[OCE] PLEASE allow OCE players to raid on OCE ping!

They won’t do this same as they claim ping isn’t an issue but then continue to make oceanic characters then complain about not being on NA.

If ping isn’t an issue naturally NA has/will always be bigger why would you ever roll on oceanic to begin with.

These people are clueless.

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Actually jackass, most of us already have but most of us also have poured alot of time and love ionto our OCE players and dont want to have to redo all that work…think mate…think

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You probably shouldn’t be talking now since you’re forcing other people’s in-favour votes to be different, in the way you think they should have voted. Your position is moot now. People have voted. You can’t tell them what to otherwise do.

Well would you rather play with 200 ping on a PvE server or 280 ping on a PvP and do world PvP against players with 3ms.


Why play on oceanic at all if your fine with NA ping ?

Are you now claiming you didn’t know pve oceanic would die ?
Are you claiming you didn’t know NA servers are bigger then oceanic ?

Your arguement is ridiculous.

this is kind of irreleveant becuase crusaderstiek is actually well balanced factionwise , so the latency wont affect the outcome of any world pvp really unless its 1v1 and you happen to be against a US player…i mean it will happen but not very often that it would affect gameplay that much .

Its a tired argument from people that think they pvp but really dont and that ammount of latency wouldnt make any difference in the long run.

No one is claiming anything , the servers started as a decent size , I beleiev at one point Shadowstrike was class as a full server. but time and circumstance have lef to a sever reduction in population , you knmow all of this why do you keep spouting the same rhetoric Elron. The server has just reduced to a point that its unsustainable

oh and BTW alot of OCE players did make toons on US servers , do you honestly think there is only 3500 wow sod players in AUstralia NZ and asia pacific?

Why are you on an oceanic server if ping is irrelevent to you ?

Play on NA from the beginning then you wouldn’t be crying here about a problem you created yourself.

Mate sometimes it’s not your view that’s important but the fact that differing views exist and sometimes you have to find the best compromise.

even if no compromise exists?

To say SS → WG is impossible is wrong and you know it, and to say whether it’s a bad choice depends on what’s important to you as an individual.

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There is no compromise. Blizzard set us on this course by guaranteeing migration which they pulled out of at the literal last minute. Options 1 or 3 are now what have to happen. There is no going back.

Why si it every medium you post on ends up being a toxic attack on peoples integrity Elron or there intelligence?

It’s an actual gaslight. His words are all moot now. Even tried changing people’s votes in a democratic situation.

Looking forward to the next update from Blizzard tomorrow morning.

I believe that they will hear the majority and make the correct decision to open FCM’s for OCE players.

Allow the players to decide their own fates.

Option 3 for OCE.


Can’t answer a simple question right ?

Penance players know oce pve server are always smaller and die/have population issues.

Every single 1 of you claim ping isnt relevent but you all actively chose to play on a oceanic server now the servers dead you want to drag the entire oceanic community down with you because of something that you could of easily avoided from the start.

Next time don’t make any oceanic pve server make only a pvp one and if you don’t like it go play on NA.

Win win for everyone.

It’s almost as if Blizzard gave us an option to play on a realm that might have actually been of latency benefit for us at the time, and that we took the opportunity while it presented itself.

(post deleted by author)

timezone benefits as well


So you chose latency over NA population and now you claim latency is irrelevent … right

Here’s thing friend your servers dead historically every pve oceanic realm has died and failed we all know this its common knowledge in the oceanic region.

Even with all of that being said i am still not opposing penance transfering i am opposing you advocating for the mutual destruction of shadowstrike aka the oceanic region which has no impact on you whatsoever.

You are malicious.