[OCE] PLEASE allow OCE players to raid on OCE ping!

OPTION 3. A small group of players on a server don’t speak for an entire region. LET US TRANFER.


Cheers! You are great! sorry that i made it easy.

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I’m sure Sourpops is shaking in their boots about exposing their true intents.

As a Penance player Option 1 for sure, and Option 3 should the Shadowstrike people so choose.

Just ignore him, he changes his argument to suit what he wants.

I’m just having my fun at this point :stuck_out_tongue:

If you are so secure about Shadowstrikes future, then opening up free transfers from SS will not harm your server…but wait this post looks to have unveiled the majority is ready to slam the door on that toxic place the second they can…and you know it!

Over to you Elrod

Wait I thought you replied to my other post after.
Anyway, I’m making the point, clear as day, of the core of the issue of what he’s doing, to invalidate any further argument, given his current trajectory.

Blizzard have already said that by doing that it would fragment the playerbase further and kill the server which is exactly why they haven’t done it yet.

There is no you have a choice its if you open free transfers you will kill the oceanic region and shadowstrike its literally written in the blue post …

That forces people who don’t want to merge to have no option but to either go NA or quit the game the exact same thing that happened in som.

This time though they were smart enough to stop the transfers and not kill an entire server.

The server isn’t dead its not doomed either there are things that can be done to help improve it.

Its gonna happen…get on board

IMHO allowing guilds to move to WG/CS will allow them to bolster their raiders giving a guild that has stuck together a chance to thrive. For example in the last week we have seen one of the larger guilds fold due to a lack of turnout.

You do you mate but taking away the voice of others is harmful.

Choose 3 for an equal voice for all!


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And yet…

We have voiced our opinions.

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Nope that’s exactly why im here.

Your servers been dead for months and it’s signficantly smaller than shadowstrike.

Totally different situation we have over 73 active raiding guilds my guild alone runs 3 x 20 mans and most other guilds run multiple raids.

I’m not taking away the voice of anyone im on a public forum arguing my cause and what i believe is best for our region and shadowstrike.

Your problem is penance needs transfers something i have no issue with my problem is your blabbering on about shadowstrike when you shouldn’t have any say because you don’t even play here.

These penance players only started spamming forums about shadowstrike cause there malding about not getting transfers which is on blizzard not me.

Most of them are malicious and toxic and have openly admitted they don’t care about oceanic at all they want to kill shadowstrike and some even going as far as saying oceanic shouldn’t even have servers or be a region because it will die anyway.

Goes to show people on penance actually are really toxic.

Gaslighting people who’ve probably never played WoW or Classic before that they should’ve gone to a NA server from the get-go, and teasing guilds over grey/green raid parses to make their opinion invalid, makes you the toxic one here.


Alright, well my vote is option #3. Thats very easy to choose from.
No one deserves to be held hostage on a server they don’t want to play on anymore.


There appears to be overwhelming support from SS community for free transfers. I am only advocating Option 3 as it gives all an equal choice to choose what is best for them.

Yes you can believe that, give others the option to leave or stay. Again if your player base is so committed then they will stay.

The overwhelming forum posts speaking in reply to this blue post is simply the masses that were happy with the FCM’s and so had no need to challenge the decision.

This rug pull decision has clearly motivated many to reach out to blizzard in hopes for the original plan to proceed. Personally I cant recall using forums in the last decade, but here I am standing with my fellow OCE that simply want the freedom to choose if they stay or go.

Opting for 3 is in no way telling blizzard to close SS, stop beating that drum!


Why do you think blizzard themselves said they are leaning towards option 1 if you think option 3 is whats best for oceanic :slight_smile:

Blizzard have already said if free transfers open shadowstrike will be killed from a fragmented playerbase.

There is no you have free choice to stay or go if transfers open the people who want to stay get screwed and forced to go to NA or quit that is not what they signed up for by rolling onto an oceanic server.

Option 3 is directly saying we will kill shadowstrike as quoted directly from blizzard themselves

You can keep trying to discredit what i’ve said but good luck discrediting the blue post that said it.

This isn’t about choice its about penance players malding and trying to kill shadowstrike because they are already on a dead server.

Here’s some good advice next time play on NA and never play on oceanic again problem solved.

No your SS community is COMMITTED to staying as you say…no harm…you have also beat this null argument into the ground please get new material

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Why don’t you get busy then telling SS folk to come to the forum and have their opinion heard?


Nah ill stay here and continue arguing with whatever penance player wants to try to advocate for killing shadowstrike because there bitter little men.

Nothing you can do is gonna stop that.

700 comments of arguing because penance wants to try to kill someone elses server when all they needed to do was ask for transfers for penance.

Keep going though you are literally on penance anything you say is irrelevent for shadowstrike.

Believe me i ain’t going anywhere.

Tell your community on Shadowstrike to have their opinion heard here. This is what Blizzard is asking.