[OCE] PLEASE allow OCE players to raid on OCE ping!

I believe something needs to be done about Elron and his quote/unquote “contribution” to these OCE threads in the last 48 hours. His toxic, selfish and shortsighted opinions on this topic and the frequency with which he continues to post them is quite alarming. Hundreds of posts, all of them antagonizing and insulting, on one forum thread is far beyond a joke. How can one person be allowed to post so much to one topic thread without saying ‘enough is enough’. New users are limited to three replies per post, but others can post hundreds?

He has insulted, gaslit and bullied hundreds of people at this point. His attitude is barely above that of a troll. This is clear and obvious, and yet nothing has been done to stop him. I firmly believe personally that Blizzard should ban him from these forums for the way he has acted and the vitriol he continues to spout. It was clear 24 hours ago that he was upsetting a lot of people and by this point it is out of control.

This will probably get buried, but I urge any regular users of this forum to take up this call for action in whatever way seems best, be it in replies to this and other posts, or by making a new forum post purely about the desire to see some ramifications come to him moving forward. This kind of behavior should not - can not - be tolerated.


You should run a fresh internalised poll on your server discord to see who is on your server and is open to option 3.

Lets go with option 3. It is the best solution right now.

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Its not my discord server i have nothing to do with the polls.

For penance.

Fixed it for you.

Here’s a bright idea - ask an admin on it to run one.

There is already a poll, its this official post and the accompanying responses. Pretty obvious what the results are.

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There isn’t and the only thing obvious is most penance people trying to kill shadowstrike because there angry.

If this wasn’t the case they’d be opting for option 1 to let them transfer and leave shadowstrike alone.

Just because you come and spam forums don’t make it an official poll.

Let blizzard open a poll or send out a survey if they want something official.

You know the thing about democracy is that everyone gets an equally portioned vote. Limiting that choice creates tyranny. You cannot tell people what they should otherwise vote, or “fix” their vote without their consent.

Option 2

Keep the AU player base together while allowing many around this large country and the surrounding countries to enjoy similar time-zones and peak server latency.



Lone wolf (US West) has lower ping for oceanic players than Crusader Strike (US Central).

Why are we being forced onto the higher ping option?

200ms better than 280ms??


There isn’t that many that’s the issue, this game isn’t popular enough in our region to have what you’re asking for and the people that are playing log in to raid and then log out.

It would be nice if we had this perfect ecosystem of infinite players but it’s just not happening, what option three actually is allowing is for players to have a choice to migrate, this isn’t a server merge the server will still remain and so will it’s ping but the game to some (most) is more about community than ping.

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Yes, do this. If you want to please a handful of people over the vast majority of people on Penance who value the ability to play an MMO over 0.2 milliseconds of lower ping.

Option 3 please. ASAP.

Let Elron and his equally delusional friends stay on Shadowstrike if they love their ping so much.

OCE has proven repeatedly that they can’t sustain servers.

I played on Felstriker until it died
I played on Yojamba until it died
I played on Swamp of Sorrows until it died.

Enough is enough, it doesn’t work.

Until a longer term solution can be found (such as an OCE layer/shard on a US realm) just let us move to a US server.

Players >>> Ping everytime.
My ping doesn’t matter if there’s no one to run a dungeon with.


Why trap innocent players? The game is about finishing quests

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This is why I keep asking for a Wild Growth option as it has lower ping & is the best compromise currently available.


No need to lie, it’s around 200 milliseconds, not 0.2.

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i wish it wasnt pve tho.

If you crave the social aspect, WG character creation is open right now.

Many will unsub after a few weeks of 200ms if they are purple+ parse enjoyers and this will be the accelerant for a quick demise of OUR OCE realm. Penance is proof that with group effort; raids happen, people get their enchants and consumes. Helping each other with personal quests etc just takes effort of asking for a helping hand.


dont know what im more excited about the merge or Elron quitting… good times ahead