[OCE] PLEASE allow OCE players to raid on OCE ping!

You keep mentioning this as if there isn’t a Blizzard Dev that has requested answers to his poll. We can’t control where the Blizzard Dev decides to post.

I’ve also seen a lot of people mention the fact that “just go re-roll” as if Character Creation isn’t locked on most realms. We can’t. You and the discord “poll” made sure of it. We would’ve already been leveling on Crusader Strike. We now have to 1) Wait for transfers to be available again. 2) Wait for character creation. Or god forbid, level on SS with this “healthy” population you keep speaking of.

overwhelming response of OPTION 3. please do it asap so we can prepare before bwl/zg release. we need to sort out things before raid


@GarnetHound posted this morning as post #115. Since then we’ve now climbed to 824 posts with the overwhelming majority in support of Option 3. This thread has double the amount of users participating than any of the other anti-FCM threads which arguably is more representative of the server population than data presented previously as players flock to this thread to defend their right to choose.

Players are outraged that their choice was stripped from them because of the actions of a vocal minority, and that shows across the last 700 posts.

Option 3 - rip the bandaid off and lets get it done.


I’ve just noticed no name penance guild with bad parses who are angry about not being able to transfer trying to intentionally kill shadowstrike.

Just because you post 400 times won’t change anything.

Can always just make it on a server that isn’t locked and then free character transfer hope this helps with your leveling experience.

With about 6 people contributing to 800 of the posts 5 of them being from penance spamming about what happens to shadowstrike lol.

We will keep bumping all threads so that Blizzard can see that the majority is speaking.

Option 3 for OCE players to decide their own fates.

The trolls do not speak for us.

That’s okay the ones your bumping all want oceanic to survive and want a better solution so that’s good.

Careful though your now on 100+ posts of spam saying the same thing about trying to kill our server.

We all have a right to be here and to post our opinions, just like you.

You speak for yourself.

And we will speak for ourselves.

Option 3 for OCE. Freedom for players.

Thank you. Blizzard will see what the majority is saying.

The players will decide if your server survives, and you will watch them do it.

Option 3 for OCE.

We did they stopped the transfers remember? that’s why your here complaining.

There is no we, only your lies.

Option 3 for OCE.

Can we please squelch Elron? He’s obviously spamming/trolling to hi_jack the post/forum

So it’s harder to see the votes

Or better yet everyone stop replying to him so it’s easy to see how derange he is at a glance.


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The way you communicate and disparage “no name guilds” and “grey parses” (as if these two categories have any meaning in any metric on a re-re-release of a 20 year old game) is having more of an impact on Blizz deciding to open transfers off SS than any single person. Keep it up.

And you shouldn’t talk about post count, yours has hit staggering numbers the past 24 hours. You are the the definition of someone completely out of touch with reality.

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Stop FEEDING the troll

Vote 1 to 3

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You mean the 1 guild on penance spamming the forums about shadowstrike ?


Correction. They never stopped transfers. They chose not to initiate them, pending more feedback. That feedback has now been given and I look forward to them initiating transfers tomorrow at the earliest.


Acting like you didn’t use multiple of your own characters in your threads to give the illusion of multiple players responding. The count down the bottom is representative of unique characters. Not everybody is going to character hop on game forums to give the impression of community choice… unlike some.

Players are coming here and voicing their actual opinions and you’re on full defensive trying to gatekeep the voices of many.

Nobody is asking you to leave Shadowstrike - in fact it’s preferable you stay.

If players want to leave then we deserve the choice to leave. Stop trying to hold the door closed.


Free players voicing their opinions against trolls.

it’s okay to be afraid of change.

Option 3 for OCE.

You’re either incredibly delusional or being intentionally dense. Enjoy the massive fall when Blizz open transfers off SS, it’s going to be a painful one for you.

atm its
OPTION 1 = 56
OPTION 2 = 4
OPTION 3 = 298

some people voted for 1 and 3 so i counted them on both


I am a Penance player and so cannot speak for the good people of Shadowstrike thus I vote for Option 1.

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