[OCE] PLEASE allow OCE players to raid on OCE ping!

And blizzard wants to make our entire gameplay experience into that same power point you’re complaining about. Are you seeing why we might have an issue now?

If the tech isnt there for OCE ping raids for whatever reason.

Blizzard should really think about opening transfers too Shadowstrike aswell - i currently get 5ms on shadowstrike and 200-250ms on crusader strike.

I would think crusader strike isnt US West based, and i suspect there is alot of OCE players already on US servers that, some of which would probably rather transfer to shadowstrike for miles better ping than to crusaderstrike for even worse ping.

So now you know how we feel being told btw we are moving your entire region onto a powerpoint for bgs world and raids …

Don’t blame us blame blizzard for there poorly implemented systems and destroying the playerbase as well as not providing suitable solutions for all of us.

+1, Merge the AU servers into one


Bumping for visibility.

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+1 agree with nec

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I think a merge would be great for the game oce is dead as we will get to aq and run out of ony and rend buffs.the ping isnt a issue multi r1 arena player chan who is from wa lived in eu and won awc with 200 ms i think we will be fine in bwl #bringonthemerge #Bringbackgdkps

Yeah but you are the minority , who cares. Are we going to sink a whole boat for 5 passengers or make 5 passengers uncomfortable.

Oceanic isn’t dead this is categorically false.

Ony rend buffs will be fine and if not there are easy solutions blizz can implement to work around it if it becomes an issue

nobody cares about some random who plays on 200 ping we don’t want to play on it

Don’t blame us or blizzard, blame the fact that your community has no player base. Don’t make it everyone else’s problem. If they do linked servers it can only create more problems for the larger player base. I’m sorry wow isn’t popular in OCE.

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Perhaps you should learn to read the original post instead of trolling.

I’ll wait.

maybe you should allow people to express how they feel about the topic in there own way. This change is going to be good for the world being able to do content questing with people doing lower dungos. More raids. world pvp instead of the barren waste land. Its a mmorpg (massively multiplayer online role-playing game) we need more people #changeisgood #mergwithus #weareone

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Overwhelming majority have said they are against the merge and the rest are in agreement that if there was any merge that we’d expect oceanic seeded servers for dungeons/raids.

None of what you mentioned is good if we are forced to play on 200+ ping we don’t want that you continually ignore this as if its not an issue when it is and you are trying to tell us that our concerns about this and experience is invalid.

Why do i want my entire oceanic guild who easily runs 3 to 4 mc’s a week to be forced over to NA and force 60-80 raiders all onto 200 ping how does that benefit our raid or guild ?

We can do dungeons we have leveled alts i probably have more alts than anyone on this forum there isn’t anything that we can’t do currently on shadowstrike and unless you can provide a solution where latency is not a factor then we don’t want whatever your selling.

Oceanic comes first we want solutions tailored for oceanic to help our region not kill it.

If they refuse that we want oceanic seeded servers so we can continue to enjoy a competitive and playable enviroment.

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You’re one guild isn’t the whole Oce committee. You did the same thing as you’re doing now with tbc arena/pvp and it was terrible experience you could only q during main time hours no degen hour gamin, 5s only on tuesday night for 3 hours. There was win trading at the end of session people piloting accounts. Then we got merge with us qs were popn people loved it & that change that bliz did saved arena/pvp as they will do with this change. Thats my 2 cents on the matter and alot of people ive talked to and just cba writing on this form they love the idea and the change is good and we will learn to play on the ping did just like R1 pvp players have and PVE player have done in the past.
#Bringonthechange #YESTOMERGE #theworldisnotflat #sodissaved

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+1 how is this even a discussion in 2024


Sure read this post and https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/oceanic-region-better-solutions-no-merge

Plenty of people from various guilds have all said the same thing we don’t want this.

All of the shadowstrike discord have said they don’t want this.

If you claim there’s people who do then get them to post if they cbf posting then there feedback is irrelevent.

Also post on your main and stop hiding behind non sod alts.

p.s don’t think a green/grey parsing hunter should be talking about being competitive and latency issues until you know how to play at a higher level.

https ://classic.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/arugal/goodscrumpy?zone=1020

People wouldn’t care about the merge if it was oceanic to oceanic. Merging itself isn’t an issue, it’s the latency we have to deal with ONCE we’re merged into a US server, and with only one choice as well.


ill just leave this here
sod.warcraftlogs. com/ character/us/shadowstrike-au/elronmage
ironforge. pro/ pvp/player/Arugal/Elron

That’s cool still don’t see your point ?

I’ll make it easier for you

Current main sod - https ://sod.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/shadowstrike-au/elron
Hunter main classic - https ://classic.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/arugal/elron?zone=1006

You trying to argue that ping is irrelevent when your parses are terrible and your posting on a non sod character is a joke.

Post on your sod main with competitive parses then you might have some weight to what your claiming.

Nobody has said you can’t play on 200+ ping.

We’ve said we shouldn’t be “FORCED” to and in 2024 this isn’t an acceptable solution for an entire region.

The fact you’re an oceanic player trying to argue to be put onto higher ping servers pretty much sums up your intelligence levels.

There is no downside to having shadowstrike maintained or having oceanic seeded servers on NA if they do want us to move its literally a win win whatever outcome all the people trying to argue otherwise have no idea what they are talking about.

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Bro you wouldn’t get AU instances unless an AU player seeded that instance

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