chop chop.

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They already did for weeks and what they asked for was for transfers to not be opened.

They got that which is why they are no longer spam posting.

The only people spam posting now are penance players malding about not getting the transfers they wanted so now they wanna kill shadowstrike as well.

Around and round we go.

Blizzard wants to hear from your community not 1 voice I’m afraid.

Haven’t you got a GDKP post to necro?


I’ve seen lots of shadowstrike players posting today wym? Why do you keep twisting the truth you maggot.


They heard loud and clear that’s why the transfers were not opened.

They didn’t just magically decide to not open them.

Very encouraged by the level of community feedback in this thread - 99% of Shadowstrike players have selected option 3.

Excluding Penance players selecting option 1, I can count the remaining votes with a single hand.

Let’s remember that this is the first time that an open question has been asked of the community, and the result is clear - option 3 let’s go


Already voted and voiced there opinions for multiple weeks here , in game and in our server discord.

It was heard and blizzard make the right call to not kill an entire region/server like they did in season of mastery.

And yet this vote screwed over a “much smaller” whole server that was compelled to prepare to jump ship at 11am AEST in the middle of a work day/week, by literal last minute cancellation of free transfer.

Do you understand the grief that’s caused? Do you now understand why we need to move? If your server is so fruitful with activity, you have nothing to worry about. Is Blizzard wrong about your server dying?


Option 1 for penance, Option 3 is inevitable, but I think it’s too soon to split the player base.

Even with Penance and SS players who suddenly care joining, the vote to transfer is still overwhelmingly negative

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The only valid poll is this thread, and the responses are so clear.

Absolutely option 3 is the way to go for Shadowstrike.


That’s blizzards incompetence not a player saying they don’t want a merge on a forum be real ? they also messed up by opening character creation at 2 am before transfers and currently people still can’t even transfer on other servers.

Read the forums its full of transfer problems multi day wait times and errors.

Yep was suprised that blizzard locked both and not just shadowstrike was a literal no brainer that penance needed the transfers.

It was never a discussion to begin with i saw they didnt open transfers for you and also started a thread asking for penance to be able to go to shadowstrike or wildgrowth.

We do if there are people trying to advocate for transfers on shadowstrike and blizzard have said this would kill the server.

Yes they are and there’s also many things they could do to improve its situation why do people look over every single thing that could be done to help a server and go to the last resort option of killing it ?

So far blizzard has made 0 effort and not made a single attempt at doing anything to help any of the oceanic region in any aspect.


Today simply shows that of the previous posts regarding server transfer were not from a majority player base. I can see posts from SS (even those carrying Elron’s guild tag) opting for FCMs.

We now have been given what may be our final choices, for me 3 gives every OCE player a say.

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So why are you scared of that your server will die if 3 happens, when you take the stance that Blizz have lied?

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They opted for transfers with the condition that we had oceanic seeded servers or something similar as a solution.

They opted as a guild to transfer if they opened initially because they know like everyone else does and blizzard that if they open transfers and lock character creation it kills the entire server word for word from blizzard. (Also when i say opted as a guild i mean we were told by the GM he made the decision to go you don’t get a choice you either go or you don’t have a guild once transfers open)

There were also people not happy about this some wanting to outright quit based on that decision and some saying they’d probably just quit a few weeks into being on NA.

aka we aren’t even given a choice to stay when they are going to intentionally kill it.

When transfers got locked people were fine with it had no issue all our raids are scheduled to go ahead and nothing changed.

We don’t want the merge and the only compromise we were willing to make was if there was a better solution of oceanic seeding offered it wasn’t and so far blizzard haven’t offered anything worthy of wanting to go.

Because without doing anything prior and making no attempt whatsoever to improve the playerbase while at the same time locking character creation a server becomes unsustainable overtime.

Precisely why blizzard held off on doing so and said they were leaning towards option 1 because that didn’t drag a server that’s not dead down with it just because penance was dead and need transfers.

Common sense.

Jeez I can’t stand to read what this bigot says anymore, gl forum trying to get transfers back on have fun dealing with their next 1000 posts.


Again I say your sample size of users posting to forums was not of a majority player base. Stop sidestepping the fact that your polls/discord discussions were even remotely accurate in reflecting what the players want is obtuse.

More have posted on this one thread than all the others combined.

Nuff said for me and Good luck on your decision blizzard. I look forward to joining WG to see out my SoD experiece.


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That’s only because of the penance spam + me replying otherwise it be nowhere near the other thread of not wanting the merge.

You are wrong and i hope blizzard do not concede to you in killing shadowstrike and opt to let penance transfer and provide a better solution for shadowstrike / oceanic as a region.