[OCE] PLEASE allow OCE players to raid on OCE ping!

Option 1. Do not open transfers from Shadowstrike, but let Penance leave. If transfers open SS will die.


EDIT: if FCMs go to CS for SS, please relocate server for CS to where WG is as a compromise.

I understand the comment about having the technology but not a discussion for today.

Would leaving Shadowstrike as a PVP realm, opening FCM to Shadowstrike and giving PVErs a Bloodmoon event type toggle to be immune from player damage outside of instanced content work? The ideal state is all of the OCE players that left for Wild Growth a long time ago come back to an OCE realm (Shadowstrike) in addition to the small Penance population.

Whether they would come back from Wildgrowth is questionable as they probably (a) are tolerant of the ping, (b) have established communities and (c) enjoy the fruit of supply and demand fundamentals of the larger Wild Growth population.

Is there anywhere the Crusader Strike server could be moved to for better ping?

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I’d like option 3 PLEASE


Dude I want to thank you for going through the effort of creating that poll and trying your best to support the shadowstrike server and long term oceanic regions interests. Despite blizzards initially inconsiderate behavior and blatant toxicity from our own community.

Sounds like you’re completely over it though. I hope you can find the time to chill out at some point :heart:

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Shadowstrike is already dead, just log in anytime beside 7-10pm server time, for 21hrs a day its unplayable. Option 3 is the only option for MOST people


Option 3 would be great


Option 3 always should have been the initial idea. The AU realms are on life support anyway. Barely any world PvP and all BGs are cross-realm anyway.


Please let us off this server, option 3!


Option 3 is the only choice.

Allow players to choose for themselves where they want to play.

Forcing Shadowstrike to stay closed is condemning them to a slow death.

The ping argument is overblown. Do not cater to trolls.

Free Penance and free Shadowstrike.


Sounds like you are coming across resistance from people who are impacted by your selfish agenda and are upset with how they were effected. I want to thank you for mobilising the majority of people in order to show what people actually want, even if it meant we couldn’t do what we wanted for however it takes to get this situation corrected.

Option 3 please.

I think a lot of people on Shadowstrike would like the option to transfer to Wild Growth for the better ping compared to Crusader Strike as well.


People keep talking like Shadowstrike is this thriving, vibrant realm, its is not. Just because its more active than penance doesnt mean its in a good place. If penance is dead than Shadowstrike is on life support… PULL THE PLUG, harvest the organs, and let us live again!


Option 1 or 3
Penance is dead!
either transfer or throw months of game play away for no reason


Option 3.

I still don’t get how battleground coding for instance sharding was easy but for MC it’s impossible


Still don’t understand why Penance did not get FCMs before. What is the problem? SS is having a lively debate (according to those few people spamming these threads 12 hours a day, pushing for their realm to continue to exist). I don’t see that from Penance. We are almost in a consensus. Option 1 or 3. Not sure why we are even discussing this from a Penance point of view.


Option 4. Leave us all on shadowstrike

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The second option suggests you could convert SS into a PVE realm…

IF you can’t allow FCM from PVP to PVE, Is it possible to allow the PVP’ers to xfer to CS, after 1 week convert SS to PVE, allowing those that want to go to WG for lower ping the option and then convert SS back to PVP? It sounds like a silly way to go about it but maybe this is the solution the classic servers/code needs?

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How about option 4, allow free character moves from both penance and shadowstrike to wild growth.

Lots of us left shadowstrike for wild growth when we decided we had had enough of the toxic pvp players. Some of us have multiple level 50s on there that we would love to be able to play again but refuse to do so on a pvp server.

Please allow us to have access to our characters on a playable server!


Option 1 or 3 are the only viable options.
Option 2 only delays the inevitable.

Free Penance, and anyone from SS who want to move.


Ok make an executive decision already and stick to it. I just want to merge already to a bigger population so I can play. When is it his option 1 happening? Let’s go! Chop chop!