[OCE] PLEASE allow OCE players to raid on OCE ping!

Comment Number 446.

Comment Number 696.

Keep posting it, maybe they will see it.

To: @GarnetHound - (trolls need not apply)
As a developer I sympathise with your position, dealing with users expectations and the limitations your faced with, (limited time, financial and staff limitations with crazy deadlines),
All Users should realise that classic is not Retail, SOD is not Classic, it doesn’t and wont ever have the same resources or priority compared to TWW or other retail expansions, biz have explained this numerous times and that “technologies” are not simply added, transferred or implemented at a whim. It takes time and huge amount of effort to retrofit code.
WOW like any other game is a business, it has to make financial sense to do something or continue the service it offers.
As such we can all have our opinions, many/most of them are emotionally fuelled because of the investment people put in.
BUT, we ALL know what’s going to happen in the end.

IF its going to be profitable then the investment will happen…
IF not… then you need to cut your losses and work on things that will be.

that said, your options for a user(me) that has char on both SS and Pen, I see/my opinion is resulting as:

  1. Works well for that user base, Some financial and management sense, less overheads.

  2. Delays the issue, Clearly the player base will revolt (the culture of SS and Pen are VERY Different) and less will play/unsub - Pen in particular, they already are.

  3. Ultimately what will need to happen, Pen user base will be happy, a portion (40%, 60%, 80%) of SS will be happy to move the remaining unhappy.

    • its important to note here that by not allowing that portion to move results in them not playing or returning, and obviously the reverse in not moving. So really comes down to the percentage, AND based on your previous work in identifying realms to move, you already know what that percentage is.
    • its going to make more financial sense, less work and management for bliz and you can invest time in improving the experience for ALL, there will be a % that will be unhappy with it.

So I’d prefer option 3 to move my chars to realms where I CAN play without having to farm endlessly just to raid. Option 1 as a minimum.


We all know blizzard learns from their mistakes and takes great care in managing the game

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we need option 3 please


Yeah very persistent hey. Likely what has wasted so much of other peoples times forcing us to come on here so he stops drowning everyone out with his spam.

I’m still 50/50 if he’s a troll or actually believes it. But persistent yes.

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Option 3, please. We all thought this was the option when Mega Server was announced. But you guys didn’t include OCE - shame on you Blizz. This issue could have been avoided in the first place. This is a fair option. Give the people the option to leave and also allow people who want to die with their server to die with it. No one can complain about this, as everyone is given an option.


I think it’s possible to be so super passionate and so over-confident and have super strong beliefs and come across as a troll to most. My theory but who knows.

100% agree.

It’s the random personal attacks he will fall back on every now and then that makes me questions if he’s a troll. Can’t help himself but start lashing out at people.


Having the same reoccuring problem saying its bad then not ever addressing it and putting oceanic players into the same situation repetedly is a joke.

That is why they stopped transfers because they KNOW from som when they did this exact thing it completely decimated oceanic/swamp of sorrows au and a majority of people either quit outright or quit within a few weeks of being forced onto NA.

I am pushing for a solution that ultimately benefits all of us not just now but for the future of the entire oceanic community.

People don’t see that they just think about what they want right now they aren’t patient and they don’t think we deserve better which is why they are so willing to accept this kind of treatment.

How can anyone from any oceanic realm claim i am being a troll or malicious when we are pushing for a better outcome than “We know this is an issue as it was 3 years ago sorry we won’t invest or do anything to help you” here you go have NA ping enjoy regards blizzard team.

Take a step back for a moment and think about what has been said look at the actual suggestions / proposals its impossible to say they don’t benefit us now and in the long run.

I’m tired boss, I just want to play the game.



atm the only hope we have is transferring to NA and recruit some nightowls there. from 5 raid teams on phase 1 to 15-17 people on phase 4. the plan is if we cant get a free transfer before phase 5 we would just stop playing/raiding

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They have already indicated they are ready to let Penance transfer and based on feedback, that will likely happen but if you want to be the sole reason SS suffers then it won’t be a hospitable place for you going forward.

Given there’s a new Phase launch next week, I feel sorry for the others on your server that you’re trying to hold SS hostage when their actual players could have 10x as many others to play the new content with.

First off, they were put on hold pending further investigation otherwise no-one would be here.

Second, having people voice their opinion here is far more important than a discord poll as it only allows people with active game time to participate and is less likely to be tampered with.

Thirdly, most people could not be bothered to actually voice their opinion about this as they are either too apathetic or lazy to jump on unless angered or inconvenienced enough. Even the discord poll you keep mentioning (currently 20% for leaving, 33% for staying, of the 1000 odd server profiles) fails too account for the “majority” of the 2.8k raiding population (including alts) plus however many non-raiding players out there.

So how about we let the people speak up.
I’m up for 3 instead of just 1 now, I can understand people wanting to get away from Shadow strike now.

However I am interested to note that you seem to be using info from a discord server you have been banned from.

Option 3!!!


I mean, what leverage do players have? Most just want to play. Not spend weeks trying to negotiate a better deal. And are they listening and willing to act on suggestions? Doubtful. Already they have said there will be no technical solutions, that it will be an all or nothing deal. Not sure what your game plan is heading forward.

“In business, trying to satisfy everyone often results in satisfying no one. Success lies in clear focus and decisive action, not in endless compromise.”


Anyone who rolled on Penance likely anticipated at some stage to be rolled onto or in with a PvE server in the US at some stage. It’s a seasonal PvE OCE server… I personally was happy we even got one to begin with.

For us, the better alternative is to go to a US PvE server rather than an OCE PvP server. For many, that is just not an option. If we wanted a PvP server, we already would have rolled SS.

I get you want to salvage competitive alternative on OCE. We are not in the same circumstance which is why we want Option 1, or 3 if you lose the argument with your fellow players on SS. I don’t think that people who are happy from SS to accept a higher ping on a US server should be forced to stay there because you are so active on the forums.

You have no leverage if you keep conceding oh you wanna kill oceanic again okay thank you for 240ms here’s your $20 aud a month.

Fight against what they are doing speak up tell them you aren’t happy with this and its no acceptable unite the entire oceanic community together to say

Hey we are sick of you screwing over oceanic region and not listening and its time you do something about it because we aren’t okay with this anymore.

If they take steps to try to help oceanic and then in end didn’t work out all good they made some effort tried a few things to tailor/cater for us and it happens go back to the drawing board.

So far they’ve done absolutely nothing for us ever in terms oceanic outside of giving us the servers many years ago.

We deserve better OCEANIC deserves better.


I’m okay with transfers

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womp womp womp.
strong text

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