[OCE] PLEASE allow OCE players to raid on OCE ping!

So you chose latency over NA population and now you claim latency is irrelevent … right

Here’s thing friend your servers dead historically every pve oceanic realm has died and failed we all know this its common knowledge in the oceanic region.

Even with all of that being said i am still not opposing penance transfering i am opposing you advocating for the mutual destruction of shadowstrike aka the oceanic region which has no impact on you whatsoever.

You are malicious.

This is a democracy, and the choices proposed by Blizzard. You have no right or power to force a change of opinion on anyone.
You’re the one that’s malicious.

This is a world of warcraft forum.

I am directly telling you that you are wrong you have no coherent argument against what i’ve said and you are malicious.

What you say is irrelevent to me.

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Blizzard provided a choice of 3 options. It’s a democracy.

And I’m telling you you are wrong for trying to force their vote to differ from what they chose.

Look who’s talking.

You are constantly assuming, that everyone playing SoD has been playing since Classic release and for every expansion since. Assuming they’ve been keeping track of every OCE realm to date. Along with doing nothing but actively trying to discredit people’s opinions via insulting their parses, ability to play the game, and intelligence. Get a new approach.

Ping isn’t the only reason people play on OCE realms I am sure. Nor is it the reason people from OCE play on NA realms. People have friends + time preferences. Not everyone playing SoD had this hindsight vision that the realms will die. Again, not every player that is playing SoD has ever played WoW before, or kept track of server life prior. Therefore instead of actively abusing and bullying people on their ability to play a game, you’ve clearly “mastered”. Maybe try, thinking about the people that play the game for a community, something that we haven’t had since 1 month after every phase drop.

Along with supposedly trying to “save” the whole of Oceanic, which I mean maybe you should’ve started these threads regarding all this stuff, BEFORE SoD was released. Maybe back then when they announced it, you should’ve (maybe you did, feel free to link a thread and prove me wrong) made your “demands”.

If there was a paid option to transfer back during P3 - we’d most likely already be half the size of what we are now. As I along with many others stopped playing, due to a lot of our OCE SoD gamers, going to Cataclysm pre-patch and release.

I don’t have to force anything i am absolutely destroying any kind of arguement you propose in a public forum and making you look like a fool.

All you can do is shout democracy but you can’t address anything that i’ve said.

Maybe you should consider that i did exactly that 2 years ago in this exact same situation the only difference was back then they didn’t stop the transfers and they killed the entire oceanic community forced us to NA and most people quit.


This problem has been around for many many years blizzard keep pretending like it hasn’t and its a new issue they intentionally do nothing about it nor will they invest any time or effort because people like you who are happy to just accept the worst option offered.

Maybe consider for a second other people as well that we play the game differently too we play to be competitive and we chose to play on oceanic you wanting transfers directly kills our server you can talk all the rubbish you want saying its optional blizzard themselves said if they open transfers and lock character creation it will kill the oceanic region.

Blizzard is ultimately responsible for all of this i understand your side you understand my side i want both sides to agree that blizzard needs to do better for everyone and provide a better solution that don’t screw some people and not others.

Clearly you don’t understand how voting works. Grand majority are saying Option 3, you’re denying that vote. Blizzard did not impose any restrictions as to who can vote what. You’ve even “fixed” people’s votes by saying their vote to leave is only on terms of allowing it only for Penance, ergo forcing votes for option 3 to instead to be votes for option 1. That is the essence of disenfranchising the freedom of democracy. If you have a problem with the way we are voting, file your complaint with Blizzard, not us.

There is no vote they never asked you to vote you just can’t read.

They said here are a few of our options and then said what they were and then said they are leaning towards option 1.

The word vote was not mentioned a single time in his entire post he also said “voice your thoughts” not spam the forums with option 3 like a lunatic.

Present a valid arguement to why you think a penance player should have any say in killing shadowstrike and ill destroy it.

You know what makes ME smile, there is an option that allows you to show poststs based on what the community finds interesting in this thread , when you click it all of Elrons posts vanish and you end up with an interesting discussion.

Yep! Blizzard allowed me to vote for the oceanic community to move to the US realms! Option 3 is it!


Mate, what do you think “options” are? What purpose do “OPTIONS” provide other than freedom of choice to achieve an outcome desirable for the impacted recipients?

An option is an opportunity to vote, ergo democracy. Saying otherwise makes you tyrant.

You are a minority on a dead server that is being malicious.

Are you on SHadowstrike?

game set match

loving it.

Sorry but you have no right to tell us what to do with our server :wink:

Last line from the blue himself. Asking for feedback on the 3 options. Everyone has a say.


1 Why cant you just open xfers between oce servers shadowstrike and penance?
2 why would you fold the bigger server of ppl that want to pvp for the fewer? that doesnt make sense, would make more sense to merge them and put warmode in basically making a pve phase for ppl that dont want to pvp.
3 open free xfers off and not close paid xfers back but dont turn off the ability for new ppl to come in and make toons on oce servers(as that will kill a server if there is no new recruits coming through), alot of the ppl that seem to be voicing their concern and wanting to move dont effect the raid scene anyway. The competitive raid scene will remain and if ppl want to get into that or have ping as their main reason for playing they’ll start there it will stay that way.

worse comes to worse down the track and its not worth it just force merge it dont give ppl the option and if you loose the ppl that dont want to play at high ping, i guess we’ll be back for classic+
Whats doing a lot of the break up is that you are giving a choice, between a server that will never have new ppl coming in but has amazing ping vs high ping and a healthier AH,

Watching the servers during the usual oce timezone cs and wg still seem slower, if not the same pop as oce. if it doesnt really change the amount of ppl playing during the main oce play time whats the point in moving? to enjoy higher ping and the same ppl we already see posting and playing in our time zone? at a higher ping, maybe recruiting and finding some na ppl that work night shifts or something? but wouldnt be able to pull of clutch plays in pvp or comp raiding etc.

Leveled a tank on wg awhile ago and pushing taunt and it not happening instantly but .5 of a second later is huge. that kind of lag in pvp or a speed raid will kill you or push a wipe. As someone that is more into the comp raiding (as much as sod is a casual game mode) it would drain a lot of the fun for me.

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I don’t need to we already agree that penance should be able to transfer.

We don’t agree that you should have any say in what happens to a server you don’t play on and actively advocating for its destruction is just you being a bitter little man like the rest of these penance players.

Again, we go back to the point that most of the crowd here are saying option 3, to not disenfranchise those who want out from SS, yet you’re forcing our vote for 3 to be a vote for 1. You’re denying freedom of choice, and also perhaps the freedom of those on your server who also want out.